Mosby exam book Wrong answers test 2 Flashcards
iothalamate meglumine and diatrizoqte sodium are examples of:
The bed index is used when calculating what:
The INR is responcible for standardizing:
PT values
intrathecal administartion into the lumbar spine is put in the:
subachrachnoid space
the range of serum iodine consentration durring a ct exam:
the amount of energy absorbed in a quantity of air:
articulation between the tarsels and meta tarsels
lisfranc joint
at what percentage of overlapshould overlap for an MPR
degenerative spinal disease of a forward slipping upper vertebral body over the lower
which is the last paranasal sinus is last to develop:
vocol cord scanning between:
above hyoid through criod cartilage
quantity of blood that moves through 100g of tissue
cerbral blood flow
illius is used to describe
part of the intestine that has lost contractile motion
CTA of the renal arteries should use what section width
1.25 or less
third ventricle communicates with the forth through
cebral aqueduct
fibros tissue that holds the kidneys
Gerotas facia
hepatic venous phase
Pancreatic phase of contrast enhansment
the averge density of a mass within the kidney measuring about -75HU
HU for fat
around -50
componunt responcible for the mathmatical calculations of image reconstruction
the array processor
filliment size for modern cts
0.5 and 1.2mm
the mathmaticalprocess that allows MDCT images to be reconstructed at any pojnt along the aquiered volume:
streaking artifact caused by not enough views (data samples) usally a result of technical failure of the CT system
durring a CT xray exposure, the product of the selected Ma setting and scan time is called the:
constant Ma
most common mathmatical reconstruction methods of modern CTs
filtered back projection
also called convalution
The electronic combinatino of signals from ajacent detectors is called:
fly through images of a coloography
perspective volume rendering
where are misregistration artifact mostlikly to occur:
abdomen due to breathing
bow tie filter reduce:
pt dose
compared to conventionl x-rays, CTis better because
better low-contrat resolution
used to remove blurring from the back projection method of reconstruction
convolution kernal
this fliter makes it a filted back projection
alternating the electron beam from the cathode to two targets is called:
flying focal spot
a byte is a series of ___ bits