Money Silver Bullets Flashcards
When they say
Hard to find Clients who can afford to do business with me
What kind of a USP & Guarantee do you have for your business?
When they say
We always get beat up on price
What kind of a USP & Guarantee do you have in place?
When they say
Need to beat our competitors
What kind of a USP & Guarantee have you got in the business?
When they say
Need more sales
What kind of a USP & Guarantee have you got in the business?
What is a USP & Guarantee
I can help you put together A persuasive value proposition that removes risk and compels your ideal customers to do business with you, instead of your competitors, because you’re different than all the rest.
Are you open to some help with that?
When they say
I feel like I don’t have control of my money
What kind of a Revenue & Profit Budget have you got in place?
When they say
Don’t know where the money is going (money black hole)
What kind of a Revenue & Profit Budget have you got for your business?
When they say
We need to lower our overhead and expenses
or our overhwen and expenses are just too high
What kind of a Revenue & Profit Budget do you have in place for your business?
When they say
No making enough profit
What kind of a Revenue & Profit Budget do you have for your business?
How does a revenue & profit budget work?
I can help you put together A reliable budget that forecasts discretionary cash-flow, identifies your required working capital, and demonstrates your ability to service debts and deliver a return to investors.
Are you open to some help with that?
When they day
Growing with no plan
What kind of a Current Business Plan have you got for your business?
When they say
I need guideance with major decisions (I make all the major decisions)
What kind of a Current Business Plan do you have in your business?
When they say
We need more Working Capital
What kind of a Current Business Plan do you have in place for your business?
When they say
Need moneu to upgarde our technology/store/systems
What kind of a Current Business Plan have you got for you business?
When they say
I need to restructure the business
What kind of a Current Business Plan do you have for your business?
What is a current business plan
I can help you put together A credible, written plan, detailing a company’s unique selling proposition, strategic plan, and revenue and profit budget, designed to** induce financial partners to invest in the business.**
Are you open to some help with that?
When they say
We are losing money / bleeding money
What kind of a Break-Even Plan have you got for your business?
When they say
Need to lower our overhead / expenses
What kind of a Break-Even Plan do you have for your business?
When they say
We are getting deeper in to debt
What kind of a Break-Even Plan do you have in place for your business?
When they day
I keep having to put money in (business owner)
What kind of a Break-Even Plan do you have in place?
What is a Break-Even Plan?
I can help you put together An aggressive plan to stop the bleeding of cash by:
* temporarily cutting all non-critical expenses
* while driving sales above break-even by selling existing inventory or service capacity
* to cover operating costs, debt service, and personal drawings.
Are you open to some help with that?
When they say
I need more sales
What kind of a Tactical Marketing Plan have you got for your business?
When they say
Want to get our name out there
What kind of a Tactical Marketing Plan do you have for your business?
When they say
I want to grow the business
I don’t know how to grow or get to the next level
What kind of a Tactical Marketing Plan do you ahve in place for your business?
What is a Tactical Marketing Plan
I can help you put together An aggressive, measurable plan to increase your leads, improve your sales conversion rates, and increase your average spends per customer per year so your profits increase exponentially.
Are you open to some help with that?
When they say
I need more sales but my salespeople are not delivering
My sales team is just not performing
What kind of Sales Management System do you ahve for you business?
When they say
We get leads but they are wasted, we don’t convert
What kind of a Sales Management System do you have for your business?
When they say
The economy is so bad, it’s hurting us
What kind of a Sales Management System do you have in your business?
What is a Sales Management System
I can help you put together A **practical **system for building a top-performing sales force by scripting their approach, managing their activity with a CRM software solution (customer relationship management), measuring their performance, and tying their paychecks to results.
Are you open to some help with that?
When they say
Cash flow stinks right now
What kind of a Cash Gap Plan have you got for your business?
When they say
Never enough money to pay the bills
What kind of a Cash Gap Plan have you got for your business?
When they say
I don’t pay myself out of the business
What kind of a Cash Gap Plan have you got for your business?
What is a Cash Gap Plan?
I can help you put together An efficient plan to quickly collect your outstanding receivables, get your customers to pay faster, and negotiate better terms with your vendors so your bank account always has plenty of cash in it.
Are you open to some help with that?