Module 9: Personality Disorders Flashcards
What is dichotomous thinking?
A cognitive distortion where situations or experiences are viewed in extreme, “all-or-nothing” terms, with no middle ground or nuance
What are the characteristics of Histrionic Personality Disorder?
- Attention and approval seeking
- Excitable, emotional, lively, dramatic (“life of the party”)
- Provocative appearance and dramatic speech
- Sexually seductive to gain attention
- Needs are inflexible and persistent even after people attempt to meet them
- Tendency to expect others to fulfill all their needs
- Helplessness when others are disinterested
- Quick to form new friendships BUT lack loyalty
What are the characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
- Arrogant and superior behavior
- Believe they are superior, special, unique
- Fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
- Need for admiration
- Lack empathy
What are the characteristics of Antisocial Personality Disorder?
- Arrogant and entitled behavior
- Deceitful & manipulative for personal profit or pleasure
- Lack empathy & remorse
- “Psychopath” or “Sociopath”
- Temperamentally aggressive
- Unable to express human compassion
What are the characteristics of Schizoid Personality Disorder?
- Uninterested in social relationships
- Life long loners – introverted, reclusive, engage in solitary activities
- Unable to experience joyful and pleasurable aspects of life
What are the characteristics of Schizotypal Personality Disorder?
- Magical beliefs and perceptual aberrations
- Referential thinking
- Paranoia
- Dramatically eccentric – odd or strange in appearance and behavior, unusual mannerisms
What are the characteristics of Paranoid
Personality Disorder?
- Guarded, hostile, angry, and unforgiving
- Outwardly argumentative and abrasive
- Persistent ideas of self-importance
- Need to be in a position of power in relationships
- Internally they feel powerless, fearful, and vulnerable
What are the characteristics of Avoidant
Personality Disorder?
- Chronic low self esteem
- Timid, shy, and hesitant
- Extremely sensitive to negative comments and disapproval
- Engagement in relationships only when they receive unconditional approval
What are the characteristics of Dependent Personality Disorder?
- Submission and disregard for themselves as a way to maintain closeness
- Compliant, placating, conciliatory, overly pleasing
- Difficulty making everyday decisions without a lot of advice/reassurance
- Withdraw from adult responsibilities – act helpless, seek nurturance from others
- Self esteem determined by others
What are the characteristics of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder?
- Need for order and control over others and situations in their personal and work lives
- Completely devoted to work
- Perfectionists - maintain regulated, structured, organized life
- Difficulty making decisions and completing tasks due to focus in details
- Tense, joyless mood (controlled expression of emotion)
Which personality disorders belong in Cluster A: odd or eccentric?
- Schizoid
- Schizotypal
- Paranoid
Which personality disorders belong in Cluster B: dramatic, emotional, or erratic?
- Antisocial
- Borderline
- Histrionic
- Narcissistic
Which personality disorders belong in Cluster C: anxious or fearful?
- Avoidant
- Dependent
- Obsessive-Compulsive