Module 6 Flashcards
Uniform in all orientations
Extremely Fine grained
Knapping or flint knapping
The process of making stone tools
Conchoidal fracture
Shell-shaped fracture
Bulb of percussion
Area of conchoidal fracture produced during stone tool manufacture
Striking platform
Area where a stone tool is impacted during production of flakes
Larger rock that has flakes removed from it for tool production
Smaller rock removed from a core during tool production
Stone used to remove flakes from a core or to shape flakes after removal
Soft hammer
Similar to a hammerstone, but made of material softer than the rock core; often made of antler or bone
Reducing firing atmosphere
Limited supply of oxygen during ceramic firing, typically resulting in black and white ceramics
Non-plastic materials added to clay for ceramic production
reductive technology
Artifact production involves removing materials, with no possibility of replacing these
Additive technology
Artifact production involves adding materials as desired, permitting a finished product of any desired size or shape
Materials that can be formed into any desired shape or form
Oxidizing firing atmosphere
Unlimited supply of oxygen during ceramic firing, typically resulting in red and buff or multicolour ceramics
Coiled ceramics
Ceramics produced by coiling a piece of clay into the desired shape (only form of ceramic production in the Americas prior to European contact)
Name given to a fragmentary piece of ceramics (sherd in the Americas; shard in Britain)
Name used in Mesoamerican archaeology for incense burners
Differential use of ceramics
Archaeological analysis of the distribution of ceramics in different contexts
Moving element in weaving (left-to-right portions)
Structural element in weaving (up-and-down portions)
bone cutting
Sawing or otherwise cutting through bone to produce a desired shape
bone grinding
Producing a desired shape in bone by abrading against a rough material like sandstone
Reheating of quenched iron to decrease brittleness
rapid water cooling of carburized iron to increase strength (increases brittleness)
Process of introducing carbon from charcoal fires to iron
Hardened iron produced through use of carbon from charcoal fires