Montagu-Chelmsford Report + GOVT of India Act. Flashcards
What was Montagu’s position in India?
The secretary of state for India.
What was Chelmsford’s position in India?
The Viceroy.
When was the GOVT of India act?
December 1919.
What did the GOVT act create?
A dyarchy - division of power.
What was the Viceroy given the power to do?
He could enforce laws without the need to inform his legislative council.
What was enlarged?
The provincial and central legislative councils.
What did the provincial council have control over?
Public work,
Local Self-government,
What did the British retain control over?
Military matters,
Foregin affairs,
Communications and criminal law.
After 1919, what was the % of adult males being enfranchised?
About 10%.
What new rules were created in assemblies with legal authoriities?
There were ‘reserved’ seats for different religious groups and special interest groups like landowners and university graduates.
What was the intention of the GOVT of India act?
To shift more and more decision-making from the centre to the provinces and to involve more Indans in the government of their own country.
What problems arose in Britain in response to the GOVT act?
There was a split of opinion. RW MPs in the house of commons were convinced Britain was loosing their hold on India WHEREAS LW MPs protesteed that reforms hadn’t gone far enough.
What did members of the Indian Civil Service realise?
They realised their authority and mandate to administrative India was slipping away.