Module 9 - Classical Conditioning Flashcards
In classical conditioning, a second stimulus that elicits an unlearned (unconditioned) response, such as salivation, is called _______.
Unconditioned stimulus
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that has two characteristics: causes a reaction but does not elicit an unconditioned response is called ________.
Neutral stimulus
In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus elicits an unlearned, involuntary reflex, such as salivation, called the _________.
Unconditioned response
A typical trial in classical conditioning involves first presenting the _______ and then, a short time later, presenting the ______.
Neutral stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus
After a dozen trials, we paired the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus. Now, because the neutral stimulus elicits a response, it is called the ________. The salivation elicited by the tone itself is called the __________.
Conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
In classical conditioning, the tendency for a similar stimulus to elicit a response from the original is called ________.
In classical conditioning, learning a particular response to some stimuli and not others is a phenomenon called ________.
If the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus and no longer elicits response, this is called ________.
The learning in which cues (smell, taste, etc) of a particular stimulus are associated with unpleasant response, such as vomiting, is called _________. This can occur even after only a single _____.
Taste-aversion learning
If an extinct conditioned response reappears some time later for no apparent reason, it is called ________.
Spontaneous recovery
According to Pavlov, classical conditioning is because of _______.
Stimulus substitution
Later, many researchers including Robert Rescorla said stimulus substitution was incorrect, and that conditioning occurs neutral stimulus now predicts unconditioned stimulus. This perspective is called the ___________.
Cognitive perspective
Currently, the most widely accepted explanation of classical conditioning is the ____________.
Cognitive perspective
Thorndike formulated a principal of learning called _________, which states if certain actions are followed by a pleasurable reward, actions are strengthened.
Law of effect
If we feel fear or anxiety in the presence of some stimulus that precedes a painful or aversive event, we are experiencing a _______________.
Conditioned emotional response
Animals and humans are biologically prepared to associate certain combinations of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli more easily than others, which is called _________.
Classical conditioning of the eye blink reflex, which is a motor response, requires a brain structure called the _________.
Acquiring a classically conditioned emotional response, especially involving fear, involves a different brain structure called the ______.
The ____________ says classical conditioning occurs because two stimuli are paired close together in time.
Contiguity theory
In racial prejudice, negative emotional reactions, such as fear and anxiety, become _______ by individuals of another race who should be perceived as being _______.
Nausea associated with the anticipation or secondary stimuli of chemo treatment is called _________
Anticipatory nausea
The use of relaxation techniques to reverse classical conditioning from a stimuli or situation is called _________.
Systematic desensitization