Morphology Of Flowering Plant 1 Flashcards
Storage root
Tap root of carrot, turnip, and adventitious root of swollen sweet potato
Respiratory root
Pneumatophores, veritically upward…
Eg- Rhizopora ( Mangroove)
Prop root
Banyan, Ficus benghalensis
Slit root
Sugar cane , maize
Root hair
Epidermal cell that increase surface area
Velamen tissue
Velamen tissue are root used to absorb moisture from arieal part
Under developed compact shoott
Terminal/ apical bud:: tip, growth of stem and branches
Axillary bud: leaf angle is axil
Stem modification
1 underground stem 2 stem tendrils 3 thorn 4 sub aerial weak 5 aerial 6 cladode
Under ground
Rhizome: ginger, banana, turmeric, ferns
Tuber: potato,
Corm: cccga
Bulb: onion, garlic, Lily
Colocasia, colchicum. Corcus, gladiolus, amorphaphallus
Citrus, Bougainvillea (BAkUGo)
Sub aerial weak
Offset: (P.E) Pistia, eichhornia (short internode)
Sucker: pineapple, banana, Chrysanthemum( viroids)
Runners: grass, oxalis (long internode)
Stolons: jasmine, mint
Arid region
Flattened stem- opuntia, fleshy- euphorbia [PHYLLOCLADE]
Unlimited growth
1 internode
Stem is Leaf structure, asparagus, ruscus
Fleshy bud is called bulbi
Leguminous plant, leaf blade swells
2 lateral small leaf
Arrangements of vien and vienlets in the lamina or leafblade
Reticullate: DICOTS, peepal, hibiscus, luffa
Parallel: MONOCOT, banana
Compound leafs
Pinnately compound: have rachis, midrib eg- Neem
Plamately: eg- silk cotton
Arrangements of leaf in stem and branches to get sunlight
Alternate: eg- Shoeflower, Mustard, Sunflower
Opposite: eg- Gauva, Calotropis
Whorled: Astonia, Nerium
Leaf modification
Tendrils: peas, sweet pea Spine: cactus Storage: Onion, garlic Phylodes: Austrian acacia Insectivorous plant: sarracenia, nepenthes
Petiole to flat leaf for photosynthesis eg: Austrian acacia
Arrangements of flower in floral axil
Racemose: Grow indefinitely ACROPETAL SUCCESSION Old at base Eg: Radish, Lupin, Mustard
Cymos: Stops BASIPETAL New at base Eg: Begonia, team, (BAkUGo), solanum, dianthus
Swollen end of stalk or pedical
4 whorls
Calyx, corolla, androecium, gynocim
In Lily, calyx and corolla are not diff, hence called PERIANTH
Symmetry of flowers
Actinomorphic: Mustard, datura, chilli
Zygomorphic: pea, gulmohar, bean, cassia
Asymmetric: canna