morcellation Flashcards
RANZCOG guideline
What are the risks of morcellation (3)
- Injury to surround structures
- Dissemination - if malignant upstaging the disease and affecting the need for adjutant treatment
- Assessment of pathology - the loss of anatomical relationships may complicate analysis
How to safely use Electromechanical morcellation
- Should be resitricted to the use of AGES RANZCOG level 5 and above
- non suspicion of malignancy pre op or periop
- Maintain the tip of the instrument in view at all times
- Caintain control of the specimen at all times
- Feed the specimen into the morcellatory in a controlled manner
- Minimalse spillage fragments when ever possible
- post morcellation retrieve all marcoscopic fragments
How to manage risk of dissemination
o need to adequate case selection
o ensure pre op assessment including pap smear, USS, tumor markers if indicated, endometrial sampling, extended imaging
o Patient consent - they must be engaged in the discussion
o Intraoperative assessment is generally poor but if it appears suspicious call for a gynae onc opinion intraop, abandon, use a technique that avoids dissemination eg endopouch or minilaparotomy
What is the incidence of leiomyosarcomas
The incidence of leiomyosarcoma (LMS) has been variably quoted at between 0.02 to 0.3%, depending on the study population.
Reported demographic risk factors for LMS include: (7)
- Age (mean age of diagnosis: 60)
- Menopausal status
- African American ethnic background
- Current or prior tamoxifen exposure
- History of pelvic Irradiation
- Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Carcinoma (HLRCC) syndrome
- Survivors of childhood retinoblastoma
What is the clinical assessment should make you concerned about LMS?
- Rapidly expanding mass
- Postmenopausal bleeding or variants of abnormal uterine bleeding, in premenopausal women with an unusual pattern
- Ascites
- Lymphadenopathy
- Evidence of secondary spread
What are the imaging risk factors for LMS?
- Large size or large interval growth
- Tissue signal heterogeneity
- Central necrosis
- Ill-defined margins
- Ascites
- Metastases
There are no tumor markers associated with LMS - what one indicator may be elevated ?
LDH indicating cell turn over