Morphology Flashcards
Types of morphemes
- lexical (open class = new words/names can be added)
a. free (roots, stems): table, write
b. bound (affixes)
→ word formation - grammatical (closed inventory)
a. free (function words): the, and, to, more
b. bound (inflectional): -s, -ed, -ing
→ inflection
- senses or uses of nouns differ
e.g I caught a salmon. X We’re having salmon for dinner.
countable nouns
= entities are atomic → can’t be divided into smaller parts of the same kind
singular invariable nouns
= the same sing. and pl. form
- butter, beer, news, Henry, the Thames, mathematics, linguistics
classes of nouns
proper and common
plural invariable nouns
- glasses, scissors, trousers, arms, bowels, brains, people, folk, police
definiteness: references
- generic (= refer to all members of a group)
- non-generic (= specific)
non-generic reference
a) indefinite - a cat/(some) cats, (some) milk
b) definite
A) situational
- Have you fed the cat(s)?
B) textual
- anaphoric (already mentioned)
→ There is a cat in the garden and some milk in the fridge. Could you give the milk to the cat?
- cataphoric (specification) - specified by sth after it
→ The cat [you gave me] run away. - logical - indicates that there!s only one of a kind
→ The first cat drank the only milk there was.
gender classes
1) animate
- personal
- non-personal (bull, cow)
2) inanimate
fctions of pronouns
1) proform = takes the place of a noun, noun phrase etc.
- e.g. The man looked down and saw the tiny fish,
→ He saw them.
2) o determiner
- her book; which book
classes of pronouns
reflexive (myself)
reciprocal (each other)
demonstrative (ukazovací)
relative (whatever)
indefinite (all, both, much)
classification of adverbs
1) comparative adv.
- more ___, faster
2) superlative adv.
- the most, fastest
types of adverbs
1) regular (+ -ly; happily)
2) irregular (not devived from adj.; well, fast)
3) compound (beforehand, forever)
classification of adjectives
descriptive (tall, intelligent, large, hateful)
numeral (some, much, little; first, second, last)
demonstrative (that, this, these, those)
interrogative (which, what, whose)
relative (which, what, whose)
possessive (my, your, his, her, our, their)
proper (American, Shakespearean, French)
excclamatory (What (a beautiful day!))
classification of verbs
1) modal (auxiliary) - can, could, must, ought to, dare
2) auxiliary - be, do have
- don’t have a meaning on their own, only gram. categories; need a lexi word
3) copular/linking - seem, look, become
- need a lexical word
4) full lexical - read, run, open
= indicates speaker’s attitude
1) epistemic/extrinsic (jistotní)
- may, must
2) deontic/intrinsic (dispoziční)
- can, must, wouldn’t
verb tense
simple forms
complex forms
verb mood
- indicative
- imperative
- conditional
- subjunctive (God save the Queen!)