idioms Flashcards
A little bird told me
when ones does not want to reveal the source of the information
A pain in the neck
An especially irritating, aggravating, or obnoxious person, thing, or situation.
A piece of cake
Something that is very easy to do
Be my guest:
something you say when you give someone permission to do or use something:
Be on top of the world
Be very happy- tocar el cielo con las manos
Behind someone’s back
Out of one’s presence or without someone’s knowledge
to be at the end of one’s rope
feeling desperate because you are in a difficult situation, do not know how to deal with it
to be up to something:
tramar algo
To be dead tired:
cansado de muerte
To be in charge of
To be in a position of control, authority, or responsibility over someone or something.
To be in the way
Estorbar, metido en el camino, interponerse
To be name after
Be given the same name as
To be no big deal
A matter of little importance (nada del otro mundo)
To bear in mind or to keep in mind
To build castles in the air:
To create dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible.
To be up-to-date
To have or be informed about the most current and accurate information (about something).
To cheer up
you stop feeling depressed and become more cheerful
To call it a day
To stop working, either at one’s job or on a particular task, for the rest of the day.
To drop someone a line
to send (someone) a brief note or message (communicate (with) in writing.)
To ease someone out
ayudar a alguien a seguir saliendo de algo
Easy come, easy go
something that is achieved easily is also lost as easily
Every now and then
Occasionally; sometimes
To follow in someone’s footsteps
To do the same job or to work or live in the same way as someone else before you, especially someone in your family
To fool around
To behave in a silly way, especially in a way that might have dangerous results
To face the music
to admit error and accept reprimand or punishment as a consequence
To find fault with
you look for mistakes and complain (te quejas) about them
To get on one’s nerves
ponerme de los nervios
To give birth to
to produce or create something; to cause something to start existing
To give one a big hand
to clap a performer, darle un gran aplauso a alguien
To get in touch with
to realize and understand something such as your feelings and attitudes
To get along with someone
To have a friendly, pleasant, or amicable relationship with one.
to get rid of someone
to find a way to make someone leave because you do not want the person to be with you any longer
to give someone the cold shoulder
the act of ignoring someone, to intentionally appear disinterested toward one; to snub, to intentionally ignore someone or treat someone in an unfriendly way
Hang in there
An expression of encouragement to persist or stay calm in a challenging situation, said as a way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties
If worst comes to worst
If the least ideal or preferred outcome happens. In the least favorable situation,
in the long run
Over a relatively long or extended length of time in the future, in the end
to keep an eye on
To watch someone or something carefully; to be attentive to someone or something. To watch closely
To keep my fingers crossed
to wish for good luck or success, as in a specific endeavor
To keep my fingers crossed
to wish for good luck or success, as in a specific endeavor
To keep under control
mantener bajo control
To keep your nose clean
to behave well and avoid trouble
To keep you posted
mantenerse informado
To keep your mouth shut
mantener la boca cerrada, no decir nada
To lay someone off
To stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do
To let bygones be bygones
olvidar el pasado, dejar el pasado atras
To let someone of the hook
arreglarselas para salir de una situación incómoda o desagradable
To live beyond one´s means
Vivir más allá/ por encima de sus posibilidades
To make yourself at home
sentirse como en casa
To make yourself at home
sentirse como en casa
To meet someone halfway
concocer a alguien a medio camino
On the spot
en el lugar, en el acto
Once and for all
definitivamente, de una vez por todas
Out of the question
desactualizado, anticuado
Out of order
fuera de servicio, descompuesto
Once in a blue moon
: una vez cada mil años
To put practice
poner en practica, aplicar
Pigs can fly
There is no chance of that ever happening. Used to show skepticism or cynicism over someone’s hypothetical remark.
So far so good
hasta aqui/ahora todo bien
To save someone’s skin
salvar el pellejo de alguien
To take a load off your back
quitarse un peso de encima
To take something for granted
dar algo por sentado, por hecho