Central messages Flashcards
What are the two key issues in economics
- Externalities
- Market power
What is externalities an issue
As theres a misalign individual decisions with societal efficency goals, leading to inefficiency in unregulated markets
why is market power an issue in economics
Distorts prices, ingorning efficient outcomes. Natural monopolies require gov intervention for efficiency
What are the scientific methods in economics
- Types of ?
- Hypothetico- decuctive method
- Kuhn’s scientific revolutions
What are the two types of questions in Econ
Postives - objective
Normative - subjective, what should be
What are hypothetic - deductive methods
Begins with assumptions and hypotheses
what do hypothetic - deductive methods combine
Theoretical analysis
Empirical anaylsis - test, controlled, natural
What are Kuhn’s scientific revolutions
- Normal science
- Scientific revolutions, paradigm shifts
What are three main erros with models in economics
- Internal logical flaws
- Failing to represent reality adequately
- Models are contextual - vaild in one situation but not universally