Mood Flashcards
Dysphoric mood
An unpleasant mood state of generalised unhappiness, restlessness emotional discomfort, discontent. Most often associated with depression
Euthymic mood
Normal range of mood, implying absence of depressed or elevated mood
Expansive mood
A persons expression of feelings without restraint, frequently with overestimation of their significance or importance
Irritable mood
State in which a person is easily annoyed or provoked to anger
Mood swings (labile mood)
Oscillations between euphoria and depression or anxiety
Elevated mood
Air of confidence and enjoyment; mood more cheerful than usual
Intense elation with feelings of grandeur
Feelings of intense rapture
Psychopathological feelings of sadness
Loss of interest in, and withdraw from, all regular and pleasurable activities, often associated with depression
Ruminating thoughts
Continuous thought of an upsetting situation; the tendency to repeatedly think about a thought or problem
Grief or mourning
Sadness appropriate to a real loss; also called bereavement
A person’s inability to, or difficulty in, describing or being aware of emotions or mood
Feelings of joy, euphoria, triumph, intense self-satisfaction or optimism
Mood abnormality with the qualitative characteristics of mania but somewhat less intense
Mood state characterised by elation, agitation, hyperactivity, hypersexuality and accelerated thinking and speaking
La belle indifference
Inappropriate attitude of calm or lack of concern about one’s disability