Money, person, and clothing expressions Flashcards
a lone wolf
someone who prefers working alone
a party animal
someone who enjoy parties (fiestero)
a dark horse
someone who has a surprising ability or skill
keep their abilities in secret
a team player
someone who is good working with others
a culture vulture
someone who loves culture
an early bird
someone who gets early or it is the first to do something
a night owl
someone who work better at night
a good egg
buena persona
a bad egg
mala persona
a jack of all trades
someone who can do many different jobs, a versatile person
a jack of all trades, master of none
someone who is able to do many things, but it is not expert in any
a man/woman of his/her word
Hombre o mujer de palabra
a mover and shaker
an influential person
a smart cookie
a clever person
the teacher’s pet
the best or helpful students in the class
a creature of habits
someone who always does the same
follows a routine
a smooth talker
someone who is really good at persuading other person to do what they want
a busybody
someone who is too interested in things that do not involve them (chismoso)
a cheapskate
someone who does not like spending money
a fuddy-duddy
a person who has old-fashioned ideas
a goody-goody
una persona cuyo buen comportamiento y cortesía son molestos porque parecen excesivos o poco sinceros.
a know it all
a person who thinks that they know much more than other people
a gold digger
- cazafortuna
someone who only care about money when it is a relationship
a lucky duck
a party-pooper
- aguafiestas
someone who runs all of the fun
a penny-pincher
- medido
someone careful about the spend of money
a backseat driver
- mandon
someone who tells you what to do
a worrywart
someone who worries too much
a smart arse/alec
a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything.
a straight shooter/talker
someone who speaks the truth directly
off the cuff
de improvisto, de repente
ants in their pants
ansioso, intranquilo
fly by the seat of their pants
hacer algo por instinto, sin planear
caught with their pants down
no estar preparado
wears the pants in the family
tener autoridad o control en la familia
burn a hole in your pocket
dinero que uno esta tentado a gastar
le pica el dinero
tighten your belt
arreglarselas con poco dinero
under your belt
algo aprendido o logrado, que ya es parte de le experiencia
take my hat off
reconocer/honrar a alguien por algo
at the drop of a hat
de inmediato
too big for their boots
alguien que piensa que es mas importante de lo que realmente es
pull money out of a hat
sacar dinero por arte de magia
bet your boots
estar tan seguro para apostar las botas
fill their shoes
reemplazar a alguien
stuffed shirt
se comporta formal y anticuadamente, creyendose importante
wear your heart on your sleeve
mostrar los sentimientos abiertamente
to keep your shirt on
mantener la calma, guardar la compostura
lose your shirt
perder la calma
roll up your sleeves
prepararse para un trabajo/trabajar duro
card up your sleeves
trucos/cartas bajo las mangas
make ends meet
hacer alcanzar la plata
be loaded
no tener escazes de dinero, estar cargado
from hand to mouth
tener el dinero justo para vivir, fritando y comiendo
to bring home the bacon
ganar el dinero necesario para vivir, llevar la papa a la casa
caught short
corto de dinero, no tener dinero suficiente
lay out
pagar mas de lo que es por algo
tigthen your belt
vivir con menos dinero de lo usual
back on my feet
recuperarse financieramente
gravy train
ganan mas de lo que deberian
make a bundle
hacer una caleta
rake in the cash
hacer mucho dinero
live high off/on the hog
vivir una vida de lujos
pay an arm and a leg
pagar un ojo de la cara, realmente afecta la economia
money is no object
la plata no es problema
pay through the nose
pagar mucho dinero por algo
make a killing
obtener una ganancia buena y rapida
shell out
pagar o dar dinero de mala gana
chip in
hacer vaca
dutch treat
cada quien paga lo que consume
on the house / that’s on me
la casa invita / va por mi cuenta
grease someone’s palm
dar dinero para convencer de hacer algo
buy off
comprar a una persona, sobornar
set me back
afectar financieramente
two cents worth
una opinión