Health Information Technology Flashcards
What are three examples of Health Information Technology?
- Computerized provider order entry
- Electronic prescribing
- Clinical Decision Support
What is computerized provider order entry?
allows electronic creation and sharing of orders for patient care
What the benefits of computerized provider order entry?
- Eliminates illegible handwriting
- Decreases medical errors
- Decreases order completion delays
- Improves patient care
What are the weaknesses of computerized provider order entry?
- alert fatigue
- Automation bias
The standards definied by the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) as use of EHR technology to..
- improve quality, safety, and efficiency
- engage patients and their families
- improve care coordination and population health
- Maintain privacy and security of protected health information (PHI)
What are the Basic Components of CDS?
- Interface Engine
- Knowledge Base
- Communication Mechanism
When is clinical decision support needed?
order verification
What are examples clinical decision support needed?
- Drug allergy
- Dosing guidance
- Formulary decision support
- Renal dose adjustments
- Laboratory testing
- Contraindications
- Adverse event monitoring
What are the benefits of Clinical Decision Support?
- decrease adverse drug events
- decrease costs
- decrease length of stay
- improve clinical workflow
What part of the process should bar code verification, automated dispensing cabinets, and robotics?
What is the purpose of automated dispensing?
- maintain inventory and audit trails
- can be located on patient floors or within a central pharmacy location
- override access for emergencies
Where do you see Pharmacy Information Management Systems (PIMS)
community settings
What is the purpose of PIMS?
maintains key data files
Where in the process does point of care barcoding, medication administration records, infusion pumps, and medication event monitoring systems?
What are the advantages of Medication Administration Record (MAR)?
- automatically documents med administrations
- med changes updated in real time
- decrease error potential by eliminating handwritten changes
What are the benefits of an infusion pump?
- programing double check
- soft and hard steps
- electronic audit trail
Infusion Pumps
- contain drug libraries
- opportunity for pharmacists to leverage their drug expertise
- sets min and max dosing limits for bolus doses, rates, and volumes
Where in the process would you implement adverse drug event surveillance, antibiotic/drug surveillance, and apps that allow for patient monitoring
What are Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP)
- central databases that house prescribing and dispensing records for controlled substances
- allows pharmacists to review and act on data found
- managed at state level
What is mobile health?
the use of mobile phones and other devices in healthcare
What is digital therapeutics?
delivery of evidence-based interventions, driven by software programs
What are devices/sensors/ wearables?
consumer devices that track health and non-health related metrics
What is telehealth?
delivery of health-related services and information over distance with the aid of electronic devices
How is social media represented in digital health?
web-based applications allow the creation and sharing of user generated content
Explain price transparency
- pushed by government to make the prices of healthcare services more transparent to consumer
- technology has been created to showcase pricing
What is interoperability?
abillity of different computer systems to exchange information
What is the goal of interoperability?
to provide all health practicioners in all locations, including the pharmacy, with access to information about a patient’s care
What is data analytics?
data generated in health care system’s applications are deposited and stored in a database
What is structured query language (SQL)?
allows information from a database to be collected by the user
What is machine learning?
a software that changes its decision dynamically in a programmatic fashion utilizing different statistical methodologies
What is the first step in the development of machine learning software?
training data set is used to apply the selected statistical methodologies