Moral Hazzard & Managed Care Pharmacy (Exam II) Flashcards
What is another word for moral hazard?
over utilization
What is moral hazard?
the theory that the redistribution of risk (insurance) changes people’s behaviors
In regard to moral hazard, when insurance increases what also increases and why?
health care usage because people are confident that insurance will cover them
RAND- Health Insurance Experiment (RAND-HIE)
their goal is to reduce adverse selection; therefore, people will be assigned to different kinds of cost sharing
In other words, to get rid of adverse selection RAND-HIE will spread people through different options of cost sharing or increase variation of cost sharing
Explain the free market in relation to RAND-HIE
patients will pay for services through premiums like a ‘pre-payment’ for using services
What is provider indued demand?
individuals choose what or whether services to buy
True or False: Health care is a negative good.
What is utilization determined by?
What is utilization not determined by?
Health care delivery systems can create ____?
Managed Care Pharmacy
evidence-based medicine to reeducate on the appropriate use of medications which would lead to better patient outcomes while lowering the over-utilization of resources
Who are the players in managed care? (7)
- employer groups
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Physicians
- Patients
- Big Pharma
What is PBM?
pharmacy benefits manager; a company that administers pharmacy benefit and design
What are some of the resources that PBM offers? (3)
manage prescription drug benefits
help make sure patients have access to safe and effective and affordable medications
decision support
Where do you see PBMs?
retail, mail, and specialty
What are the specific tasks of a PBM?
- manage formularies
- contracts with pharmaceutical manufactures
- offer medication therapy
- health and wellness programs (smoking cessation, health risk assessment, disease management)
- offer and design clinical programs
Who do PBMs serve?
- insurance groups
- blue cross/blue shield
- corporate health plans
- government entities
- Third Party Administrators
- Medicare Part D individuals
What are the focuses of managed care pharmacy?
- clinical programs
- quality
- medication utilization review
- evidence and data analytics to support decisions
- formulary management
What is a drug formulary?
comprehensive medication list that has been to together by physicians, pharmacists, and other health care professionals to treat and diagnose diseases
What is the purpose of drug formularies?
encourages use of safe, effective, and affordable medications
Who are the formularies used by?
- Hospitals/Health Systems
- Employer Groups
- Managed Care Organizations
- Pharmacy Benefit Managers
- Government Agencies (Medicare and VA)
What are three things that formularies accomplish?
- offer one or more therapeutic recommendations per disease state
- facilitates purchasing and prescribing
- manages cost by reducing duplication of medication
Drug Formularies use a _____ tool with drug manufactures so drugs can be discounted.
What are examples of organizations that provide guidance for drug formularies?
What are the two most important concepts about drug formulations?
- medications on formulary are determined by pharmacy and therapeutics committee
- P&T are made up of doctors, pharmacists and other professionals
How are formularies sorted?
by tiers
What is an open formulary?
the payer may provide coverage for all formulary and non-formulary drugs
What is a closed formulary?
non-formulary drugs are not reimbursed by the payer
True or False: Payers will not create extra tiers to gain more memberships in certain drug classes and categories.
False; they can
What are examples of extra tiers?
- Specialty Injectionable
- Lifestyle Medications
- Value Based Copay
- High Cost Generic Teirs
- Percentage copays
What is used to determine quality?
- Medicare Part D
- Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
- Drug Safety Programs
- Medication Therapy Management
Examples of Clinical Programs?
- Disease management
- Medication Management
- Adherence Programs
- SDOH programs
- Health Disparity Initiative