Module 9 Flashcards
what rights to information does an auditor have?
- right of access
- right to information and explanations
- right to require an subsidiaries to provide them with information
what rights to resolutions and meetings does an auditor have?
- right to receive copies of all communications relating to any written resolution
- right to receive notice of any general meeting and attend
- right to be heard at any general meeting
what other matters is an auditor required to form an opinion on?
Returns have been received from branches not visited
Accounts agree with underlying records
Proper accounting records have been kept
Information and explanations necessary have been received
Directors emoluments and other benefits disclosures are complete
How is an auditor appointed?
usually by the shareholders (majority of shareholders agree by vote)
BUT by directors
- any time before the companies first period for appointment
-to fill a causal vacancy
-if the company had taken an exemption but now requires an auditor
Who decides the auditors remuneration
The people who make the appointment so usually the shareholders.
Must be disclosed in the financial statements
What are the auditors rights against unwarranted dismissal
- if shareholders propose motion to dismiss, auditors are entitled to copy
- right to make written statements and have passed to shareholders
- right to attend AGM
What are the auditors rights if they are not re-appointed
rights to make written statements have them distributed to shareholders
What must an auditor do to resign
send a letter of resignation and for publicly listed companies, a statement of circumstances
What is a statement of circumstances
submitted when auditor resigns
must either state there are no circumstances the shareholders should be aware of or
disclose details of the circumstances
Sent to shareholders and debenture holders
Must also be sent to appropriate audit authority and companies house
What is money laundering?
Processing, concealing or dealing with the proceeds of any crime.
What are the three principal offences in relation to money laundering?
- concealing or transferring proceeds
- arrangements to facilitate the acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property
- acquiring using or possessing criminal property
Who are regulated sectors in the ML Regulations
- auditors, insolvency practitioners, external accountants and tax advisers
- credit institutions
- financial institutions
- independent legal profess
- trust of company service providers
- estate agents
- high value dealers
- casinos
Who is the money laundering reporting officer
nominated officer in an audit firm
What are the three areas the ML Regulations cover?
- Risk assessment and controls
- Customer due diligence
- Supervision and registration
What are the potential additional offences for those in regulated sectors?
- failure to report
- tipping off
What is the risk assessment and controls area of the ML Regulations?
- Risk assessment
- Policies, controls and procedures
- Internal controls
- Training
What is the customer due diligence area of the ML Regs?
Evidence o identify clients
Records must be kept fro 5 years
What is the supervision and registration area of the ML Regs?
Professional bodies must monitor members
when should an auditor be careful not to tip off the client?
- instances of non-compliance
- communication with those charged with governance
- resigning unexpectedly from the audit engagement
- issuing a modified audit report
- delaying the audit report