Module 8 - Muscle Length & Joint Geometry Flashcards
What Factors influence Force Production?
- Muscle Architecture
- Neural Factors
- Force-length relationship
- Force-velocity Relationship
What parts of the muscle architecture influence force production?
- Muscle Fiber Arrangement
- Muscle Fiber Types
What neural factors influence force production?
- Firing rate of motor units
- Orderly Recruitment of motor units
What part of the force-length relationship influences force production?
- Active and Passive Components
How does the force-velocity relationship influence force production?
- High velocity generates low force (for concentric actions)
What is crucial for understanding force production?
- Moment arm
- Moment of Force (torque)
Why are the concepts of moment arm and moment of force important for understanding force production?
- Bones constrained to rotate about a joint axis
- Linear Actuator (muscle) transmits force to the angular musculoskeletal system
How do muscles generate and transmit force?
- Via Tendons to the bones
What needs to be known to estimate muscle length if we know joint geometry?
- Distances between muscle insertion and centre of rotation
- Joint angle
How can you measure joint angle?
- Motion capture
How can you estimate distance between muscle insertion and joint centre of rotation?
What mathematical concept is used to estimate muscle length using the distance between muscle insertion and centre of rotation, and joint angle?
- Law of Cosines
What is the law of cosines?
c^2 = a^2 + b^2 − 2ab*cos(y)
y = joint angle
How does muscle length change?
- As a function of joint angle
How does angular velocity affect joint geometry?
- Faster angular velocity = quicker shortening times and angle change
How do short fiber lengths affect the active range of motion?
- Full Flexion (small angles)
- Full Extension (small angles)
How do long fiber lengths affect the active range of motion?
- Full Flexion (large angle)
- Full Extension (very large angle)
What are ISokinetic Testing Machines used for?
- Keeping angular velocity constant during testing
Why are isokinetic testing machines sought after?
- Controllable
What happens when a participant pushes as hard as they can against an isokinetic testing machine?
- Generates movement at a constant velocity
Why is it difficult to interpret isokinetic data with respect to force-velocity curves?
- Muscle length doesnt change at constant value
What can you assume for slow twitch muscles?
Vmax = 6 degrees l0 / s