Moral Development & Lawrence Kohlberg Flashcards
what was lawarence kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
- believed that people progressed in their moral reaosning through a series of stages
- most people are stuck in conventional morality, wanting to be a good citizen but never going above the law even if it beneifts others
What is pre-conventionality?
- first stage
- lasts until age 9
- children dont have a personal code of morality.
- moral decisions are shaped by adults and consequences of following or breaking their rules
- if an action leads to punishments = bad behavior, rewards = good behavior
- Rewards and punishments determine right and wrong
Obedience and punishment orientation
stage 1
- following rules unqestionably based on what a higher power (PARENT) tells them is right
- If the child is punished they must have done wrong
- **Follow the rules to aviod your punishment **
Individualsm and exchange
stage 2
- children recognize there is not just one right view that is handed down by authroities
- differnt individuals have differnt viewpoints
- not eveyrone has the same moral viewpoints
Conventional morality
people pleaser stage
- desire to please others
- characterized by an acceptance of soical rules concerning right and wrong
Good interpersonal relationships
stage 3
conventional morality
- the child/indivual is good in order to be seen as being a good person by others
- answers are related to the approval of others
- do good because of expectations and so others respect
Maintaing social order
stage 4 ( follow rules to aviod guilt, follow the crowd)
Conventional morality
- Individuals follow societal rules to uphold the law and avoid guilt.
*Follow the rules because of societal standard
Post-conventional morality
what is it characterized by?
- Belief in mortality because it is the right thing to do
characterized by an individual’s understanding of universal ethical principles
According to Kohlberg this level of moral reasoning is as far as most people get
Only 10-15% are capable of the kind of abstract thinking
* Most people take their moral views from those around them and only a minority think through ethical principles for themselves.
Social contract and indiviudal rights
stage 5 (rules are justifiable)
- People recognize that rules are designed for the greater good, but they can disadvantage certain individuals.
Universal principles
stage 6
- At this stage, people create their own moral principles, which might not always align with the law.
- These principles, like human rights, justice, and equality, apply to everyone.
- They are willing to stand up for these values, even if it means going against others
*Do what your conscience says is right
Conventinal morality and authority
- Authority is internalized but not questioned, and reasoning is based on the norms of the group to which the person belongs
conventional morality and adult role models
internalizing moral standards
- At the conventional level (most adolescents and adults), we begin to internalize the moral standards of valued adult role model.