Module C: Drugs for Cardiac Dysrhythmia Flashcards
Pacemaker cells
-have automaticity (depolarize spontaneously), located in: SA node (R atrium, natural pacemaker) AV node Bundle of His Bundle branches Purkinje fibres
Depolarization of SA node
- resting membrane potential approx. -55- -60 mV (phase 4)
- depolarization primarily by influx of Na+ and K+ as efflux of K+ subsides
- RMP becomes less negative
- at threshold potential (TP) of -40mV, depolarization occurs (phase 0) and impulse conducted through heart
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
difference in ion concentration between inside of cell compared to outside
Threshold potential (TP)
critical level when all activation gates open instantaneously and there will be a large influx or efflux of an ion
RMP of ventricular myocyte
-85 to -90 mV
Phase 0-4 ventricular polarization
0: SA impulse changes RMP to less negative; when TP o f-65mV is reached, Na+ channels open to max. and Na+ rushes inside until +30mV
-depolarization of ventricles = QRS of EKG
1-2: repolarization of ventricles begins = ST segment
-K+ channels open, K+ exits cells
-this phase slowed by influx of Ca++ (isoelectric potential)
3: inward flow of Ca+ stops, outward flow of K+ increases=inside of cell is negative = T wave
-repolarization complete
4: ion distribution (K+ and Na+) different across cell membrane
-Na+/K+ ATPase pump and Ca2+/Na+ exchanger restore ions to initial and correct compartments (Na+ outside, and K+ inside)
Refractory Periods
- time when cell cannot accept new action potential until repolarization of cell has occurred
- two periods:
1: Absolute or Effective Refractory Period (ERP)- cell cannot conduct action potential, no matter how strong (Phase 0-middle of phase 3) - on EKG = beginning of Q wave to middle of T wave
2: Relative Refractory Period (RRP)- strong stimulus may result in conduction but may not be normal - on EKG = middle of T wave to end of T wave
- disturbances to normal rhythm of heart
- caused by coronary schema or hypoxia, electrolyte imbalances, increased sympathetic activity, drugs, etc.
- leads to abnormal impulse formation or abnormal impulse conduction
Abnormal Impulse Formation
- often leads to tachycardia
- due either to increased automaticity or afterdepolarization
Increased Automaticity
-diseases or drugs (ie. sympathomimetics) can make cells depolarize more rapidly
- occurs due to abnormal Ca++ influx into cardiac cells
- occurs during, or immediately after, Phase 3 of ventricular action potential
- can be provoked by Digitalis toxicity
Abnormal Impulse Conduction
- occurs due to reentry (reexcitation of a particular area of cardiac tissue by the same impulse)
- primary cause is a unidirectional block in a bifurcating pathway, where reexcitation happens due to retrograde impulse
- often leads to tachycardia, in particular, paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia (PSVT)
- caused by fever, increased sympathetic activity, stimulants, and pathological conditions
- may be constant or paroxysmal
- ex. PVST (atrial originated), afib, aflutter, vtach,vfib
- flutter - little blood pumped
- fib - no blood pumped
- not always pathological, (ie. athletes)
- may be caused by a stroke or abnormal electrical impulses
- serious if associated with hypotensive symptoms such as LOC, dizziness, etc.)
Irregular Rhythms
- due to atrial or ventricular ectopic foci taking over SA node normal function resulting in:
- > premature or extra contractions (PAC- premature atrial contractions)
- > blockade of impulse transmission (AV block)