Competitive equilibrium 2 Flashcards
What are the short run equilibrium concepts?
SR variables are fixed ( Capital and no. of firms)
What are the key features of SR equilibrium? Given and condiditons
Given - Fixed no.of firms, fixed K, market demand, cost curves (SRMC)
Conditions - Firms produce at price equilibium SRMC, market clears at no.of firms x equilibrium pricee
Outcomes of SR competitive equilibrium
- P and Q are determined by SR demand and supply
- Firms earn profit (equilibrium p is higher than SRAC)
What are the long run concepts in competitive equilibrium?
Allows all variables to adjust
What are the key features of LR competitive equilibrium
Firms can enter and exit the market
N = endogenous
Adjust capital to minimise costs (capital is endogenous)
What are the conditions for LR competitve equilibrium
P = MC
Market clears at Firms x equilibirum
0 economics profit ( P equilibium = LRAC)
Cost minimization (LRAC = SRAC)
outcomes - 0 profit in LR as p minim = minimum LRAC
What is the 2 long run adjustment processes
- Profit in SR - more firms will enter, increase supply, decrease in price, firms will adjust capital to minimize cost
- Equilibium restered when p = LRAC = LRMC, no firms needs to match demand
What can restrict entry into markets
Technology, resources or regulations