Mollusca Flashcards
-phylum: Nemertea
-100ft long
-ribbon worm
-attacks its prey with proscobscis that paralyzes prey with toxrdoxin
-complete digestive system
-two systems in nephridia (osmoregulation and excrete metabolic waste)
-phylum: Mollusca
-class: monoplacophora
-single plated shell
-deep sea
-creeping foot: crawl on the surface of the ocean floor
-eats scavenger
What is the synapomorphy of phylum Mollusca?
radula and the mantle that secretes the shell
What is the synapomorphy of class monoplacophora?
serial repetition
-phylum: molluca
-class: polyplacophora
-mossy chiton
What is the synapomorphy of polyplacophora?
-8 dorsal plates that roll up in a ball for protection
-subradular organ that tastes food for toxin before eating
-osipharia that senses water currents
-can find its way back home if washed away
-phylum: Mollusca
-class: Scaphopoda
-could be used for currency and jewelry
What is the synapomorphy of the Scaphopoda?
-mantle cavity that has canals lined with cilia that pulls water through from the ocean into the sand
-captacula that eats food through nutrients stuck in the sand
- Phylum: Mollusca
- Class: Gastropoda
- Subclass: Prosobranchia
- Common Name: Cone Snail
- Toxin that they used to paralyze pray tetrotoxin ( have high concentrations than most ribbon worms)
- have a tentacle with a radula tooth on it used to stab and slowly envelop its prey
- phylum: mollusuca
- class: gastropoda
- subclass: opisthobranchia
- Common Name: sea hare
- don’t have shells
- thick mantle that covers the body
- can also use it to swim
- releases a toxic red/pink ink
- good model organism for memory/associative learning
- phylum: mollusuca
- class: gastropoda
- subclass: opisthobranchia
- Common Name: Neutobronch
- has two faces
- auto-mimicry
- the head and the back look similar
- used to confuse the predator
- auto-mimicry
- cerata
- defensive compound
- toxic spikes
- flat & leaf like
- respiration
- Kleptocnidae: steal cnidocysts from jelly fish
- Kleptplasty: steals cholorplast from zooaxanthllae
- phylum: mollusca
- class: gastropoda
- subclass: pulmonata ( only has two of these shells)
- garden snail
- famous pests
- mate with love darts
- edible
- phylum: mollusca
- class: gastropoda
- subclass: pulmonata
- giant banana slug
- almost a foot long
- pest of strawberries
- live in the pacific northwest
- phylum: mollusca
- class: bivalvia
- blue mussles
- important food sources for humans
- connect to their substrate with byssal threads
- filtering water for nutrients
- form groups to prevent other species from coming in the area
- phylum: mollusca
- class: bivalvia
- largest clam in the world
- primarily a filter feeder
- has zooaxthanllae under its mantle for photosynthesis
- phylum: mollusca
- class cepholopoda
- intelligent, very curious
- mimic octopus
- all different type of creatures
- indonesia
- phylum: mollusca
- class cepholopoda
- common name: blue ringed octopus
- 4 inches long
- extremely dangerous
- really toxic
- salvialary glands have venom
- totoxodin
- salvialary glands have venom
- will warn with intensity change in colors
- really toxic
Vamproteuthis Infernalis
- phylum: mollusca
- class cepholopoda
- vampire squid from hell
- deep sea squid
- not really a squid or octopus
- 8 arms, 2 tentacles, and 2 sensory filaments
- dangled their tentacles down to trap and eat fish
- when they get scared they turn inside out so they become pointy
- pineapple defens
- phylum: Mollusca
- class: cephalopoda
- swim backwards
- siphuncle that regulates gas chambers for buoyancy
- phylum: Mollusca
- class: cephalopoda
- swim backwards
- siphuncle that regulates gas chambers for buoyancy