Module 10 - Operant & Cognitive Approaches Flashcards
Reinforcing behaviours that lead or approximate the final target is a procedure called __________.
The type of learning in which the consequences that follow some behaviour increase or decrease the likelihood of the behaviour in the future is called __________.
Operant conditioning
Consequences are either _________ to increase a behaviour, or __________ to decrease a behaviour.
A stimulus such as food or sex, that is innately satisfying and requires no learning to become pleasurable is a _________.
Primary reinforcer
A stimulus, such as grades or praise, and is acquired power through experience and learning is a __________.
Secondary reinforcer
The various ways a reinforcer occurs after a behaviour has been emitted are referred to as _______ of reinforcement.
If each and every target behaviour is reinforced, it is called a __________ reinforcement.
If target behaviour is not reinforced every time it occurs, it is called a __________ reinforcement schedule.
Rats quickly learning the shortest path to food is called a ________.
Cognitive map
Learning a behaviour through observation or exploration, but not immediately demonstrating the newly learned behaviour is known as the ___________ distinction.
According to Bandura, learning that develops through imitation and watching others is called ________.
Social-cognitive learning
In Kholer study of problem solving in chimps, the term ________ is a mental process marked by the sudden occurrence of a solution.
Thorndike formulated the ________ which says behaviours are strengthened by positive consequences and weakened by negative consequences.
Law of effect
Operant _________ describes something that can be modified by its consequences.
Skinner believed Pavlov’s conditioning, which involves psychological ________, was not very useful in forms of ongoing behaviours.
Any behaviour that increases in frequency because of accidental pairing of a reinforcer and that behaviour is called ________ behaviour.
In classical conditioning, the response is an involuntary ________ that is elicited by the ________.
Unconditioned stimulus
In operant conditioning, the response is a voluntary _______ that is performed or _______ by the organism.
Innate tendencies or predispositions that may either facilitate or inhibit learning are referred to as _________.
Biological factors
The innate tendency to recognize and store certain cues over others and to associate conditioned with unconditioned stimuli is called _______.
Prepared learning
Verbal bullying and spreading rumours are examples of ______.
Relational aggression
Using principles of operant conditioning to change human behaviour is referred to as ______.
Behaviour modification
Systematic reinforcement of desired behaviours along with the withholding of reinforcement or punishment of undesired behaviours is called ________.
Contingency management