Cervical cancers Flashcards
What is a radical hysterectomy (type C)
What is removed
This is done with a pelvic lymphadenopathy
- what nodes must be removed?
Removal of Uterus parametrium upper vagina part of the paracolpium Adjacent connective tissues involve anterior vesicouterine ligament anterior and posterior leaf lateral cardinal ligaments posterior sacrouterine and rectovaginal ligaments
Lymphadenectomy includes
external and internal and common iliac
Other then +ve nodes that factors increase the risk of recurrence
+ LVSI - lymphovascular space invasion
Invasion outer 1/3 cervical stroma
Tumor over 4 cm
Who gets adjuvant Tx after OT
RT and Chemo \+ nodes Parametrial infiltration \+ margins Deep stromal involvement
2/3 of recurrence risk factors
Tumor over 4 cm
invasion into the outer 1/3 cervical stroma
What viral strains are n gardasil 9
HPV 6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52 and 58
What viral strains are bad for what?
Of the oncogenic HPVs, types 16 and 18 account for about 70% of cervical cancers
Non-oncogenic HPV types 6 and 11 cause genital warts.
Cervical cancer in NZ
50% HPV 16
21% HPV 18
31,45,52 (few % each)
Prevelence of HPV
HPV infection is common with an estimated 70-80% of sexually active women
worldwide becoming infected at some stage in their life
What type of virus is HPV
What is the mechanism for carcinogenesis
HPV double-stranded DNA, non-enveloped capsid virus
- Mechanism of carcinogenesis involves the up-regulation of E6 and E7 HPV gene products.
- They prevent damaged cells from apoptosis
The two most important HPV genes in the development of cancer are E6 and E7. Both of these genes need to be on all the time in order for cancer to develop.
E6 and E7 Can Let Damaged Cells Live On
What % of people with HPV develop cancer?
70% of woman have HPV
70% of cervical cancers are HPV
90 % of other cancer sites are HPV Vulval and vaginal anal Penis Head and neck cancers
What HPV is related to anogenital warts?
6 and 1 accounts for 90% of anogenital warts
what is the nz HPV programme
school based immunisation in year 8
funded 9 -26 year olds male or female
non residence under 18 funded
3 doses 0,2,6 months
HPV vaccine
What type of vaccine is it? How does it work ?
VLP – virus like proteins that are NOT live, attenuated or killed viruses
IM injection the VLP induces an antibody response
DO not treat existing lesions
Currently using Gardasil 9 (9 HPV types)
6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52,58 which prevents 90% of cervical cancers
95-100% efficacy against HPV types
2 doses at 0 and 5-13 months if 15 or less
If immunocompromised or older then 15 3 doses is recommended at 0,2,6 months
Can she have HPV vaccine in pregnancy?
In breastfeeding?
any risks?
Safe in breast feeding
Not safe in pregnancy
monitoring of woman who have inadvertently received Gardasil has not identified any risk to mother of fetus
Anaphylaxis after HPV vaccine 1-3 X / million
No other serious reactions identified (some local side effects, fever, headache)
Can be given with other vaccines but different needle and injection sites should be used
Efficacy in clinical trials has been shown (14000 people 97% efficacy)
Best if given under 15 and before sexual intercourse
IN Australia and Denmark there is a profound reduction in the number of genital warts
Reduction In high grade cervical abnormalities - in young woman by 75%
Cervical cancer in NZ
how many annual
deaths annual
have they been screened?
Does screening change cervical cancer rate?
160 Dx annual, 60 die annually
Half of the woman dx has never been screened
1/3 irregular and infrequent screening
Screening dropped the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50%
Narrowing inequity between Maori and non Maori (still significant disparity)
What is the rate of screening in NZ?
Coverage 70-75% for total population (hystetectomy adjusted)
50-60% Maori and Pacific or Asian woman
Coverage is better with an opt off register
NZ cervical screening
When to start
When to stop
What was the change
Changes from starting at 20 to now 25
(this is the same as australia, England, scotland, the netherlands, and lots of the EU)
stop when turn 70
3 yearly screening
In addition to the planned age range change, the Ministry is working towards implementing human papillomavirus (HPV) primary screening for its National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) from 2021.
How to manage unsatisfactory smears
Need a number of well visualized, well preserved, squamous cells
The presence or absence of transformation zone cells does not effect the adequacy of the smear
Types of unsatisfactory sample
Inadequate sampling of cells
Clinical factors –bleeding, inflammation, cytolysis
Lab technical factors
3 consecutive unsatisfactory samples recommend a colp to exclude a high grade lesion
After an unsatisfactory result smear takes should consider LBC technique
Better if excessive cervical mucus, discharge or blood, recurrent inflammatory smears, recurrent unsatisfactory smears
Repeat in 3 months
What is AS CUS
what is the risk of progression
ASC US - atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
considered in risk the same as LSIL
Manifestation of viral infection that will resolve in most woman under 30
Median time for HPV clearance is 6-18 months
FU for woman under 30 is 12 months
If any abnormality on the next smear – refer to colp
Woman over 30 with HrHPV + are at an increased risk of developing a high grade lesion (infections are more persistent)
If negative then repeat in 12 months
If abnormal refer to colp
If neg, repeat in 12 months
If + refer to colp
If sx or abnormal appearing cx must have colp
If she is very anxious or wants a specialist review this may help her
Any woman with an abnormal smear in the last 5 years – referral to colp
Why do smear results fluctuate?
Transition from active HPV to resolution followed by reinfection
Underlying persistent abnormality that is not constantly sampled
What are high grade abnormalities
Refer for colp for any high grade changes
CIN 2/3 - moderate dysplasia, severe dysplasia / carcinoma in situ
CIN 2/3 difference is subjective and not reliable enough to permit a stratification of risk
Threshold for Tx is CIN2 in most cases except if under 20 or pregnancy as chance of regression is high
Treatment options - threshold CIN 2/3
What are the risks of treatment
when is the risk of persistence / recurrence?
What is the risk of treatment failure ?
No difference in efficacy for tx options
Increased risk PTL, LBW, PPROM
Increased risk of excision more then 10mm
(must be at least 7 mm)
Persistence and recurrence greatest after the initial 2 years but risk persists for at least 10 years
Recurrence could be incomplete excision
Tx failures 10%
Involved margins increases the risk of Tx failure
Risk of recurrence increases with age
New lesion
Persistent disease
What are the treatment options for CIN 2/3
Ablative therapy Entire lesion can be visualized Satisfactory colp Targeted biopsy has confirmed dx No invasive cancer or glandular lesion
Not recommended
Take care to reduce excess diathermy artefact in order to assess margins
Cone biopsy
Indicated for
Unsatisfactory colp (unable to see upper limit of transformation zone)
Suspicion of early invasive cancer
Suspected presence of additional glandular abnormality (adenocarcinoma insitu) (mixed lesion)
Hysterectomy Not generally indicated for CIN 2/3 alone, if concurrent abnormalities the following must be met Colp assessment if satisfactory Target biopsy confirmed Dx No evidence of invasive cancer Entire lesion visualised
Cervical glandular abnormalities
What are of invasive cancers are glandular?
Is it HPV related?
What is the significance of atypical glandular cells on a smear?
15-20% of invasive cancers are glandular
Cervical screening less effective at preventing adenocarcinoma then SCC
90% of cervical adenocarcinoma or AIS (adenocarcinoma insitu) is HrHPV related
Atypical glandular cells (AGC) are associated with underlying neoplastic process
Adenocarcinoma of the Cx
Ovary or tube
Therefore all woman with AGS should be referred to colp / gynae onc
Glandular and squamous cells can co exist
Low threshold for diagnostic excisional procedures as high index of suspicion and low quality of Dx tests
If a smear shows a glandular abnormality
What to do?
How to manage
Colp assessment of glandular abnormality is Mandatory
If colp satisfactory and normal
MDT review – if AGC or AIS then for cone and D+C
If not seen on MDT review then plan individualized
If abnormal colp ? Cancer then punch biopsy and gynae onc
If abnormal ? Neoplastic process then cone and D+C
If unsatisfactory - cytology ? Neoplasm then cone and D+C
If not confirmed MDT decision
Cone is the gold standard of Tx for glandular abnormalities
A cone before a hysterectomy is necessary to rule out invasive cancer
What is the significance of endometrial cells on a smear?
‘normal endometrial cells’
Benign endometrial cells on a premenopausal womans smear is rarely associated with pathology and no further Ix is necessary
If post menopausal OR 40 and older
Rarely pathological
If no other abnormalities it is driven by the smear taker / clinician who should factor in other parts of hx / PMB / HRT
Atypical endometrial cells
High correlation with endometrial pathology – URGENT referral is recommended