More Nclex Info Flashcards
Secondary prevention
Detect early to reduce impact-
tests, screenings exercise programs
Primary prevention
-prevent from getting
Tertiary prevention
Improve quality of life after getting disease
Support groups
Cholinergic crisis
Med to give?
Also for bradycardia
Decreases oxygen to areas of the body due to crescent shaped cells
Sickle cell anemia
Tx of sickle cell
Heat, hydration, oxygen, pain relief
Blood transfusions
Rest periods
No contact sports
Cure- bone marrow transplant
Vas occlusive crisis?
Severe pain- give fluids!!
Thicker than normal blood
Client at risk for MI , CVA, bleeding, abnormal platelets
Determines b12 defiency blood disorder and how well your body absorbs it
Schillings test
Potassium foods- neural functioning
Iron foods - oxygen to hemoglobin
Cream of wheat Oatmeal Greens Clams Chilli beans Brown rice Dried apricots Tofu Seseme seeds Lentils Red meat
Magnesium foods
Where is the mitral valve loudest at?
Statins (Lipitor/atrovastatin)
How to take? What to monitor ?
Tx of high cholesterol
Take at HS
No grapefruit juice
Monitor liver enzymes
What is rhabdomyolysis
Linked to what med
Report what?
Muscle waisting
Linked with statins / report dark colored urine and muscle soreness
Category A B C D X
A-okay for fetus B- be careful on using C- see doc before using D- do not use unless benefits outweigh risks X-x-Nay on use
Control 1 meds
Control 2
Control 3
Illegal drugs such as heroin, meth- only research
2- morphine, oxycodone, methadone, aderall, Ritalin
3- tramadol , Ativan, diazepam, xanax
Face mask- most precise airflow
Use what if can’t tolerate mask
Venturi mask
Nasal canula
Aminophylline (bronchodilator-copd our asthma) therapeutic range?
If out of range could cause increase pulse , decrease bp, shock, coma, death
First class tx for copd =Saba and laba
Who should receive pneumonia vaccine
People 65 and up
Who to receive flu shot?
Not if sick
Not if allergic to egg protein
Baby 3 m and up?
Pregnant moms
Who should not receive tetracycline?
Pregnant women/breast feeding, small kids
-damages bone development/teeth
Risks for pulmonary embolism
Three Fs
Football player
(Overweight, broken femur, male ages 18-25)
Cor pulmonale =?
Right heart failure
Rt vs left heart failure ?
Rt- dependant edema- legs, hands , distended jugular veins, ascities (big stomach), enlarged liver and spleen, may be due to left sided, anorexia/gi issues, weight gain
Lt- pulmonary congestion, wheezes, cough, crackles tachypnea, confusion, dyspnea, tachycardia, fatigue, cyanosis
Increased serum creatine means what
Rental issues
Children with persistent anemia may experience increased what
Otitis media (ear infection)
Respiratory infections
Involuntary movements / uncoordinated
How to give imferon (iron)
IM z track method
Oral iron- oj- no milk/dairy, straw , stool black
Buffers in body that regulate ph
Which is best?
Kidneys and lungs and chemical
-Chemical- first line of defense
Kidneys are slowest but most effective
Always check what lab before giving potassium
Give how
Rental function
IV pump controller - too rapid can cause heart arrhythmias
-IV give with IV fluids to prevent increase potassium and burning of vein
Never IV push
Early signs of hypoxia (decreased o2)
S/s of dehydration vs fluid overload
Over load- confusion (low sodium/ diluted), loc change, seizures, pulmonary congestion, dependant edema (ble), anorexia, n/v, strong bounding pulse , jugular vein distention, increased BP, tachycardia ,s3
Dehydration- dry skin, dry/sticky mucus membrane , poor skin turgor , vomiting/loose stools, hypovolemia, weak but increased pulse rate , confusion, postural hypotension
Purpose of percussion and how to perform?
The purpose of percussion is to break up thick secretions in the lungs so they can more easily be removed.
Percussion is performed on each lung segment for one to two minutes at a time.
Upon rising, before meals and at HS -
Use cup hand method
Offer oral care after
Trousseaus sign
Chvosteks sign
Troussous- Bp cuff arm spasms
Chvosteks-Tap facial nerve c7 -twitch
Regulation of potassium is done primarily by which body organ
Check which lab before giving
Keep water heaters at or below what temperature
120 degree f
Burn- blisters present - burn through all dermis layers epidermis and dermis
Superficial Partial thickness -2nd degree
Give what with burns
*Pain meds IV
Fluids IV
Cover site with sterile gauze
What to monitor with electrical burns
Cardiac status for 24 hours
Epidermis- red and no blisters
Superficial burn/ 1st degree
burns destroy the epidermis and dermis. They may go into the innermost layer of skin, the subcutaneous tissue.
The burn site may look white or blackened and charred.
May or may not be painless
Third-degree -deep partial thickness
burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle, tendons, or bone.
The burn is often black and frequently leads to loss of the burned part
No feeling
A fourth-degree/full thickness
Which type of burn may result in myoglobinuria (burgundy dark urine output)
Fourth degree /full
May need dyalisis to prevent renal failure
Emergency phase of burns
Intermediate phase
Last phase - rehabilitation phase
Lasts how long
Resuscitative 24-48 hr
Acute -48-72 hr
Rehabilitation- from closure of burn to level of optimal functioning
Dietary with burns ?
Increase calories to decrease shock/sepsis
Rule of 9s with burns
Legs- 18% (9 front and 9 back)
Arms 9% (4.5 front and 4.5 back)
Chest/stomach- 18%
Back-upper/lower= 18%
Perineum- 1%
Head 9% (4.5 each side)
What is soot?
Dusty smog coming from mouth - can mean lung damage
Parkland formula -
RL- 4ml x kg body weight x %
TBSA - infuse half amt over 8 hrs
Remaining over next 16 hours
From the time of burn - not time at ER
Lab to check with burn patients
Hemoglobin - May determine carbon dioxide poisoning
Pvd s/s?
Ankle swelling
Can elevate
Pain decreased with walking
Warm to touch
Brown/ruddy coloration
Pulse present; drainage
Pad s/s
Cool to touch
Top of feet and tip of toes
Claudication pain - with walking
Pallor with elevation
No pulse ; no edema
1 g IV q 8 hr. 50mL bag of 5% over 30 min. Administer 15gtt/mL
How many drops per minute are required to properly administer this medication to the client
50mL x 15 gtt = 750 gtt in 30 min; 750 gtt divided by 30 min = 25 gtt/minutes
Priorities in burn patients
ABCs , blisters in mouth, soot around mouth/nose
Decreased cap refill
Abnormal bp
Decreased urine output-shock
CHF failure may occur in burns if what organ systems do not return to normal?
What else to give?
Renal and heart function
Increased fluids
Avoid systemic antibiotics with burns unless needed
Types of skin grafts
Ones own skin-
Twin skin
Corpse skin
Pig skin
Auto graft
What type of skin graft are Jews ok with?
Xenograph -pig
Place clients ankles in what position for burn to BLE/ankles?
Dorsiflexion to decrease contractures
Baby should be able to follow an object visually by how old?
3 months
Gradual-Blurry, hazy, glare , discoloration vision
Increased IOP caused by decreased aqueous humor
Halos around lights, decreased peripheral vision?
-increased severe headache around eyes, pupil dilation
Acute dilation
Normal IOP?
Avoid otc meds that increase IOP
Avoid what
Atropine = IOP
Which vision disorder decreases central vision
Macular degeneration
Painless , flashes of light/floaters
Place pt in what position
Retinal detachment
Place in prone position, facing opposite side down
What to do if you have metal fragments in eye
Don’t remove
Otitis media (ear infection)- most common cause ?
Influenza - associated with mastoiditis
Hearing loss associated with dizziness, vertigo, decreased sodium and nicotinic acid
Ménière’s disease
Affects ability to hear high frequency sounds (T, S, th, ch, b, f, p, pa
Dont raise voice , use lower tones
Droopy eyelid
Post tympanoplasty
Place client in what position
Flat; head turned to post op ear facing up
Breast cancer metastasis leads to?
Lung cancer metastasis-
Bone and brain
liver and brain
Cancer warning s/s?
C- change in bowel or bladder A- a sore throat that doesn’t heal I- uncontrolled bleeding T- thickening or lump in throat I- indigestion or hard to swallow O- obvious mole/wart changes N-nagging cough/hoarseness
TNM- tumor , node, mastitis
Way to stage tumors
T1= small tumor T2- T3 T4=large tumor
T4N1Mx =?
T4-large tumor
N1-Single node
Mx- unable to assess metastasis
Internal radiation precautions
Lead aprons
Dosimeters- have your own-patient doesn’t need
Lead shields
No pregnant women should care
Visitors 6 feet away
30 min at a time
No kids In room
Body fluids are not radioactive
Don’t remove markings
Avoid sun on area for 12 months after
N/v interventions
Give carbs in AM - before getting out of bed , zofran before and after chemo, ginger, oral care, repo slowly, room temperature food and drink, eat what want
If a chemo pt is often fatigued- how to intervene
Prioritize care
Give time to rest
Stages of labor
1- closed cervix to 10cm
2-deliver baby
3- deliver placenta
4- recovery period
Phases of labor 1-3
1- 0-3cm early labor
2- 4-7cm active labor
3- 8-10 cm transitional labor
Painful labor
Thinning of cervix
The part of the fetus that shows first with delivery
Who is the passenger in pregnancy
Position- LOA
Head pointed down to pelvis, head facing to moms back,
And angled to the left side
Determined by leopolds manuveour (feeling of stomach/fetus while in belly)
How far the baby is from coming out,
0 is at Ischial spines= push
Push button when baby moves
Normal FHR?
Non stress test
Normal increased FHR of 15 bpm
Oxytocin/ Pitocin does what
Always use how?
Induces labor / stops bleeding 🩸
Use with pump controller
Ripens or softens cervix
Veal chop -what each means and what to do?
V- variable (looks like a V or W)
E-early decelerations (Mirror contractions)
A-accelerations (okay)
L- late decelerations (contraction after peak)
C- cord compression: # 1 change position
H-head compression : decreased pulse- ready for delivery
O- okay 👌
P-placental insufficiency- turn to left side to increase perfusion, give oxygen-nonbreather, and stop oxytocin
With epidural - client education?
Lay flat for 8 hours after delivery and increase fluids
Headache may occur with CSF-
Tx-blood patch
Patient teaching/ interventions after epidural
Lay supine for 8 hr after delivery and increase fluids
A headache may occur with spinal fluid leak- tx blood patch
Post partum discharge
- bright red for about 3 days- no more than 1 an hour? Inform doc
- Serious and blood for 3 to 4 days
- White discharge for several weeks
May not have a bm for how long after birth
1-3 days
Encourage walking, fluids, etc
What does APGAR stand for?
Zero absent - 1- weak but present- 2 present
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respirations
10 perfect
Rh in compatibility
What test results will see?
Mom-RH negative
Fetus rh positive
Blood between to do not mix until the third stage of labor/if they do mix it will destroy red blood cells/RBCs
Give rhogam As early as 20 weeks or post partum 48 to 72 hours
Baby with jaundice tx
Cover eyes- ensure they are closed under
Keep diper on - cover genitals
Do not apply lotions or creams
They can feed between
Watch for loose stools/ dehydration/rash
Turn q two hours
Mature lung sounds ratio =
2:1 ratio
Hyper somnolence
May be due to mag sulfate
Nursing interventions with hypotension with epidural
Increase IV normal Saline
Turn to side
Caput succedaneum
Edema that crosses suture line on scalp
Blood that does not cross the suture line on head
Birth weight average
Doubles by
Triples by
7-9 pounds
6 months
A year
Average birth length
How fast do they grow per month
19 to 21 inches
1 inch per month for six months
Head circumference at birth
13-14 inches
Posterior fontanelle closes by?
Two months
Anterior fontanelle closes by when
18 months
Triangle shaped?
Moro reflex
Stretch arms out
Tonic neck reflex
Head side to side
Babinski reflex
Fanning toes
Stepping reflex
Bares weight
Rooting reflex
Stroke cheek - turns head to side and opens mouth
When are head and chest usually the same size
Which one is bigger at birth?
One year
Head is bigger at birth
Age baby can lift head and grasp and hold
1-3 m
Age baby can sit with support and lower incisors erupt
When baby’s can start introducing new foods- every few days to a week apart
Baby can sit with support, pull to stand, upper incisors erupt, say mama, crawl
9 months
Standing by self , turn book pages, 6-8 teeth erupt , blow kisses
12 months
Kick ball , wall up steps , build tower of 2-4 cubes , uses spoon , scribbles , uses push and pull toys , removes clothes , drink with cup
1 year- 18 months
Run, jump in place, throw ball overhead, knows 300 words
19-24 months
Balance on 1 foot, can ride a tricycle, potty trained, tiptoe, knows 900 words
2 to 3 years old
Can ride a tricycle
3 years
Can balance on 1 foot for five seconds, walk heel to toe, use scissors
4 years old
Skips and hops, catches ball, jump ropes, balances on feet, ties shoes, nose letters, copies shapes
5 years old
Eriksons theory
Learning to trust and to take care/feeding
Basic trust vs mistrust
Ages ?
0-1 year
Eriksons theory
Automony vs shame - Promote independence/potty train
1-3 years
Initiative vs guilt - encourage decision making - explores things -
3-6 years old
Industry vs inferiority - encourage questions and learning - school
Ages 6-11
Identity versus role confusion/encouraged to be yourself/social relationships are important
Intimacy versus isolation/develop relationships
Generativity vs stagnation - work and parenthood are most important
Ego vs despair - reflection of life - need to feel sense of fulfillment
Ages 65+
What to assess with cleft palate?
Tx? Why?
Assess mother/infant bonding and interaction
Lip repair should be done first to increase feeding of infant
Assess respiratory status of infant postoperatively
Multidisciplinary team for cleft palate
Pediatrician, plastic surgeon, nurse, orthodontist, speech therapist, language pathologist, social worker, otolaryngologists (ear and throat therapist)
Fever, bloody diarrhea, lethargic, emergent
Don’t use tapwater, salt solutions, phosphate preps, can lead to water and Toxification if non-isotonic and dilute electrolytes
This is the most common Moscow skeletal disorder
DHD - hip dysplasia- and club foot
Foot in turned inward
Club foot
Cast as applied and isChanged weekly as well as the limb manipulated weekly For the first 6 to 12 weeks for 2 to 3 months then a brace is worn
What my increase Bilirubin indicate
Biliary atresia
Who is dhd most common in
How to correct/tx
Infants that use papcose boards (cradles)
Use pavlik harness in infant < 6m to prevent hip extension or adduction - wear for 3-6 months and check q 1-2 weeks for adjustments d/t rapid growth or vascular nerve damage may occur
Hot tubs may cause what in pregnancy
May cause neural tube defects -avoid
Spins bifida Nursing interventions post op
How soon to have surgery?
Prevent injury to/drying of sack/cover with sterile non-adherent dressing, moist and with normal Saline, change dressings every 2 to 4 hours,
Keep prone with hips flexed and low Trendelenburg to prevent nerve stretching,
usually surgery is within 24 to 72 hours of life to prevent infection
Signs and symptoms of meningitis in an infant
Increase temperature, poor feeding, High pitched cry, bulging fontanelles, Nausea and vomiting, headache, visual issues
Heart murmur with infants
When is it common to diagnose
All infants usually have increased heart rate and many have benign murmur for first few days of life which delays diagnosis of CHD/congenital heart defect
Usually diagnosed at several weeks old due to this
Early signs and symptoms of CHF in infant
Increased pulse with sleep,
sweating on scalp or head,
respiratory distress,
and WT gain
Tetralogy of fallot
Heart defect with child
Please child and he just position, providing oxygen
TOF may cause embolism, seizures, loss of consciousness, anoxia, death
Test for PKU- what is pku
your body can’t break down an amino acid called phenylalanine.
Amino acids help build protein in your body
Guthrie test- heel stick on side of heel to avoid nerve damage. Most reliable after 24 hours old with protein.
Tx- Decrease food high in protein, Artificial sweeteners/aspartame is avoided
S/s- Head banging, screaming, arm biting, psychotic behaviors, may result in brain damage
Galactosemia - what is it?
Genetic disorder were one can’t convert galactose to glucose
Signs and symptoms include vomiting weight loss, liver damage, spleen damage, jaundice, hypertension
Avoid meds that contain lactose such as bc and acid reflux pills
Acute otitis media sign and symptoms (ear infection) in child
What if child refuses to take schedule antibiotics regularly
Rubbing ear, turning head from side to side, due to shorter Estachian tubes in ear
Tx Antibiotics, acetaminophen, placement of tubes surgically placed
-May do single dose injection if a child refuses to take medication or parents fail to comply with oral therapy for 7 to 10 days
Tonsillectomy postop nursing interventions/assessment
Look for continual swallowing which means possible bleeding of surgical site
Occurs most likely 7 to 10 days after
Note for any loose teeth, provide ice collar, provide pain medication IV or rectal for the first 24 hours, provide ice chips, provide clear liquids
Avoid citrus foods, red orange or brown foods, avoid food with roof textures, avoid crowds
Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) s/s
When to provide emergent care STAT
Restless, irritable, worse and brassica, inspiratory strider
Tx. Really babe high humidity with cool mist, increased fluids
Provide Immediate care with labored breaths, continuous straighter, intercostal retractions, or refusal of oral fluids
Acute epiglottis - sign
Who is the only one to assess the throat?
What to have available at bed side?
What vaccine at how old is given to prevent this?
Cherry red epiglottis
Only the doctor says it’s a throat because it can create an immediate airway obstruction,
therefore have tracheostomy or intubation set ready and available in case of needed support
Hib Vaccine is given at two months old to help prevent
How to treat Rsv /bronchiolitis
Who should not work with patients being treated for this? Why
Treat with cool mist vaporizer’s and ribavirin/virazole -Should be given within three days of infection
Pregnant workers should not work with these patients who use this medicationBecause it can cause birth defects and surgical mask do not provide filter ration
How to diagnose cystic fibrosis
Sweat test- It shows increase sodium and chloride levels
SignsInclude fatty /steatorrrhea stools, mucus, weight loss
Tx With antibiotics, increased carbohydrates, increase protein, Moderat fat, extra salt is allowed due to sweating out salt excessively, vitamins ADEK, aerosol treatment, percussion, postural drainage, pancreatic enzyme is based on age and stool consistency and given with a snack
Gastroenteritis- what is it
Diarrhea disease
Treatment includes increased hydration, Pedialyte, BRAT diet (Banana, rice, applesauce, toast) which is high in fiber, decreased sugars, clear liquids first then go to BR a T diet
Infants should receive 1/2 or full strength soy formula
May need potassium replacement if urinating
Olive shape mass in upper right abdomen
Pyloric stenosis
Sausage shaped mass in abdomen and jelly like stools
May cause abdominal pain, bloody stools, irritability, lethargic, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever, dehydration, shock
A disease where you cannot eat gluten which include grains of wheat, oats, barley, rye
A person may have abdominal distention, fatty stools, Development of small intestine lymphoma-serious issue
What May decreases chances of developing small intestine lymphoma
Celiac disease
Sticking to proper diet can decrease development of small intestine lymphoma which is a serious issue
Group A streptococcus infection
Affects skin, joints, brain, heart, mitral valve
Signs and symptoms include murmur, swollen joints, turkey red rash,
Rheumatic fever
Treatment is to ensure good dental hygiene as well as medication
Damage to heart, arteries and results in aneurysm
Signs may include Increased fever, not responding to antibiotics or antipyretics
Kawasaki disease
Best place to check for skin turgor in the elderly
What food can decrease effectiveness of tetracycline?
Milk and dairy (yogurt)
Wound dehiscence
Wound closure -opens up
Wound evisceration
Nursing interventions?
Wound opens up and insides protrude out
-apply sterile moist 4x4 gauze and then notify dr.
Fatty feces
Normal level of amylase (turns start haha/glycogen into simple sugars)
Organ it affects?
High or low with pancreatis
200 or below
Affects pancrease
Usually High
Gluten free diet- no grains such as pasta , beer, bread , rye, barley, wheat (can have rice)
Celiac diet
What confirms a fracture dx
Fracture with open skin surface- increases risk of infection and osteomyelitis
Compound fracture
Type a fraction used with hip fractures
5 to 10 pound weights from feet hanging off the end of the bed
Bucks traction
Type of traction that uses 15 to 30 pound weights and is maintained by using pins or wires inserted into bone
Skeletal traction
Maintained by using more than one force of pole to establish alignment
Type of traction
Balanced suspension
What are the five Ps of compartment syndrome
(Increased pressure and decreased circulation in certain compartments of the body and decreased perfusion t/o)
Pain, pallor (pale), paresis, (weakness) paralysis, (unable to feel) pulselessness, Polar (cool)
- watch for distal Pulselessness
- tx fasciotony
Inflammatory arthritis due to uric acid
Foods to avoid?
Tx for acute
Tx for chronic
High in purine - Fish, beans, meat, oatmeal, peas, spinach, asparagus
Acute- colchicine
Chronic -allopurinol
What is Tophi- where does it often form on the body?
Growth of irate crystals
On outer ears,
joints, skin, cartilage, hands/knuckles
When should one not take fish oil
With anticoagulants
Device that helps increase circulation and range of motion of knee joint after knee replacement
It is usually placed at the foot of the bed away from reach of patient
CPM or continuous passive motion machine
Nursing interventions after amputation
Elevate the extremity for the first 24 to 48 hours, wrap extremity with figure 8 technique
Crutches patient education on how to use
Go up the stairs with good leg first and down the stairs with bad leg first
Up- good
Use of a cane- patient education
Hand grip level with trochanter (below hip)
Tip of cane to heel
Use gait belt with initiation of walker and cane
Fractured femur/long bone= risk of what
Fat embolism
Test used for carpel tunnel
Phalens maneuver
-flexing the wrist to 90 degrees for 1 minute
Tests used for meningitis
Kernig -having the person lie flat on the back, flex the thigh so that it is at a right angle to the trunk, and completely extend the leg at the knee joint back toward the head
Brudzinski-laying supine - push head upward- pain will result in flexing or picking up knees and hips
Anti-diuretic hormones ADH that comes from the posterior pituitary
Vasopressin - used for DI
Comes from the posterior pituitary aids in uterine contractions and mammary function (Milk production and sweat )
Too much antidiuretic hormone
Which causes stomach pain, anorexia, n/v, seizures
Check labs
Tx- diuretics, fluid restriction, IV hypertonic solution (pulls fluid out of cell and into the blood) , daily weights , monitor sodium, give declomycin to replace electrolytes
Specific gravity - 1.010-1.030
HDL levels (good cholesterol )
LDL levels
Total cholesterol normal level
50 or above
LDL- less than 100
Less than. 200 or 125-200
Type of fat that can improve cholesterol
How to change Celsius to Fahrenheit
1.8 * C degree
+ 32
=F degree
Bicarb HC3- alkalosis
CO2- acidosis
Ph -
Bicarb HC3- 22-26
CO2- 35-45
Ph -7.35-7.45
If PH is normal what does that mean?
if co2 or HCO3 is in normal range ?
if CO2 or Hco3 is abnormal (far apart)?
Normal ph - fully compensated
Uncompensated if co2 or HCO3 is in normal range
Partially compensated if CO2 or Hco3 is abnormal (far apart)
If BP decreases after epidural - use STOP acronym
Stop the oxytocin
Turn client to left side
Oxygen to face
Push IV fluids
A syndrome that includes toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, Herpes, and syphillis
Nucleus lost in egg d/t rapid cell growth. Cell growth
Don’t get pregnant for 6-12 months after because it could stimulate cancer cell growth
Hydatidiform mole
Signs of this include increased BP, Oliguria (low urine output) , blurry vision, edema, epigastric pain , HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes , and low platelets = Large liver and bleeding
Early delivery of the fetus if help syndrome, elevated hepatic enzymes
Managed by bedrest, decrease sodium, give me a museum sulfate which would decrease blood pressure
Complications of magnesium sulfate
Decrease urine output
Decrease BP
DTR decrease (deep tendon reflexes)
Hot flashes
Check levels every 6 hours
Normal DTR
2 +
Tx for pregnant client with only HTN
Bed rest
And or meds
Expelled umbilical cord with ruptured membranes
Cord prolapse
Knee to chest position or trendelenburg position
IV fluids- NS/RL
How to dx HIV
Western blot test
How to dx chlamydia
Gram stain
T4N1MX =
Large tumor (1-4)
Single node
Unable to asses mastasis
T4N1M0= same + no mastasis
Drugs used for preterm labor?
Terbutaline (brethine) - can increase HR and BS
Magnesium sulfate-decreases Bp- May need cath For I &O
Preterm labor is considered when?
What will you see on baby?
Before 37 weeks
Decreased amt of lanugo (fine hair)
Increased heat loss
Undecended testes
Tx? Surfactant (helps keep the airway open- they may not have developed enough yet) and ventilation
One with withdrawal from barbiturates should stop taking how? Why?
By tapering to avoid fatal seizure
Opiods do what to the pupils
Stimulants or amphetamines do what to pupils
Dilate pupils
May have violent outbursts
have great difficulty following rules, respecting the rights of others, showing empathy, and behaving in a socially acceptable way.
Provide them with what
Conduct disorder
Provide rules
Rocking back and forth
Abnormal postures / movement/tremor
Given for alcohol withdrawal
Tranxene (chlorazepate)
Give for opiod withdrawals
Give for opioids and narcotic overdose
Give for tx of alcoholism
Antabuse (disulfiram)
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
No period (Amenorrhea)
Breast sensitivity
Weight gain
Probable signs of pregnancy
Ballottement (pushing on stomach and hard fetus return)
Chadwicks sign - bluish coloration of cervix/vagina
Goodels sign- soft cervix
Hegars - soft cervix
Positive pregnancy test (increased hcg)
McDonald’s- increases uterine size
Mask of pregnancy - rash on face d/t hormones
Positive s/s of pregnancy
Fetal heart tones
Leopolds maneuver
B9 =
When to take with pregnancy
Folic acid
6months-1year before pregnancy
How much weight is ok to gain if not overweight
If overweight?
35 pounds
Over wt- 15-20 lbs
When is amniocentesis usually performed
What is it ?
Educate pt to do what b4 procedure ?
20 weeks
Tests for development disorders
After 20 weeks- void before procedure
Do not void if before 20 weeks so that full bladder helps to push up the uterus in the abdomen
Vaginal ultrasound pt education
Void before exam
Abdominal ultra sound or education
Don’t void before exam
Mental Disorder where everything is about the person, thinking you are superior to others, entitled to things and deserve special treatment.
They rationalize or blame others for being self-centered
Mental disorder where one doesn’t learn from mistakes, they have multiple or many violations with the law.
They are often cruel to animals and to people, start fires, running away from home, truancy, early substance abuse, breaking in entering. May be very charming, smooth talker, intelligent.
Do not feel remorse.
Use defense in denial when confronted
Antisocial personality disorder
Mental disorder That often affects females who were sexually abused
They often have difficulty identifying their feelings
Splitting behavior-Often see people as either all good or all bad
This can lead to self mutilation and suicidal behavior
Borderline personality disorder
Timid, withdrawn, hyper sensitive to criticism.
Avoid situations where they may be rejected.
Desire relationships and challenges.
They often lack self-confidence and seen as helpless.
Often do not speak up.
The extreme need to be taken care of by others
Clingy, fear of separation from the perceived caretaker.
See self as inferior and incompetent
Often involved in abusive relationships
Perfectionist,Procrastinator, does good work but not very productive
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Schizophrenia - positive vs negative signs of it
Positive- any thing added to personality (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, abnormal movement, errors in thinking)
Negative- anything that takes away from personality- (lack of motivation, decrease in hygiene, withdrawn, unable to experience pleasure)
What to monitor when starting 1st and second generation antipsychotics such as Thorazine (chlorpromazine) and clozaril (clozapine)
Fever or reactions
What med to give to lower temp / mild reaction if occurs when starting 1st and second generation antipsychotics such as Thorazine (chlorpromazine) and clozaril (clozapine) ?
What to give for severe reactions
- parlodel (bronociotine)
- severe- dantrium (dantrolene)
Med that treats bipolar 1 (full manic episodes), acute mania , and severe depression
Lithium normal levels
How often to check levels
Toxicity s/s
Tx for toxicity
0.5-1.5- anything above may indicate toxicity
Check q 2-3 months in the AM
S/s- Weakness, confusion, ataxia, seizures, cardio respiratory changes, multiple organ failure
Tx- Gastric Lavage, treatment with urea, mannitol (decrease IOP), hemodialysis, aminophylline
Don’t use SSRI with what other drugs? Why?
St. John’s Wort
- serotonin syndrome may occur
S/s of serotonin syndrome
What to do?
Agitation Confusion Hot Tremors GI upset
D/c med ASAP
Alcohol with drawl can start as soon as when till when?
Stage 1,2,3,4
6-8 hours to 3-5 days
Stage 1: 6 to 8 hours/anxiety, nausea vomiting, sad, headache, sweating
Stage 2: 8-12 hours- Confusion, tremors, hyper activity
Stage 3- 12-48 hours- increases Bp, sweaty, siezures
Stage 4- 3-5 days- increases pulse , delirium, hallucinations, death
The withdrawal assessment that is used to assess the clients withdrawal status
CIWA (clinical institute withdrawal assessment)
Patient education if taking Antabuse (disulfiram)
Avoid alcohol or it can cause sx such as headache, nausea and vomiting , increased pulse , angina, convulsions, cardio respiratory collapse and death
A legal wrong against a person or their property
The intent to mislead one in any form
Who determines the laws in each state
Nurse practice act
Do not assign a nursing assistant to
calculate hourly I&O
take post-op vitals
care for unstable patient
Cushings May suppress immune system due to what
Increased cortisone
Who should be notified of serious or narcotic med errors
Digoxin levels
Lithium levels
Dilantin levels
Aminophylline levels
HR normal
80-100 bpm
Normal HR of newborn
Normal fetal HR
Normal variability of fetal HR
Normal respirations
Newborn normal respirations
Bp normal
normal temp
98.6 + or - one degree.
Normal Coumadin-PT (protime)
Normal Coumadin INR (international normalizing ratio)
2-3 or 3-4.5
Antidote for Coumadin
Vitamin K
Heparin aPTT levels
Platelets on heparin
30-40 seconds
1.5-2.5 x the control
Heparin antidote
Protamine sulfate
Amniotic fluid amt normal
Normal frequency of contractions
Every 2-5 minutes
Normal duration of contractions
Less than 90 seconds
Normal intensity of contractions-
Less than 100
Normal Amt of post partem bleeding
The average amount of blood loss after the birth of a single baby in vaginal delivery is about 500 ml (or about a half of a quart).
The average amount of blood loss for a cesarean birth is approximately 1,000 ml (or one quart)
Anthrax tx
Antibiotics- cipro
Tularemia tx
Gentamicin 10-14 days
Smallpox tx
immune globulin IM
Botulism tx
Iron poisoning antidote
Nuclear warefare-
No isolation or contamination
Immediate medical management
Internals -kidneys, bones, liver , thyroid took up the radioactive material
Don’t assume one is angry if they are speaking loud or make no eye contact
Religion- Believe in reincarnation and being cold after giving birth
Religion -No meat on Fridays and priest is called at death
Christian ✝️
Cremation is preferred in this religion
Priest is called for consultation before tx such as amputations of limbs may be refused.
Believe that prayers, rituals, and death is a cycle of life
Religion- kosher foods, pork is not allowed, don’t eat dairy and meat at the same meal
Fasting with Passover
Assess dehydration and constipation due to unleavened bread
Get circumcised on 8th day of life
Rabbi is called at death , body is washed , someone remains with body until burial
Religion - May refuse blood transfusions, surgery’s or tx
Prayer will save
Jehavah witness
During lent - all animal products including dairy are forbidden
Russian Orthodox Church
Restrict meats and do not eat beef
Chinese / buddhist
Don’t eat most fruits
Don’t drink alcohol- May refuse cough syrup
Position facing homeland at death
Believes that the left hand is very dirty and used for toileting
Right hand is clean and used for eating and touching others
Islam ☪️
Illegal wrongdoing such as carelessness with hot and cold packs, med error, failure to asses life threatening s/s
Gardisil vaccine decreases chAnces of what std
Age to get
Caution with what allergy
Ages 11-12 - can get as early as 9 years old - 3 doses with in 6months
Caution with latex or yeast allergy
Lab test to determine increased progression of cancer in prostate
Continued elevation require biopsy to assess cells
Skin lesions abnormalties
Asymmetrical shape
Borders irregular
Color are multicolored
Diameter more than 5mm
When to get Pap smear
Ages 21-65
Q 3years
When to get colonoscopy
Ages 50- q 10 years
When to get breast exams
Q 3 years in 20s and 30s
No deodorant or powder b4 exam
Malignant areas are usually in upper areas
Biopsy for dx
Radiation implant education
Visitors 30 minutes a day
Client emits radiation- bodily fluids are not radioactive
6 ft apart from pt
Don’t remove marks from radiologist
Avoid sun to areas of tx During and for 12 months after
Hair loss
What is required for TPN
- if behind on feeding do what?
- if infusion isn’t not available -do what for time being?
Central line and pump controller
Do not try to catch up and double dose
Hang D10W solution until obtaining TPN
If air enters central line-do what?
Clamp catheter
Lt trendelenburg
Give oxygen
How to D/C TPN
Taper off
Severe adverse affect of transplantation patient?
Increased temperature (even 0.5 degrees)
NSAIDs and steroids - give with what?
Steriod May increase what
Ulcers - Eat What foods
Gastric surgery : NG drainage post surgery 12-24 hours?
After 24 hours?
Education ?
Small but bright red
Do not irrigate or move NG tube after surgery
Rapid emptying of food from stomach into jejunum
Dumping syndrome
Prevent what with ileostomy patients
Skin breakdown
No seeds, nuts, grains, bareum , enema is contraindicated
Increased fluids and fiber (fruits and veggies)
Precancerous cells that may turn into esophageal cancer
Barrett’s esophagus
Fecal oral route - of hepatitis
No long-term effect or chronic effect
Hep A
Hepatitis transmitted by sex, IV drug users , HBV routine vaccination in children
Another is same but no vaccine
Hep B
Hep C
Only ppl with hep B can get ?
Hep D
What is restricted with end stage cirrhosis
Main causes?
(Liver failure) causes- hepatitis and alcohol
Chloelithiasis risk factors ?
Gallstones -
Four Fs:
Cdiff precautions
Private rooms
Soap and water
Under cooked meat , with fetal matter
Raw eggs
Contaminated food and drinks for 8/24 hours
Improperly canned fruits and veggies
Development of physical symptoms in response to emotional distress
Conversion reaction
Failure to Regard an event or feeling
Transfer of emotions to another other than the intended
Transferring of feelings to another
Dismissal of one’s responsibility by placing faults on another
Expression of feelings opposite to one’s true feelings
Reaction formation
Return to previous state of security
Forgetting unpleasant memories
Channeling unacceptable behaviors into behaviors that are socially acceptable
The conscience forgetting of undesirable memory
Bone marrow transplant diet ?
Cool and peel and wash all foods
No salad bars or foods grown from the ground , cultured foods
Neutropenic ?
Celiac /gluten causes what
What can eat
What to avoid
Rice, Buttermilk, meats, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, corn, corn bread, soy beans, potatoes, broth
Can’t- Malted milk, fatty meats, lunch meat, wheat, salmon, prunes, plums, rice, oats, barley, soups, thickened with gluten grains
1 dram = ? Grains
30 mL = ? Tbs or oz?
2 tbs
5 mL = ? Tsp
1 cup = ? Oz
1kg= ? Lbs?
1lb = ? Oz
16 oz
1grain= ? Mg
60 mg
Needles - info
Do not :
Break needles
Put in sharps container immediately
HIV patient info - transmission?
Can be transmitted through:
Can not be transmitted through unless blood is present :
Do not breastfeed
Can be transmitted through: Breastmilk Spinal fluid Semen/vaginal fluid/secretions Blood Amniotic fluid
Can not be transmitted through unless blood is present : Saliva (unless oral surgery) Feces Nasal secretions Vomit Sweat Tears Urine
Airborne Diseases?
Type of room?
Measles (rubella)
Private room
HEPA or N95 mask
Droplet precautions ?
Diseases ?
Can travel how many feet
Can travel 3 feet - door can be left open
Mask/face shield
Influenza Mumps Pertussis Rubella (German measles) Diphtheria Pneumonia Scarlet fever Streptococcal pharyngitis Meningitis
Contact precautions
Type of room
Gloves and gown
Leave same equipment in room to use each time
Use antimicrobial soap
Private room
Defense mechanisms
What is the first indication of a neurological issue
Changes in LOC
Posture that indicates brain stem dysfunction.
On back, hands to side and hands bent back and up facing head
is an abnormal posturing in which a person is stiff with bent arms, clenched fists, and legs held out straight.
The arms are bent in toward the body and the wrists and fingers are bent and held on the chest.
This type of posturing is a sign of severe damage in the brain.
Decorticate posture
Tx of decorticate posturing
S/s ?
What can mask signs and symptoms and make assessments inaccurate?
Tx- increase ICP = mannitol , elevate HOB 30 degrees, diuretics, anticonvulsants, hydrate
Sx-Opposite of shock - increase temperature, low pulse, increased blood pressure
Pain medication can mask signs and symptoms which can make assessments inaccurate
What scale to use with LOC/coma
Severe coma score?
Moderate coma?
Glasgow coma scale
Severe- 8 or below
Moderate- 9-12
Minor 13-14
Normal- 15 and up
What increases ICP
Coughing Blowing nose Bending SneeZing BM Valsalva maneuver (forceful breath) Sleeping flat
Contraindicated meds for client with hemorrhagic stroke
Anticoagulants and thromolytics
Primary cause of death in high level cord injuries
Acute respiratory failure
Proper spinal cord alignment if important in cord injuries
What is needed to turn the client?
A doctors order
Giuliani bare
Weakness / paralysis
Normal ICP rating is less than what?
If higher than this what to do?
Notify doctor
Carbidopa adverse effects
Spasmic eye winking
Myasthenia gravis
Condition causing Weakness in muscles
- Number of pregnancies one has had
- Number of births after 20 weeks
Gravidity (number of pregnancies including current),
Term (number of pregnancies carried to 37+ weeks),
Preterm (number of pregnancies carried between 20 and 37weeks ),
Abortion (number of losses prior to 20 weeks), and
Living (number of living children).
Check for what in spinal cord injuries
Urine retention
Homework sign and symptoms of increased ICP
Sumatriptan can do what for someone with a migraine or angina
Make it worse because it is constrictive
Psychiatric disorder/use cognitive behavioral methods to decrease anxiety
Feelings of detachment, flashbacks, guilt, numb, blunt emotions, sleep disturbances, memory problems or concentration issues, anxiety, self-destructive, suicide attempts or drugs use
Clients who use meth cocaine for stimulants are more vulnerable to paranoia and psychosis
Acute versus delayed PSTD
Acute as within six months of event
Delayed is six months or more after the event
Don’t know how you got somewhere, multiple personalities
Appearance of physical symptoms when there is no psychological cause such as hypochondria and neurologic disorder
Personality disorder where one has controlled anger, suspicious, delusions
Personality disorder or one is shy, withdrawn, distant (aloof), hermit, reality oriented but often daydreams
Females are more common in this personality disorder
Seductive, immature, theatrical emotions
Most reliable glucose test
Nothing by mouth 12 AM the night before/day of test
Drink glucose drink and test blood glucose two hours later
Glucose should be less than 200
A diagnosis of diabetes is made if glucose is above 200
Glucose tolerance test
Type of glucose test were normal glucose is 70 to 110
Diagnosis of diabetes if 140 or above
Ketonuria if BS is above what
Don’t exercise until decrease BS
Best indicator of average blood glucose within the last 90 to 120 days
What equals noncompliance in diabetics in diet and medication/insulin regimen?
A1C Glucosylated and hemoglobin assays (HBA1c)
An increase of 7%
Regular insulin peaks in how many minutes
NPH (long acting) peaks when?
8-12 hours
How to draw up insulin
Cloudy air, clear air , clear insulin , then cloudy insulin (NpH)
What insulin should never be mixed together? It would decrease bs significantly
Lantus (insulin glargine) and levemir
Hot and dry (skin dehydrated) sugar high
Increased BS
3 Ps - Polyphagia, polydipsia, and polyuria (hungry, thirsty, peeing)
High BS
Cold and clammy need some candy, decreased blood sugar, irritability, confused, pale, weak
Low BS
Decrease in blood sugar during the night around 2-3 am
Eat a snack at HS such as milk, peanut butter sandwich,
Somogyis effect
Glucose test before meals
Med to help
Lower bs -May affect kidneys - eat with med and report urinary changes
Vitamin secreted by parathyroid
Vitamin D
Bone pain, enlarged limbs , tongue , etc
Increased TSH levels
Decrease blood pressure and decreased pulse, decreased temperature/cool skin, tired, edema, hair loss, weight gain, thick skin
Increased pulse and blood pressure, tremors, sweaty, increased activity, insomnia, a fib, weight loss, bulging eyes, thyroid storm which is a medical emergency
Where is the thyroid is located
Monitor what in thyroid storm
Larnyx swelling
Keep tracheostomy set up bedside and call doctor if changes in voice or stridor occurs
Keep head and neck as straight as possible and support neck when getting out of bed
Decreased calcium and phosphorus in the blood
Give forteo
Increase calcium and phosphorus in the blood, ECG changes, increased urine output and stones, osteoporosis
Bronze like pigmentation of skin, decrease blood sugar, weight loss, thin hair, increased urination, depression, decrease blood pressure, weakness
Addison’s disease
Buffalo hump, moon phase, hirsutism/facial hair , osteoporosis, increased bs , Extended belly, decreased potassium, decreased chloride, ruddy complexion, decreased eosinophils and lymphocytes,Increase blood pressure
Cushing’s disease
Increased hunger
Severe decreased blood pressure, cyanosis, shock
Addisons crisis
Increased urination
Decreased urination
No urination
Increased thirst
Increased bs contributes to what other issues in diabetes ?
Poor wound healing and insulin resistance
Normal bs
A balance test - Standing with feet together, eyes open, eyes closed
Romberg test
Hypertension without known cause
Primary HTN
High blood pressure due to contributing illnesses
Secondary HTN
Tx of HTN
Beta blockers (lol)
Calcium ch blockers (ipine, zem , amil)
Ace inhibitors (pril, sartans)
Pacemakers - education
Report hiccups
5 ft away from microwaves
Do not apply pressure to site
Temporary lack of O2 to myocardium- pain relieved by nitro, aspirin
Angina pectoris
Nitro - patient education
Nitro every 5 minutes, take to hospital if not relieved.
Patches - remove/shave/clip hair with cream and patches
Keep in dark bottle at room temp
Renew q 6 months
What ecg to defibrillate?
v-tach with no pulse
Afib can lead to what?
CVA (heart attack)
Tx- anticoagulants to decrease clots
What lab to check with anticoagulants
Therapeutic level ?
No specific time for what? What to check before giving ? If air in syringe?
PTT-normal 30-60 seconds
1.5 x- 2x control
Lovenox- best- check platelet count before, Do not expel air from syringe before giving it.
Heparin antidote
Protamine sulfate
Artificial valves for endocarditis
Porcine (pig) rejected by jewish
Bovine (cow) valve rejected by Hindu
If scheduled to have dental work with pericarditis or endocarditis what may be given prior
Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent exacberation of condition
INR normal range before tx of anticoagulants?
Range to observe for bleeding
Before- 1-2
Normal- 2-3
7 and up
Vascular issues related to cold exposure
Wear mittens outside and don’t smoke
Raynaud’s disease
Ballooning of artery
Rupture and bleeding risk
Aortic aneurysm pt education
Do not palpate abdomen
Saturated fat good or bad?
Kind of food?
Bad= shrimp, beef, cheese
Unsaturated good or bad?
Type of food
Good= turkey
To absorb calcium you need what?
Vitamin D
Take your calcium and magnesium separately. How?
Take your calcium with meals and your magnesium 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.
usually) suggest taking magnesium at bed time. Also, the co factor to absorb magnesium is Vitamin B6.
Calcium constipates and magnesium -is cholinergic
Is it okay to give diuretics and bp mess together such as ace inhibitors
Best method for evaluating amount of peripheral edema ?
Measure extremity
Best indicator for general edema
Daily weights
Can be any type of sensory sensation before a seizure such as smell, seeing lights.
It is a signal that a seizure is about to occur
Type of seizure that can last up to 5 minutes
Tonic clonic
Tonic means what?
Clonic means what?
Tonic- stiffness
Clonic - jerking/twitching
Type of seizure - blank stare, mouth twitching
Absence seizure
Indicators of brain injury (CSF leakage)
Halo sign - blood stain that develops yellowish circle around it
Drainage that test positive for glucose
Infection risk - may need antibiotics/surgery/cleansing and debridement with skull fracture
Strawberry tongue, cracked lips, increased platelets
Assess for CHF and MI
In child
Kawasaki disease
Abdominal pain Crying Shock Restless Decreased urinary output CHF Increased pulse
Sx of what in infant ?
Tx of MI in infant
Ensure what before giving
IV GG (gamma globulin) and aspirin
Ensure IV patency before giving IV GG because extravasation can cause tissue damage
Symptoms of aspirin toxicity
When to d/c it?
D/c if child is exposed to influenza or chickenpox.
Position to test for scoliosis
Adams position- bend at waist and arms hang and asses curve of spine
Loses ability to walk by 9-12 years old
Uses growers maneuver to stand errect (places hands on knees and moves hands and legs up until standing erect
Parent education
Muscular dystrophy
Encourage independence
Leading cause of death in kids below 15 years old
renal cancer
To one side (unilateral)
Non tender
Encapsulated and responsive to chemotherapy
Do NOT palpate abdomen
Wilms tumor
Leukemia tx
Cytotoxic drugs and bone marrow transplantation
Monitor platelets
Watch for increased bloody noses
Cancer Most common in long bones (femur)
Osteogenic sarcoma
What to do before giving antidote when a child ingests hazardous substances
Call poison control first
Acid base imbalance -such as aspirin/salicylate overdose tx =
emesis , lavage , or charcoal
Sodium bicarbonate, diazepam, vitamin k, hemodialysis
Acetaminophen overdose tx
4 hours later
IV acetylcysteine
Sx- increases plasma levels
4 hours later- liver damage /hepatoxicity
Lead overdose tx
Houses from what year have lead
Cheltation therapy
Iron overdose tx
If severe
Emesis or gastric lavage
Chelation therapy with deforoxamine
Clay colored stools and abdominal distention, dark urine, and enlarged liver , jaundice
condition in infants in which the bile ducts outside and inside the liver are scarred and blocked. Bile can’t flow into the intestine, so bile builds up in the liver and damages it. The damage leads to scarring, loss of liver tissue and function, and cirrhosis.
Biliary atresia
Cystic fibrosis effects what in the body?
Exocrine glands (mucus secreting glands) of the body
Toy appropriate for a 15 month old with a heart defect?
Shape sorter
disease that can result from inadequately treated strep throat or scarlet fever. Group A
causes inflammation, especially of the heart, blood vessels, and joints.
Rheumatic Fever
Remove kidney - d/t wilms tumor -prevents UTIs
is a neurological disorder of childhood resulting from infection via Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS), the bacterium that causes rheumatic fever.
It is characterized by rapid, irregular, and aimless involuntary jerking movements of the arms and legs, trunk, and grimacing facial muscles, as well as rapidly changing mood
Sydenham chorea (SC)
For one with c-spine immobilization - what to do before opening airway of suspected injury?
Jaw thrust maneuver
What score on Glasgow coma scale do you need airway management
Less than 8
a contusion resulting from the brain contacting the skull on the side opposite from where impact occurs.
Temporal and frontal areas of brain - result in injury
Avoid what meds with head injury?
Avoid what with skull fracture
Opiods - depresses CNS
NG tube - with skull fracture
Multiple rib fractures, scapular fracture’s, and pulmonary contusion, unequal chest movement
Flail chest
Cullens sign
Bruising or discoloration due to bleeding around umbilicus
Turners sign
Bruising on flank into abdominal wall
Fullness over right flank may mean what?
Spleen rupture
Kehrs sign
Pain in left shoulder that may indicate ruptured spleen
If one is sexual assaulted, want to educate the patient?
Do not shower, bathe, or change clothes.
Rape kit is used, swabs.
Specimens are evidence.
Photo should include and reference ruler and one without
Never induce vomiting with one who has ingested what?
Corrosive or petroleum distillates
Animal bites patient education
If the animal or snake is dead, you should bring it into the ER to help identify the species
What medication is contradicted in snakebites For the first 6 to 8 hours Because they interfere with the anti-venin
What to perform before giving anti-venin
Perform skin or eye test
Antidote for acetaminophen overdose
Mucomyst (acetylcholine)
Antidote for carbon monoxide poisoning
Antidote for opioid or narcotic overdose?
Antidote for benzodiazepine overdose
Romazicon (flumazenil)
Digoxin toxicity antidote
Digibind (digoxin immune fab)
Cyanide overdose antidote
Amyl nitrate
Poisonous bites antidote
Nutrition for congestive heart failure
Food to avoid?
Eat lean meats, breads, starches, fruits, sweets, veggies, dairy, meat slow and cholesterol and fats
Avoid salty foods, canned foods, frozen meats, cheeses, eggs, organ meats, fried foods, alcohol
IBS/IBD diet
Eat meats, brands, fruits, veggies, dairy
Avoid whole grains, legumes, nuts, veggies with skins, prune juice, stringy meats
Full liquid diet’s-Require decreasing gastric mobility
Eat milk, ice cream, soups, broth, pudding’s, custard’s, plain yogurt, strained meats, strained fruits and veggies, fruit and veggie juice, cereal gruel, butter, margarine, combos of clear liquids
Avoid all solid foods
What consists of a lacovegetarian diet
Avoid what?
They do eat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. Protein, dairy products, peanut butter, legumes, soy analogues
Avoid animal products and eggs
do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.
Lacto-ovo-vegetarians eat?
They do eat eggs and dairy products.
Avoid meat, poultry, or fish.
Peptic ulcer or hiatal hernia diet
Eat meats, brands, starches, fruits, veggies, dairy products
Avoid alcohol, coffee, chocolate, black red pepper, chili powder, peppermint/spearmint, garlic, onions, cinnamon
Renal transplant diet
Eat meats, dairy products, breads, starches, veggies, sweets
Avoid eggs, organ meats, fried or fatty foods, salty foods, dried foods, salt substitutes, fruits
Mineral that promotes bone density found in dairy, seaweed, Almonds, sesame, spinach, okra, quinoa
Mineral that turns oxygen to hemoglobin
Foods include lentils, red meat, poultry, beans, leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, tofu
Supports neural functioning
Found in foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, oranges
Generates energy and builds muscle found in foods such as legumes, nuts, greens, eggs, meat
Eat small amounts of saturated fat is recommended by who
Food such as dairy, meat, coconut oil, chocolate
The CDC in American heart Association
Combats blindness and promotes vision
Vitamin found in dairy, eggs, poultry, liver, fish
Vitamin A
Cobalamin =
Biotin =
Niacin =
Vitamin that promotes cell metabolism
Vitamin b
Vitamin promotes immune health
And needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body
Found in foods such as fruits, veggies, orange juice, apple juice-most
Vitamin c
Vitamin that promotes bone health which is found in liver, fish, daily sunlight
Vitamin d
Vitamin that decreases anemia
Found in foods such as nuts, greens, sesame seeds
Vitamin E
Vitamin that decreases bleeding produced by intestinal bacteria
Babies need this at birth so they do not bleed out
Vitamin K
Mineral -enzymatic reaction catalyst
Food - Lamb, beef, liver
Normal BMI or body mass index
Normal - 18.5-24.9
Under- less than 18.5
Over- 25-29.9
Obese- 30 and up
Prevent neural defects in pregnancy found in foods such as legumes , Asparagus, eggs, leafy greens, citrus fruit, beets
Folic acid
These prevent oxidation of other molecules found in fruits veggies, sesame seeds
Triggered by foods and or food additives, air particles, aspirin or NSAIDs
Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma Are all considered what?
What type of mask is preferred
Venturi mask
Hep B immunization allergy?
Bakers yeast