More General Anatomy (Dr. A) Flashcards
When the palm of the hand is facing down, it is:
A) Everted
B) Supinated
C) Inverted
D) Pronated
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the ant. side of the wrist?
A) The flexor carpi radialis tendon is lateral to that of palmaris longs
B) The radial artery is medial to the flexor carpi radialis tendon
C) The median n. is located between and deep to the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
D) The ulnar n. is located medial to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis
The ulnar nerve is located to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris
A pt. feeling pain and paresthesia from the lateral 2/3 of the dorsum of the hand. Which of the following cutaneous nerve is being damaged or subluxated?
A) Dorsal cutaneous branch of ulna
B) Superficial palmar branch of the median
C) Superficial branch of radial
D) Lateral Antebrachial cutaneous
Normally, the base of the scapular spine is located at which level?
A) SP of C7
B) Sternal Angle
C) SP of T3
D) B and C
The following muscles all attach to the SP of axis EXCEPT:
A) Obliquus Capitis Inferior
B) Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
C) Semispinalis Cervicis
D) Rectus capitis post. major
This sternocostal joint is cartilagenous or synchondrosis type:
A) 1st rib costal cartilage with manubrium
B) 2nd rib costal cartilage with sternum
C) Costal cartilages of 7th and 8th ribs
D) COstal cartilages of 9th and 10th ribs
Which of the following carpal bones is involved with the wrist joint?
A) Triquetrum, lunate, pisiform
B) Scaphoid, Trapezium, Trapezoid
C) Lunate, Capitate, Hamate
D) Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
Which of the following is synarthrotic type?
A) Calcaneonavicular
B) Subtalar
C) 5th MTP
D) DIstal Talofibular
Which one of the following joints is NOT associated with shoulder girdle?
B) Manubriosternal
C) Acromioclavicular
D) Glenohumeral
Which anatomical plane divides the body into superior and inferior parts?
A) Frontal Plane
B) Transverse plane
C) Midsagittal plane
D) Coronal Plane
Which of the following bones is NOT a component of the medial arch of the foot?
A) Navicular
B) Lateral Cuneiform
C) Cuboid
D) 2nd metatarsal
All these muscles can laterally rotate the arms EXCEPT
A) Deltoid
B) Teres Major
C) Infraspinatus
D) Teres Minor
The ligament hich prevents the anterior displacement of the tibia is:
A) Arcuate popliteal
B) Posterior Cruciate
C) Posterior Meniscofemoral
D) Anterior Cruciate
Difficulty in extending the elbow and supinating the extended forearm along with anesthesia down the dorsolateral aspect of the arm and hand would be indicative of damage to which of the following cords of the brachial plexus?
A) Medial Cord
B) Lateral Cord
C) Posterior Cord
D) Superior Cord
Latissimus Dorsi muscle:
A) Inserts on the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
B) Medially rotates, extends and adducts the arm at the shoulder joint
C) Is innervated by the lower subscapularis muscle
D) Is classified as one of the rotator cuff muscle
Abduction of the arm is best accomplished by which of the following pair of muscles?
A) Pectoralis major and supraspinatus
B) Teres Minor and trapezius
C) Supraspinatus and deltoid
D) Infraspinatus and deltoid
Atrophy or wasting of the serratus anterior muscle, on one side, wpuld indicate a lesion to which of the following nerves?
A) Dorsal Scapular
B) Long Thoracic
C) Spinal Accessory
D) Thoracodorsal
Superior rotation of the scapula is accomplished by whch of the following muscles?
A) Serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi
B) Rhomboids and levator scapulae
C) Extensor Pollicis Brevis
D) Tendon of flexor pollicis longus
The rotator cuff of the shoulder consists of which of the following muscles?
A) Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Teres Major, Subscapularis
B) Teres Major, Pec. Major, subscapularis, infraspinatus
C) Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
D) Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, teres minor, deltoid
The trapezius muscle (either in part or as a whole):
A) Functions in elevation, lower rotation, and protraction of the scapula
B) Derives its innervation from the brachial plexus
C) Is considered an intrinsic (true) muscle of the back
D) Functions in elevation, upper rotation, and retraction of scapula
A muscle that can function in supination and flexion of the forearm and flexion and adduction of the arm is the:
A) Supinator
B) Coracobrachialis
C) Biceps Brachii
D) triceps Brachii
Which of the following muscles working together produce abduction at the wrist?
A) Palmaris longus and ext. carpi radialis brevis
B) Flex. carpi ulnaris and ext. carpi ulnairs
C) Flex. Carpi radialis and ext. carpi radialis longus and brevis
D) Brachioradialis and palmaris longus
Damage to the median N. at the wrist (carpal tunnel) will result in all of the following in the hand EXCEPT:
A) Loss of adduction of the thumb
B) Atrophy of thenar eminence
C) Paralysis of lateral two lumbricals
D) Sensory loss to the palmar surfaces of the first 3 1/2 digits
Both the thenar and hypothenar compartments contain:
A) An abductor, flexor, and opponens muscle
B) An abductor, adductor, and flexor muscle
C) An adductor, abductor, and opponens muscle
D) An abductor, flexor, and opponens muscle
Injury to the radial N. within the radial groove of the humerus would result in:
A) Total loss of extension at IP joints
B) Sensory loss on the posterior lateral surface of the hand
C) Total loss of extension at MCP joints
D) Total loss of extension at elbow joints
All of the following are associated with the quadrangular space EXCEPT:
A) Surgical neck of humerus B) Medial head of triceps muscle C) teres minor D) Posterior circumflex humeral vessels D) Axillary N.
The lateral wall of the axilla is formed by:
A) The serratus anterior and upper ribs with associated intercostal muscles
B) The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles
C) The teres major, subscapularis, and latissimus dorsi muscles
D) Teh intertubercular groove of the humerus
The deep brachial (profunda) artery:
A) Accomanies the deep radial N.
B) Is in the ant. compartment of the arm throughout it’s course
C) Termitates as radial and middle collateral arteries
D) Courses with the ulnar N. to pierce the medial intermuscular septum
Which of the following will NOT be characteristic of the hand, following ulnar nerve damage at the wrist?
A) Loss of adduction and abduction of digits 2-5
B) Loss of flexion at the proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 4 & 5
C) Loss of adduction of the thumb
D) Hyperextension at the MP joints
When the little digit reaches the thumb, it is:
A) Adducted as well as opposed
B) Adducted as well as flexed
C) opposed as well as flexed
D) Abducted as well as flexed
All of the folllwing are characteristics of the leg except:
A) It is divided into 3 fascial compartments by septae off the crural fascia
B) Each of the compartments contain a major nerve in their territory
C) the fibula is surrounded by the muscles of the leg’s 3 compartments
D) The medial surface of the leg is innervated by the superficial peroneal N
The plantar interossei muscles possess which of the following characteristics?
A) Important role in MTP extension
B) Insert on medial side of the extensor expansion for toes 3, 4, and 5
C) They arise from the lateral side of corresponding metatarsal bones
D) They are innervated by medial plantar nerve
Which of the following pair of muscles can medially rotate the thigh?
A) Piriformis and Gluteus Minimus
B) Gluteus Maximus and Obturator Internus
C) Gluteus Medius and TFL
D) Quadratus Femoris and Gracilis
Saphenous N. along its course through the thigh, it:
A) Lies superficially along with the great saphenous v.
B) Gives off cutaneous branched to the medial aspect of the thigh
C) Contained within the adductor canal
D) Accompanies the profunda Femoris Vessels
Which of the following belong to intrinsic muscles of the foot?
A) Abductor Hallucis
B) Plantaris
C) Flexor Hallucis Longus
D) Tibialis Post.
All of the followign thigh muscles insert on the tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament EXCEPT:
A) Rectus Femoris
B) Vastus Medialis
C) Quadratus Femoris
D) Vastus Intermedius
Which of the following muscles tendons share the same tarsal and metatarsal bones that peroneus longus attaches to?
A) Ext, Digitorum Brevis
B) Peroneus Brevis
C) Tibialis Post.
D) Tibilais Ant.
Which of the following describes the tibial collateral ligament of the knee joint?
A) Is reinforced by tendons of pes anserine group
B) Is separated from the meniscus by proximal part of popliteus muscle
C) Extends from the femorla epicondyle to tibial tuberosity
D) Has the same function as the ACL
When a football player is tackled from the side, all of the followign structures are likely to be injured EXCEPT:
A) Medial meniscus
Which of the following nerves transmits sensory info. from the web between the great and 2nd toes?
A) Deep peroneal
B) Superficial Peroneal
C) Lateral Plantar
D) Saphenous
The thenar compartment of the hand contains all of the following except:
A) Recurrent motor branch of median N.
B) Opponens Pollicis Muscle
C) Ext. pollicis Brevis muscle
D) Tendon of Flex. Pollicis Longus Muscle