Mood and atmosphere Flashcards
What five methods does Shakespeare use to create different atmospheres?
1) Setting 2) use of the supernatural 3) humour 4) different senses 5) Language
Shakespeare carefully chooses his settings to create atmosphere. Give 2 examples
1) The witches appear in spooky, deserted places. This gives a sense of isolation and secrecy and highlights that they are different from everyone else in the play. 2) Macbeth’s castle - a lot of the action happens here because it reminds the audience that Macbeth is a nobleman. Although his actions aren’t of course noble.
What the characters say helps to set the scene. Language was really important because there weren’t many props and were no special effects to keep the audience entertained. Give some examples of language used to create atmosphere.
- Witches. Phrases like “fog and filthy air” create a gloomy atmosphere and are ambiguous, creating a sense of mystery 2. In act 2 it is a dark night and Banquo says that the “candles are all out” (ie there are no stars - creates an appropriate atmosphere for a murder. 3. Unpleasant, gruesome language also creates atmosphere of evil e .g witches talk about “poisoned entrails” 4. Shakespeare uses short lines of dialogue, questions and exclamations to create an atmosphere of panic.
Shakespeare uses the senses to set the scene. Give some examples.
1) Macduff discovers Duncan’s body and says he’s gone blind from seeing something so terrible: “destroy your sight” 2) Duncan’s arrival at the start of the play announced with a “flourish” (= fanfare), a contrast with the “hideous trumpet” and “alarum bell” that announce his death.
Unnatural and supernatural events create atmosphere and tension. Give some examples
1). Hallucinations e.g. dagger would have seemed like supernatural events to the audience - making the audience feel uncomfortable. 2) After Duncan’s death there are a number of unnatural events e.g. horses eating each other and day turning to “dark night”, creating a troubled atmosphere