Module 5: Gardnerella and bacterial vaginosis Flashcards
Organism that causes bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Antibiotic used to treat bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole (flagyl)
Genus Gardnerella
Contains only one species, Gardnerella vaginalis
Typical cellular morphology of G. vaginalis
Small, pleomorphic Gram negative to Gram variable rods
Gardnerella vaginalis is associated with what infection?
Bacterial vaginosis
Clue cells
Epithelial cells coated with G. vaginalis, with indistinct margins
Indicative of bacterial vaginosis
Vaginalis agar (V agar)
Columbia agar base with peptone and 5% human blood added
Human blood bilayer tween (HBT) agar
Columbia agar base supplemented with Proteose, peptone, tween 80 (enhances growth and improves hemolytic reactions), colistin, nalidic acid and amphotericin B
Bottom layer is poured and allowed to solidify, then the same medium enriched with 5% human blood is added as a top layer
Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
Any 3 of the following: o Vaginal pH above 4.7 o Thin homogenous, milky discharge that is not purulent o Fishy smell when 10% KOH is added o Clue cells
Non-spore forming, non-motile, Gram variable coccobacilli seen in clue cells are
Gardnerella vaginalis
Antimicrobial used to treat bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole (flagyl)