more stuff almost done Flashcards
aversion/resistance to authority: leads to a vicious
cycle of employee distrust → less supportive leader
belief that leader is all-knowing → causes employee to
be less likely to speak up when it is needed
Exchange relationship
requires understanding yourself and the other
person, strengths, weaknesses
Active allies:
already leading/taking actions to support your position
Passive allies
have an interest in
supporting you
may not be involved in supporting
your position but could be
Passive opposition:
may oppose your
○ Active opposition
are likely to actively
interfere with your actions
new ideas and innovation; search for new opportunities
efficiency and improvement; refine existing knowledge
Perpetual search trap
the result of focusing only on exploration
Success trap:
the result of focusing only on exploitation
both exploration and exploitation must be simultaneously
■ Do not spend too much time searching, do not spend too much
energy trying to improve upon any certain idea
Toys R Us case discussion: what factors contributed to the downfall of
Toys R Us?
Toys R us did not adapt to changing to better fit the marketplace and
customer behavior
competition from big-box retailers (Walmart and target), amazon (failed partnership), store experience gone downhill, online experience is inconvenient (bad site design), dent resulting from leveraged buyout, failure to innovate
Active inertia:
tendency to follow established patterns of behavior, even
when the competitive environment shifts
Strategic frames:
the set of assumptions that determine how
managers view the business → BLINDERS
The way things are done → ROUTINES
the ties to employees, customers, suppliers,
distributors, and shareholders → SHACKLES
the set of shared beliefs that determine corporate culture
Cash flow from investment activities:
Those related to the
purchase and sale of fixed assets
Ways companies can remain competitive
Continually scan the environment
Identify hindrances
Bring in outside perspectives
Balance exploring and exploiting
S1: directing
(D1 : enthusiastic beginner),
S2 coaching
(D2 : disillusioned/unmotivated beginner),
S3: supporting
(D3 : capable, but cautious, contributor),
S4: delegating
(D4 : self-reliant achiever)
what was grace in the situational
Grace was very eager but lacked knowledge of her work environment – a mix between D1 and D2