Module 6: Money Laundering - Techniques & Off-Shore Flashcards
FATF principles
- Implement relevant int. conventions
- Criminalize ML
- Customer due diligence
- Cooperate internationally
The Financial Action Task Force
What are the 9 special recommendations against terrorism financing
- Implement UN instruments
- Criminalize financing and associated ML
- Freeze/confiscate assets
- Report suspicious transactions
- Cooperate internationally
- 4MO
What are the key factor of off-shore ML?
- Use of legal persons (disguise ownership, hide people controlling). Companies, partnerships, trusts, “states”
- Use of professionals (advice on technique, assistance)
- Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories (NCCT): offshore and tax havens. FATF list mostly empty
What is the Double Irish Dutch sandwich
Sending profits first through one Irish company, then to a Dutch company and finally to a second Irish company HQ in a tax haven.
What is the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units?
Collect information on suspicious or unusual financial activity from financial industry and other entities or professions
What are AML measures?
KYC/CDD, record keeping, STRs/CTRs, FIU, international coop (MLAT assistance treaties)
What is rule #1?
Construct a legal person, that can then open an account in a financial institution
Trust and Company Service Provider
International Business Corporation
Limited Liability Compan
What does a TCSP do?
TCSP form companies, partnerships or trusts. Many based offshore. Cheap (€500) and by email/fax/ph
Provide full ‘corporate services’ and nominees
What is an IBC?
Formed under the laws of some jurisdictions as a tax-free company which is not permitted to engage in business within the jurisdiction it is incorporated in.
A major corporate vehicle. A legal foreign person that the beneficiary owns. Usually exempt from tax, confidentiality of beneficial owners, some state allow bearer shares (Seychelles, Panama)
What are Nominee Directors / Nominee Shareholders
Hire locals to act as directors or shareholders. True owner/beneficiary is not identifiable though this.
What is a shell bank?
A bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it has no physical presence and which is unaffiliated with a regulated financial group. Online set up bank and operated as financial institution. But locally there won’t be an office. Correspondent banking with established banks
What is a trust?
Based on set of rules. Document dictate what trust is doing. Without docs, you don’t know. Legal relationship.
Revocable trusts can be changed by the settlor.
Trust can manage the shares, escape clauses
Trust Arrangements: Use to add further layers. Possible to set up a trust in Cyprus (EU!). The beneficiary of the trust owns the true controlling share. Trust can have triggers and rules to allow it to come back to beneficial owner
How to reduce transparency?
Funds through multiple tax havens
Why LLC?
Look more professional to banks/ look like corp entity. Some LLCs have few ownership restriction —> beneficial ownership hard to determine. Syndicated transactions: co-mingle funds. Return places layered transactions to criminal
Structure of ML scheme using trust
Loan back scheme
How to set up a legal person?
- Contact TCSP
- Buy IBC or shell company (ideally IBC with bearer shares)
- Engane TCSP as nominee directors
- Open bank account
- Add further layers