Monopolies Flashcards
What is a monopoly power?
When one firm has more than 25% of market share
- legal monopoly
What is a monopoly?
- When one seller dominates the market
- Different products so price makers
- high barrier of entry/exit - super normal profit
- Imperfect info (Excludes)
- Firm is profit maximiser
what are the two types of monoploies?
- Pure monopoly (rare)
- Molopoly power (25% MS
What are the 4 efficency analysis?
- Allocative efficiency
- Productive efficiency
- X - efficenciy
- Dymanic efficiency
What are the static efficencies?
Can’t increase the production of one good without decreasing another
1. Allocative efficiency
2. Productive efficiency
3. X - efficenciy
What is allocative efficency?
Price = Marginal Costs, Supply = demand
What happens if there is no allocative efficiency?
Exploit customers with higher prices than MC
Lower consumer surplus
Choice decreases
Lack of competitive forces
What is product efficiency?
the ability of a firm to produce goods or services at the lowest possible cost, given the level of output and the available technology
What is X - efficiency?
X Inefficiency occurs when a firm lacks the incentive to control costs = WASTE
- Lack of competivie drive
- Harder to cut costs
What is dynamic efficiency?
occurs over time and is strongly linked to the pace of innovation within a market and improvements in both the range of choice for consumers and also the performance / reliability / quality of products.
What is supernormal profit?
Excess profit of normal profit
- can be used for capital investments, reinvest can be + and -
What do monopolies to do society?
Reduce society surplus, bad for society can cause market failure
How to show why monopolies cause Deadweight welfare loss
Draw a monopoly graph and use price and quanity of both monopoly and competitive firm
CF - MC (S) = AR (D)
What is price discrimination?
Where firms charge different prices to different consumers for identical goods with no difference in cost of production
What are the 3 conditions needed for price discrimination?
- Price making ability (monopoly power)
- Information separate the market (Different PED - online shopping)
- Prevent re-sale ( market seepage)