Moray (Cognitive Area) Flashcards
Moray Background
One of the things that Cherry noticed that grabs our attention is the sound of our own name. Cherry calls this the cocktail party effect.
Moray Aims
To test Cherry’s findings on attention “more rigorously”
Moray Sample
It was undergraduate students and research workers of both genders at Oxford University
Moray Research Methods in all 3 experiments
All lab experiments, had an IV and DV and high levels of control
Moray Sample in Each experiment
All participants were undergraduates and research workers of both sexes
Experiment 1: not given
Experiment 2: 12 participants
Experiment 3: 14 participants
Moray Experiment 1 Procedure
A list of words were spoken25 times as the ‘rejected’ or ‘blocked’ message.
At the end of the shadowing task participants were asked to recall all they could remember from the rejected message
After the completion of the shadow tasks, participants were given a recognition test of 21 words, 7 in the shadowed message, 7 in the rejected message and the last 7 were in neither
Moray Experiment 2 Procedure
Participants shadowed ten short passages of light fiction.
Rejected messages were played in the other ear which were not attended to, Moray wanted to find out of these messages would be heard of it included their name
Moray Experiment 3 Procedure
Digits were inserted to each passage in a random way.
First group were given no instruction
Second group told they would be asked questions on rejected message.
Moray Experiment 1 Findings
Mean words recognised in the showed message was 4.9 out of 7, while in the rejected it was 1.9 out of 7
Moray Experiment 2 Findings
Most participants ignored the instructions that were presented in the passages they were shadowing, and said they thought this was merely an attempt to distract them
On only 4 out of the 20 occasions in which the ‘names’ instructions were heard did the participants actually make a change to the other message
Moray Experiments 3 Findings
There was no significant difference between the digits recall in each condition