Macbeth context Flashcards
What was different about kingship / being a king in Sheakespeare’s time?
The ‘divine right of kings’ meant that the king was appointed by God and could do no wrong.
What is the period of time called when Shakespeare lived?
The Elizabethan period
When did Shakespeare live?
1564 - 1616
Kings feature a lot in Shakespeare’s plays. Why did Shakespeare have to be careful about writing about kings?
Because King James was patron of Shakespeare’s company and came to watch the plays. You couldn’t criticise the king.
Which social groups would come to watch Shakespeare’s plays?
Rich and poor. His audiences included servants and labourers. They had to stand in front of the stage and got wet if it rained! The richer people sat
How many women acted in Shakespeare’s company?
None. It was illegal for women to act, so female parts were played by young boys (such as Lady Macbeth)
What kind of beliefs did people have in Elizabethan England?
Christianity was strong but people also believed in witches and the supernatural.
What characteristics were seen as important for a man in Shakespeare’s time?
Masculinity was described by courage and aggression. Men who fought in battle and killed people were ‘real men.’
What characteristics were seen as important for a woman in Shakespeare’s time?
Women were meant to be gentle and calm and nurturing.
How did uneducated people, poorer people and ‘commoners’ speak in Macbeth compared to the nobles / richer people in the play?
They used normal speech (‘blank verse’) whereas the richer people like Macbeth, Macduff etc speak in iambic pentameter.