module 7 test Flashcards
heart rates are ____ in infants and children compared to adults?
blood pressure is ____ in children compared to adults?
if the infant becomes chilled during the assessment the skin will appear as
mottling, blotching or marbling
infants the best temperature is
rectal temp
newborns weigh about ____ and ____
5 lbs 8 oz and 8lbs and 13 oz
it’s okay if a baby loses up to ____ of their weight
infants will ___ their birth weight by 4-6 months
infants will ____ their birth weight by 12 months
baby acne is ___ and more common in ____
milia & boys
red macules, papules, and pustules
erythema toxicum
blue-purple flat spot normally around the butt
mongolian spot
flat, round, spot, dark pigmented
cafe-au-lait spot
red or pink spot often seen on the back of neck or eyelids
stork bites
large, flat, bluish-purple capillary area. found around the face
nevus flammeus (port wine stains)
slightly raised reddened areas with a sharp demarcation line (2-3cm) usually require treatment such as laser
strawberry hemangioma
reddish-blue round mass of blood vessels. could continue to grow in size within the first year
cavernous hemangioma
hairy newborns
lanugo hair
when you see “sunken” you think __
when you see “bulging” you think
increased intracranial pressure
soft spot at the top of their heads
anterior fontanelle
short necks or webbing is a sign for
Turner syndrome or Down syndrome
polyethylene tubes in tympanic membrane are placed to ___
relieve middle ear pressure and drain out
crease on the nose (like you)
allergic salute
teeth grinding
darkened, brown, or black teeth may indicate
decay or oral iron therapy
high-pitched piercing sound primarily heard in distressed infant during inspiration
if an infant is having to work to breath
it is a medical emergency
how many arteries?
how many veins?
abdominal pain is always
abnormal findings
child laying on the bed, feel their hips and roll their hips to feel a smooooth ball-and-socket joint, no clicks
if crepitus is heard during barlow-ortolani test
you may have a hip displacement
in lateral recumbent, and assessing knee height (same length?)
negative Allis test
startle infant
moro reflex
touch palm of infant hand and they hold it
palmar grasp reflex
infant in supine; rotate head to side so chin is over shoulder
tonic neck reflex
touch object to sole of infant’s foot
plantar grasp reflec
stroke the lateral surface of infant’s sole using J from sole to big toe
infant in upright position, feet flat on surface, “walking”
step in place reflex
dorsiflex foot; pinch sole of foot just under the toes
brush infant’s cheek near corner of mouth
rooting response (awake) reflex
touch infants lips
sucking reflex
inflammation of the skin
atopic dermatitis
clinical findings: red, weeping, crusted lesions
atopic dermatitis
honey-colored crusted
when a child doesn’t want to lay flat nor suck, crying while trying to swallow
think ear pressure (aom)
arched back called
arched back, stiff neck, extension of extremities may indicate
irritant contact dermatitis due to reaction from urine, feces, moisture, or friction
diaper dermatitis
clinical findings: irritant rash involving skin areas that are in contact with diaper
diaper dermaitits
highly contagious infection caused by staphyl/strep
clinical findings: lesions first appear on the trunk then spread to extremities and face
herpes varicella (chickenpox)
middle ear effusion that can be viral or bacterial
AOM acute otitis media
ear pain
clinical findings: fever, vomiting, decreased hearing
AOM acute otitis media
inflammation of palpebral or bulbar conjunctivia
clinical findings: red, thick sticky discharge on eyelids
most common oropharyngeal infections among children
clinical findings: sore throat, pain with swallowing, fever chills, tender lymph nodes
incomplete fusion of maxillary process
cleft lip and cleft palate
clinical findings: diagnosed before/at birth, separation extending to floor of nostril
cleft lip and cleft palate
multisystem, autosomal recessive genetic disorder of exocrine glands
CF cystic fibrosis
clinical findings: thick, sticky mucus. frothy, greasy stool, clubbing and barrel chested
CF cystic fibrosis
airway obstruction, environmental exposures, allergens
childhood asthma
clinical findings: audible wheeze, shortness of breath, tachycardia, persistent cough
childhood asthma
wide range of upper airway illness resulting from edema of epiglottis and larynx
clinical findings: inspiratory stridor, barking-like cough, and hoarseness, lethargy
abnormal connection between left and right side of the heart
congenital heart defects
clinical findings: poor feeding, poor weight gain, elevated HR and RR
congenital heart defects
clinical findings: sucking, swallowing difficulties, toe walking
muscular dystrophies
inherited diseases progressed by muscle wasting dute to degeneration of muscle fibers
muscular dystrophies
abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid CSF
motor function disorders caused by permanent, nonprogressive brain injuries
cerebral palsy
spasticity, seizures, intellectual disability (retardation), muscle contractions, delayed motor development
cerebral palsy
attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
more common in boys, inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity
ADHD attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
___ palpated to determine consistency, shape, and mobility. This is done to determine which part of the fetus is at the fundas
fundal palpation
both sides of the uterus are palpated to identify the back/spine of the fetus
lateral palpation
this is done to assess which part of the fetus is in the pelvic inlet
symphysis pubic palpation
this is used to determine the fetal attitude and position
deep pelvic palpation
____ should never be considered normal and needs further evaluation
cervix length and shortening due to dilation
premature separation of implanted placenta before birth of the fetus
abruptio placentae
clinical findings: bleeding, abdominal pain, uterine contractions
abruptio placentae
attachment in lower uterine segment near cervical vs higher up
placenta previa
clinical findings: painless vaginal bleeding seen in 3rd trimester, mild uterine contractions, uterus is soft and nontender
placenta previa
excessive quantity of amniotic fluid
clinical findings: excessive uterine size, tense uterine wall, difficulty palpating fetal parts and hearing fetal heart tones
clinical findings: mother may experience dyspnea, edema, and discomfort caused by pressure
preeclampsia condition with proteinuria and edema
PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension
clinical findings: 140+/90+ or 30/15 higher than baseline
PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension
spontaneous rupture of uterine membranes before onset of labor
PROM premature rupture of membranes
clinical findings: the passage of amniotic fluid from the vagina before labor
PROM premature rupture of membranes
shortened thorax and anteroposterior diameter increased
in response to stress or increased oxygen demand
heart size decreases
decrease in height may occur more in women due to
irregularly shaped, flat, deeply pigmented macules that appear on body surface areas from exposure to sun
liver spots (solar lentigo) - (normal)
pigmented raised, warty-appearing lesions that appear on trunk or face
seborrheic keratoses (normal)
small, soft tag of skin that generally appears on neck and upper chest
skin tag (acrochordon) (normal)
stiff neck in older adults may indicate
cervical arthritis
lower lid drops away from globe
ectropion (abnormal)
lower lid turns inward toward globe
entropion (abnormal)
wrinkling lips
red, edematous tongue with erosions may an indication for
iron-deficiency anemia
oval yellow spot in center of retina that helps provide central vision
macular degeneration
clinical findings: loss of central vision, decline in visual acuity, a dark spot in center of vision and straight lines look crooked
macular degeneration
reduction in total numbers of circulating erythrocytes (red blood cells) or decrease in quantity or quality of hemoglobin
clinical findings: cool and pale skin, tachycardia/phnea, tinnitus, lightheadedness
when patient is unable to control urination
urinary incontience
immediate urge to pee, leaking urine when laughing, coughing, or sneezing
urinary incontience
ABCDE, flaking or scaly texture
afflicts light-skinned people
clinical findings: appears as a nodular with depressed centers and rolled borders
basal cell carcinoma
invasive skin cancer
clinical findings: red scaly patch. slightly elevated and an ulcer may form around the redness
squamous cell carcinoma
cloudy or blurred vision, glare from headlights, lamps, or sunlight, and diplopia
intraocular pressure disease
clinical findings: gradual and painless loss of peripheral vision
diabetes mellitus can lead to poor vision due to
diabetic retinopathy
structural changes, disorders of the inner ear, or problems with the auditory nerve
sensorineural hearing loss
clinical findings: typical chief complaint is a decreased ability to hear and report muffled tones
conductive hearing loss
clinical findings: presbycusis of high-pitched tones
sensorineural hearing loss
interference of air conduction to the middle ear results in
conductive hearing loss
hyperreactive and obstruction of airway disease
clinical findings: wheezing, tachycardia/pnea, tightness in the chest
pursed-lip breathing, clubbing, rhonchi, tripod
infection of the terminal bronchioles and alveoli
clinical findings: produces a productive cough called ___
and it also produces a nonproductive cough (clear sputum) called ____
viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia
elevated systolic or diastolic pressure
____ is an important symptom of coronary artery disease, which indicated myocardial ischemia caused by a lack of oxygen
sudden or gradual onset, constant pain, 20min, 10/10
myocardial infarction (MI)
acquired or congenital disorder of a heart valve
valvular heart disease VHD
when the heart valve either open/closed
VHD valvular heart disease
when either ventricle fails to pump blood efficiently into the aorta or pulmonary arteries
heart failure
____ develops from arterial insufficiency
PAD peripheral arterial disease
clinical findings: insufficiencies may produce ulcers, craterlike lesions on the skin
PAD peripheral arterial disease
clinical findings: heartburn, dysphagia, regurgitation
acidic gastric secretions flow into lower esophagus
clinical findings: dysuria, urine with blood or cloudy sediment
silent disease, loss of height, kyphosis
weight-bearing, loss of cartilage
increase in uric acid
cyanotic joints, flank pain, kidney stones
unilateral numbness
cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
tremors, shuffling gait, balance problems
decline in memory, incurable,
Alzheimer disease
enlargement of prostate gland that usually affects older men
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
clinical findings: sensation of not completely emptying the bladder after urinating, frequent urination, difficulty starting the urinary stream.
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia