Module 5 Cervical Spine Syndromes Flashcards
List 5 difference between the paediatric versus Adult cervical spine KNOW
- Cervical spine injuries in children usually occur in the upper cervical spine from the occiput to C3.
- This fact may be explained by the unique biomechanics and anatomy of the pediatric cervical spine.
- The fulcrum of motion in the cervical spine in children is at the C2-C3 level; in the adult cervical spine, the fulcrum is at the C5-C6 level
- The immature spine is hypermobile because of ligamentous laxity, shallow and angled facet joints, underdeveloped spinous processes, and physiologic anterior wedging of vertebral bodies, all of which contribute to high torque and shear forces acting on the C1-C2 region.
- Incomplete ossification of the odontoid process, a relatively large head, and weak neck muscles are other factors that predispose to instability of the pediatric cervical spine
What are the normal radiographic parameters and variants of the pediatric cervical spine
The atlantodens interval (ADI) is defined as the distance between the anterior aspect of the dens and the posterior aspect of the anterior ring of the atlas.
This distance should be 4 mm or less. In the adult population, the normal ADI is 3 mm.
Up to 6 mm of displacement of the lateral masses relative to the dens is common in patients up to 4 years old and may be seen in patients up to 7 years old
- The absence of lordosis, although potentially pathologic in an adult, can be seen
in children up to 16 years of age when the neck is in a neutral position - Ossification centers such as secondary centers of ossification of spinous processes and unfused ring apophyses of vertebral bodies can be confused with fractures.
- Normal physeal plates should be recognized as smooth, regular structures with subchondral sclerotic lines.
- Acute fractures are irregular, are not sclerotic, and can occur at any location.
- The posterior ring of C1 can remain cartilaginous
- The apical odontoid epiphysis is visualized at radiography in 26% of children between 6 and 8 years of age and should not be confused with fracture
- In early infancy, cervical vertebral bodies have an oval appearance.
These vertebrae take on a more rectangular appearance with advancing age.
Anterior wedging of up to 3 mm of the vertebral bodies should not be confused with compression fracture
* A prevertebral space of less than 6 mm at the level of C3 is considered normal in children
In children, the C2-3 space and, to a lesser extent, the C3-4 space have a normal physiologic displacement (pseudosubluxation)
46% of children less than 8 years old had pseudosubluxation of C2 on C3 on lateral flexion and extension radiographs of the cervical spine
describe what’s happening here.
In children, the C2-3 space and, to a lesser extent, the C3-4 space have a normal physiologic displacement (pseudosubluxation)
In a study involving 160 pediatric patients with no history of cervical spine trauma, 46% of children less than 8 years old had pseudosubluxation of C2 on C3 on lateral flexion and extension radiographs of the cervical spine
* An abnormal posterior cervical line measurement often indicates the presence of a bilateral pars interarticularis (“hangman fracture”) of C2.
Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine in
a pediatric patient shows pseudosubluxation at the C2-C3 level (arrow).
Occiput - C1 injury
How would a Jefferson fracture show up on an Xray
A Jefferson fracture usually manifests as asymmetry between the odontoid process and the lateral masses on an open-mouth odontoid image.
These fractures are stable if the transverse ligament is intact
A distance of 6 mm or more between the lateral mass of C1 and the odontoid process is suggestive of ligamentous disruption
Odontoid Fractures
- In children less than 7 years old most commonly occur through the cartilaginous synchondrosis
- Fractures to this area usually heal without the complications typically seen in adults, such as nonunion and pseudoarthrosis
- The odontoid displacement is usually anterior, with the dens tilted posteriorly
- Os odontoideum may occur in a normal anatomic location or may be displaced
It is associated with instability of the atlantoaxial joint and cervical spinal cord injury
Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of C2 (Hangman Fracture)
- Hangman fracture is a hyperextension injury of the cervical spine.
- This fracture can occur in younger children but is less common than fractures of C1 and the odontoid process
- Anterior subluxation of C2 on C3 with associated horizontal tearing of the C2-3 disk space may also be seen
- This lesion can be diagnosed with lateral radiography, although CT and MR imaging may be useful for more detailed evaluation
Atlantoaxial Instability
What are the consequences?
How does the various types occur?
Instability of the upper cervical spine in children is uncommon but potentially devastating.
- In the normal upper cervical spine, flexion and extension take place at the occiput–first cervical vertebra (C1) articulation, and rotation occurs at the C1–2 joint.
- Neither joint is intrinsically stable, and both depend on the integrity of the ligaments and joint capsules that surround the joints to constrain motion.
- Developmental, traumatic, inflammatory, or metabolic lesions that affect the stability of the occiput-C1 or C1–2 joint have serious implications.
- Progressive myelopathy may develop in patients with chronic instability; acute impingement and death are possible in patients with severe instability
Vertebral (Bony Anomalies)
Cranio-occipital defects (occipital vertebrae, basilar impression, occipital dysplasias, condylar hypoplasia, occipitalized atlas)
Atlantoaxial defects (aplasia of atlas arch, aplasia of odontoid process)
Subaxial anomalies (failure of segmentation and/or fusion, spina bifida, spondylolisthesis)
Ligamentous or Combined Anomalies
Found at birth as an element of somatogenic aberration
Syndromic Disorders
Down syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome Larsen syndrome
Marfan syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Infection (pyogenic, granulomatous)
Tumor (including neurofibromatosis)
Inflammatory conditions (e.g., juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
Osteochondrodysplasias (e.g., achondroplasia, diastrophic dysplasia, metatropic dysplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia)
Storage disorders (e.g., mucopolysaccharidoses, Morquoi syndrome) Metabolic disorders (rickets)
Miscellaneous (including osteogenesis imperfecta, sequela of surgery)
Atlantoaxial instability can be the cause of torticollis which can occur spontaneously, or as a result of trauma ma, or in association with underlying congenital abnormalities.
What are other disorders that may cause childhood torticollis include?
- infections,
- spinal cord tumors
- an underlying abnormality within the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Atlanto -axial subluxation
there is an increased incidence in
- Down’s Syndrome,
- Skeletal dysplasia (Morquio),
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
- Os odontoidism,and
- Grisel’s syndrome.
(Grisel’s syndrome is a nontraumatic atlantoaxial subluxation which is usually secondary of an infection or an inflammation at the head and neck region. It can be observed after surgery of head and neck region_ Google)
Down’s syndrome = 10-20% incidence of asymtomatic atlanto-axial instability due to laxity of transverse ligaments, which holds the dens against the posterior border of the anterior arch. 1-2% will develop subluxation.
Down syndrome
What are the reported abnormalities in the spine?
How should we examine a Child with Down syndrome? Radiographically.
The association of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) with instability of the upper cervical spine is well known; estimates of the incidence of instability range from 10–25%
➢Reported abnormalities include occipito-atlantal instability, atlanto-axial instability, occipitalization of the atlas, and os odontoideum.
➢The number of patients with symptoms related to C1–2 instability or other anomalies of the cervical spine is much lower.
➢A minority of Down patients with cervical instability have neurologic symptoms.
➢ The clinical diagnosis of neurologic dysfunction may be challenging
➢ Subtle findings such as decreased exercise tolerance and gait abnormalities (increased tripping or falling) may be the earlie st signs of myelopathy.
➢ The atlanto-dens interval (ADI) is measured as the space between the dens and the anterior ring of C1 (ADI) on lateral radiographs in neutral, flexion, and extension.
➢ A normal ADI in children with Down syndrome is <4.5 mm.
➢ Hypermobility is diagnosed with an ADI between 4.5 and 10 mm
➢ An ADI >10 mm represents instability and carries a significant risk of neurologic injury.
➢ An MRI with flexion and extension, usually performed under supervision, helps to further evaluate instability and neurologic compression.
➢ Although hypermobility at the occipitoatlantal joint is present in >50% of children with Down syndrome, most patients do not develop instability or neurologic symptoms.
➢ The relationships at this articulation are difficult to measure reliably on plain radiographs, and a dynamic MRI can help to clarify the significance of any questionable radiographic findings.
➢ Degenerative changes and/or instability can result in pain, radiculopathy, and myelopathy.
- Recommendations for surveillance of potential cervical instability in children with Down syndrome vary, and no formal guidelines have been established.
- An annual neurologic examination should be performed.
- It is reasonable to obtain plain radiographs of the cervical spine, including flexion-extension views, in all patients with
Down syndrome. - Flexion and extension radiographs are obtained every other year in those with a normal clinical exam.
- Those with abnormal findings or symptoms, or when neurologic compression is suspected, are sent for an MRI in flexion and extension.
- Patients with normal radiographs who are also neurologically normal may be allowed to participate in a full level of activities.
- Those in whom hypermobility is diagnosed should be restricted from contact sports and other high-risk activities that might increase the risk of trauma to the cervical spine.
- Only a small subset of patients with myelopathy or instability (ADI >10 mm) with impending neurologic injury are candidates for posterior atlantoaxial (or occipitocervical) fusion, because the risks of a major complication (death, neurologic dysfunction, nonunion of fusion) is significant in patients with Down syndrome.
➢Torticollis is a sign, not a disease, and may be the result of a wide range of underlying pathophysiologic processes.
LIST OF some differential diagnosis of torticollis in infants and children
-Osseous anomalies (Hemivertebra, unilateral atlanto-occipital fusion, Klippel-Feil syndrome)
-Soft tissue abnormalities (unilateral absence of sternocleidomastoid, pterygium colli)
(Malformation or congenital cervical scoliosis result in deformity of the neck that will not respond to stretching exercise programs or adjusting)
-Positional deformation or congenital muscular torticollis
-Trauma (muscular injury, fractures)
-Cervical instability (atlanto-occipital subluxation,
atlantoaxial subluxation, subaxial subluxation)
Atlanto- axial rotatory displacement
-Retropharyngeal abscess
-Diskitis or vertebral osteomyelitis Rheumatoid arthritis
-Visual disturbances (nystagmus, superior oblique paresis)
-Dystonic drug reactions (phenothiazines, haloperidol, metoclopramide)
-Neoplasia (cervical spinal cord or posterior fossa tumor)
-Chiari I malformation and/or syringomyelia
-Wilson disease
-Spasmus nutans (nystagmus, head bobbing, head tilting)
Whats happening here?
A rare cause of congenital torticollis
* Not responsive to chiropractic treatment
Atlanto- occipital fusion
Which area is fused in most cases?
What else is Atlanta-occipital assimilation associated with?
- Atlanto-occipital assimilation occurs in 0.5% (range 0.25- 1%) of the population
- Atlanto-occipital assimilation is typically asymptomatic but symptoms from nerve or vascular compression can occur
- Atlanto-occipital assimilation is associated with:
- Fusion ofC2 and C3 (occurs in 50% of cases)
- Basilar invagination
- Cleft palate
- Cervical ribs
- Urinary tract anomalies
Klippel- Feil Syndrome
May present with?
What is needed for a diagnosis?
May present with?
1. Short neck
2. Low posterior hairline
3. Limited range of motion
Congenital elevation os the scapula, is the most common congenital shoulder abnormality.
2 or more non-segmented cervical vertebrae are usually sufficient for diagnosis.
What is this and what are the associated risks or complications with it>
The importance of the arcuate foramen lies in the external pressure it may cause on the vertebral artery as it passes from the foramen transversarium of the first cervical vertebra to the foramen magnum of the skull.
Tethering of the vertebral artery in the congenital arcuate foramen of the atlas vertebra: a possible cause of vertebral artery dissection in
- Vertebral artery dissection due to arcuate foramen commonly present with:
- Occipital headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness or vertigo
Neurological causes of Torticollis:
Chiari Malformations:
What is the clinical presentation of Chiari malformations
An infant with CM (Type II, I) may present with
❖ feeding problems due to difficulties swallowing,
❖ poor sleeping patterns,
❖ periods of apnea, weak or hoarse sounding cry and
❖ possible delayed attainment of milestones due weakness in extremities and affected fine motor skills.
* Hydrocephalus may develop and cause macrocephaly, vomiting, irritability, seizures, and further delays in attaining developmental milestones.
- Severe cases of CM can be life threatening
Imaging findings might include:
1. Abnormalities of the skull
2. Basilar invagination
3. Occipitalisation of atlas
4. Spina Bifida of C1 posterior arch
5. Foramen magnum variant anatomy
6. Spina Bifida
While older children (usually Type I) may present with history of the above,
* occipital headache is the most common symptom.
* Vision problems, tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness may
also be reported.
* Problems with balance, paraesthesia in limbs, and syncope are sometimes present.
* If syringomyelia develops loss of muscle, muscle weakness, numbness, scoliosis, loss of bowel and bladder control, chronic pain, cramps, ataxia, and spasticity may be occur.
* A clinician should have increased suspicion of CM in presence of Spina Bifida.
* Prenatal maternal depression and consumption of SSRI have been shown to be risk factors
Neurological causes of Torticollis:
Brain tumours in children: a potential cause of torticollis
Clinical presentation of brain tumours
- Signs of increased intracranial pressure (Hydrocephalus)
- Increased head circumference
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
Morning headache
Headache wakes child from sleep Swallowing issues
Facial weakness
HA’s due to increased I.C.P tend to:
– occur in mornings or wake the child late at night/early hours of morning
– be relieved with standing
– be described as dull, generalised and steady
– may be intermittent and worse with cough, sneeze, defecation
– often associated with vomiting & the vomiting relieves the headache
* Headache can be a symptom of tumour irrespective of location
* Headaches are a very common symptoms of brain tumour
– 70% occurrence in infratentorial tumours
– 58% occurrence in supratentorial tumours
– Note HA is rarely in isolation, usually other neuro symptoms &/or vomiting as well
* Note that occipital HA or neck pain can also be a symptom of a posterior fossa tumour due to irritation of posterior roots of the cervical cord.
* When this occurs the pt. may also show signs of tonsilar herniation (e.g. neck stiffness & opisthotonus)
* Therefore, a headache with neurological deficits and signs of increased I.C.P is of concern
* One of the most common symptoms of brain tumour in children
* Commonly misdiagnosed as migraine, viral or G.I.T illness
* Bailey et al reports vomiting history in 84% of kids with brain tumours (quite an old study 1939)
* Baren reports 60-80% of children with brain tumour have a history of vomiting (2008)
* Can present in many ways: - alone ,mild
- intermittent, early hrs of morning -abrupt, daily with HA
* Vomiting with no sign of fever, no diarrhoea, lethargy, no improvement with rehydration, head tilt and abnormal neuro exam is of concern
Therefore, thorough history and examination (esp. neuro) with children presenting with headache &/or vomiting is imperative.
Infection causing torticollis
Grisel’s Syndrome
History + Exam findings:
treatment involves?
History of ENT surgery or ENT infection
*Torticollis some days after onset of infection/operation
*Rotation and slight flexion of the head with chin rotated contralaterally
*Painful active and passive rotation of the head
*In the first days of torticollis, elevated CRP and leucocytes, and later, normalization of these parameters and usually no fever
*Radiograph of the cervical spine: space between atlas and dens
axis >5 mm
*CT scan: atlantoaxial subluxation and rotation
1. Lymohatic drainage
2. reducing inflammation
3. adjustments during acute phase not usually necessary,
▪ Neurosurgical consultation is mandatory to prevent significant neurological deficit.
▪ 15% of patients may develop permanent neurological sequel.
▪ Early broad spectrum antibiotics
▪ Muscle relaxants
▪ Bedrest
▪ Cervical traction and soft or hard collar
▪ Cases treated inappropriately may result in a fixed and painful neck deformity that may even require surgical fusion.
Case Example:
We report a 5 year old boy with recurring episodes of head tilt and painful and restricted neck movements that developed after repeated bouts of sinusitis.
Radiographs showed a subluxation of the C2–3 joint.
This is the first report of a symptomatic case of Grisel’s syndrome occurring at the C2–3 segment.
-URTI, mumps etc
Postoperative causes: Grommets, tonsils out surgery, etc
What is this diagnosis?
Grisel’s syndrome
Retropharyngeal abscess: a cause of torticollis
Exam findings:
Xray findings?
- Presentation
1. Fever
2. Neck pain
3. Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
4. Neck mass
5. Sore throat
6. Respiratory distress - Examination findings
1. Lymphadenopathy
2. Limited cervical spine ROM
3. Torticollis
4. Tonsillitis
5. Drooling
6. Stridor
7. Dyspnoea
Normal prevertebral spaces are as follows:
* Anterior to C2: Less than or equal to 7mm in children and adults.
* Anterior to C3 and C4: less than 5mm in children or adults or less than 40% of the AP diameter of the C3 and C4 vertebral bodies.
- To simplify things, others suggest that the upper pre-vertebral soft tissue should be no wider than one vertebral body width.
- Adequate hyperextension of the head and neck is necessary in order to properly interpret the film if there is no history of trauma. If the head and neck are not properly positioned, the pre-vertebral space will appear to be widened because the neck is not extended enough.
Retropharyngeal abscess: a cause of torticollis
Exam findings:
Xray findings?
- Presentation
1. Fever
2. Neck pain
3. Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
4. Neck mass
5. Sore throat
6. Respiratory distress - Examination findings
1. Lymphadenopathy
2. Limited cervical spine ROM
3. Torticollis
4. Tonsillitis
5. Drooling
6. Stridor
7. Dyspnoea
Normal prevertebral spaces are as follows:
* Anterior to C2: Less than or equal to 7mm in children and adults.
* Anterior to C3 and C4: less than 5mm in children or adults or less than 40% of the AP diameter of the C3 and C4 vertebral bodies.
- To simplify things, others suggest that the upper pre-vertebral soft tissue should be no wider than one vertebral body width.
- Adequate hyperextension of the head and neck is necessary in order to properly interpret the film if there is no history of trauma. If the head and neck are not properly positioned, the pre-vertebral space will appear to be widened because the neck is not extended enough.
Whats the diagnosis- explain why?
Retropharyngeal abscess
- There is pre-vertebral soft tissue swelling noted. This radiograph is consistent with a retropharyngeal abscess, not croup.
- The retropharyngeal space is a pocket of connective tissue that extends from the base of the skull approximately to the tracheal carina.
- It harbors two chains of lymphoid tissue that drain the nasopharynx, adenoids, and posterior paranasal sinuses.
- Bacterial infections of the areas drained may result in suppuration of the nodes and abscess formation.
- These lymphatic chains begin to atrophy about the third or fourth year of life. Thus, 50% of the cases of retropharyngeal abscess occur between 6 and 12 months of age, and 96% of cases occur in children under 6 years of age (prior to lymphatic atrophy).
Torticollis due to Osteomyelitis and Diskitis
How long can it take to see changes on an Xray?
Pyogenic infections of the disk space or cervical vertebrae can lead to painful torticollis
* Diagnosis is often delayed because it can take up to 10–14 days to detect radiographic evidence of bone destruction
* Lateral radiography is useful for assessment of prevertebral soft- tissue swelling, periosteal reaction, disk space narrowing, and focal changes in the vertebral bodies
Osteomyelitis of the odontoid
Muscular torticollis in infants
Neck lumps in infants need US if?
Muscular torticollis:
-injury to SCM during delivery
-large infants with difficult vertex deliveries
-swelling within SCM may be palpable in neonates with muscular torticollis, will diminish shortly after birth.
* Contracture of the muscle results in the typical head tilt and rotation
Neck lumps in infants need US if -
1 Greater than 2cm diameter
2 Non mobile
3 Red
What is treatment of muscular torticollis?
A program of gentle passive stretching exercises started within the first month of life often results in resolution of the SCM contracture within 4-8 weeks.
The parents should be instructed to rotate the chin gently toward the side of head tilt while simultaneously bringing the head to the upright position.
As range of motion improves, the chin can be rotated past neutral, and the head tilted toward the opposite side.
Chiropractic adjustment
Always associated with an ASRI/LI C0 on the side of SCM contracture
What is the impact or torticollis associated with plagiocephaly on infants motor development?
Results: Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in the achievement of rolling over, crawling, and standing skills depending on the specific profile (plagiocephaly and plagiocephaly with congenital or acquired torticollis). Torticollis was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with crawling and standing skills.
* Conclusions: The findings suggest that the presence or absence of congenital or acquired torticollis is an important factor that affects gross motor development in infants with plagiocephaly.
39.7% with persistent deformational plagiocephaly had received special help in primary school. Only
7.7% of siblings required similar help.
What if an older child presents with torticollis?
- Torticollis arising later in childhood in previously normal children requires careful evaluation.
- Although the most common causes are minor cervical muscle trauma or inflammation of the cervical muscles secondary to upper respiratory illness, torticollis may be a manifestation of more serious abnormalities of the brain or spinal cord.
- Always perform
1. A detailed case history
2. A thorough neurological and physical examination
3. Appropriate imaging if concerned
Torticollis in infants and children
* Don’t miss the underlying cause
* There may be more than one issue present
Why do we need to be cautious?
- A headache may occasionally indicate a severe underlying disorder (e.g., a brain tumor), and thus careful evaluation of children with recurrent, severe, or unconventional headaches is mandatory.
Headaches in children
Migraine may be classified into subgroups, including
Migraine may be classified into subgroups, including
1. common and classic migraine,
2. migraine variants,
3. cluster headaches, and
4. complicated migraine.
Cluster headaches rarely occur in children
Common Migraine (migraine without aura)
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition
- This migraine is not associated with an aura and is the most prevalent type of migraine in children.
- The headache is throbbing or pounding and tends to be unilateral at onset or throughout its duration and located in the bifrontal or temporal regions.
- It may not be hemicranial in children and is less intense compared with the migraine in adults.
- The headache usually persists for 1–3hr, although the pain may last for as long as 24hr.
- The pain may inhibit daily activity, because physical activity aggravates the pain.
- A characteristic feature of childhood migraine is intense nausea and vomiting,
- The vomiting may be associated with abdominal pain and fever; thus, conditions such as appendicitis and a systemic infection may be erroneously confused with the primary diagnosis.
- Additional symptoms include 1.extreme paleness, 2.photophobia, 3.lightheadedness, 4.phonophobia,
5.osmophobia (aversion to odors), and 6.paresthesias of the hands and feet. - A family history, particularly on the maternal side, is present in approximately 90% of children with common migraine.
- Thus, considerable caution should be exercised when making the diagnosis of a common migraine in the absence of a positive family history.
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition include
1. rapid onset of the first or worst headache of the patient’s life,
2. a change in the characteristics of the headaches,
3. a progressive headache lasting for days,
4. headache associated with Valsalva maneuver,
5. chronic systemic signs (weight loss, fever),
6. persistent focal neurologic manifestations,
7. seizures,
8. loss of consciousness,
9. nuchal rigidity,
10.cranial bruits,
11.abnormal visual fields, or papilledema
Common Migraine (migraine without aura)
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition
- This migraine is not associated with an aura and is the most prevalent type of migraine in children.
- The headache is throbbing or pounding and tends to be unilateral at onset or throughout its duration and located in the bifrontal or temporal regions.
- It may not be hemicranial in children and is less intense compared with the migraine in adults.
- The headache usually persists for 1–3hr, although the pain may last for as long as 24hr.
- The pain may inhibit daily activity, because physical activity aggravates the pain.
- A characteristic feature of childhood migraine is intense nausea and vomiting,
- The vomiting may be associated with abdominal pain and fever; thus, conditions such as appendicitis and a systemic infection may be erroneously confused with the primary diagnosis.
- Additional symptoms include 1.extreme paleness, 2.photophobia, 3.lightheadedness, 4.phonophobia,
5.osmophobia (aversion to odors), and 6.paresthesias of the hands and feet. - A family history, particularly on the maternal side, is present in approximately 90% of children with common migraine.
- Thus, considerable caution should be exercised when making the diagnosis of a common migraine in the absence of a positive family history.
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition
Manifestations suggestive of a more serious condition include
1. rapid onset of the first or worst headache of the patient’s life,
2. a change in the characteristics of the headaches,
3. a progressive headache lasting for days,
4. headache associated with Valsalva maneuver,
5. chronic systemic signs (weight loss, fever),
6. persistent focal neurologic manifestations,
7. seizures,
8. loss of consciousness,
9. nuchal rigidity,
10.cranial bruits,
11.abnormal visual fields, or papilledema
Classic Migraine (migraine with an aura)
- Aura precedes the onset of the headache.
- Visual auras are rarely present in young children with migraine, but when they occur
they may take the form of
1. blurred vision,
2. scotoma (an area of depressed vision within the visual field),
3. photopsia (flashes of light),
4. fortification spectra (brilliant white zigzag lines), or
5. irregular distortion of objects. - Some patients also have vertigo and lightheadedness during this stage of the headache.
- Sensory symptoms include perioral paresthesias and numbness of the hands and feet.
- Distortions of body image may predominate as a prelude to a classic migraine
headache. - After the aura, a patient with classic migraine develops typical symptoms of a common migraine as described earlier.
Basilar migraine
- Brain stem signs predominate in patients with basilar migraine, owing to vasoconstriction of the basilar and posterior cerebral arteries.
- The major symptoms include 1. vertigo,
2. tinnitus,
3. diplopia,
4. blurred vision,
5. scotoma,
6. ataxia, and
7. an occipital headache. - The pupils may be dilated, and ptosis may be evident.
- Alterations in consciousness followed by a generalized seizure may result.
- After the attack there is a complete resolution of the neurologic symptoms and signs.
- Most affected children have a strongly positive family history of migraine.
- Many develop classic migraine as adolescents or adults.
- Relatively minor head trauma may precipitate an episode of basilar migraine.
- The condition has been described in children of both sexes, with girls younger than 4yr at particular risk.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine
- Ophthalmoplegic migraine is relatively rare in children.
- These patients develop a third-nerve palsy ipsilateral to the headache during the attack, owing to altered blood supply to the oculomotor nerve.
- The major differential diagnosis is a congenital aneurysm compressing the oculomotor nerve.
- Amaurosis fugax (acute, reversible, monocular blindness) may also be a variant of complicated migraine.
Hemiplegic migraine
What is it?
What are some differential diagnoses?
- Hemiplegic migraine is characterized by the onset of unilateral sensory or motor signs during an episode of migraine.
- Hemisyndromes are more common in children than in adults and may be characterized by
- numbness of the face, arm, and leg
- unilateral weakness
- aphasia
- More than one attack is uncommon in the pediatric age group.
- The neurologic signs may be transient or may persist for days.
- It is unusual for a child to develop a completed stroke after a single episode.
- Hemiplegic migraine in an older child or adolescent has a relatively good prognosis, and a positive family history of similar hemiplegic events is often elicited.
- Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is an autosomal dominant disorder.
FHMischaracterizedbyhemiplegiaduringtheheadacheand,insomekindreds,progressive cerebellar atrophy
* A thorough history and physical examination suffice to establish the diagnosis in most cases.
* Basilar migraine may be confused with several conditions, including
1. congenital malformations of the skull and cervical vertebrae
2. posterior fossa tumors,
3. toxins and drugs, and
4. metabolic abnormalities.
* In children with hemiplegic migraine,
1. arteriovenous malformation
2. MELAS (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke)
3. cerebral tumor
4. metabolic conditions
Abdominal migraine in children
Criteria for the diagnosis of abdominal migraine
- Pain is severe enough to interfere with normal daily activities
This implies that the child is unable to continue with normal study or leisure activities, and is generally incapacitated. At school, he or she generally has to leave the classroom and lie down. During these attacks, most children describe their mood as one of intense misery. - Pain is described as dull or sore in nature
The child has difficulty in finding adjectives that adequately describe the
pain, and usually resorts to describing it as “just sore”. - Pain is periumbilical or poorly localised
The child generally points to the location of the pain with a vague circular
motion of the hand, centred around the umbilicus. - Pain is associated with any two of the following: + Anorexia
+ Nausea
+ Vomiting
+ Pallor
These symptoms tend to be dramatic and severe, although many children find it difficult to distinguish anorexia from nausea.
The pallor is often described in terms such as “all colour drains from his face”. The pallor is often accompanied by dark shadows under the eyes. In a few patients, flushing is the predominant vasomotor phenomenon. - Each attack lasts for at least one hour
In practice, most attacks last for at least four hours, and many last all day. - There is complete resolution of symptoms between attacks
These children are not sickly or unwell, except during attacks, and do not appear to be suffering from anxiety, stress, or other psychological problems. Their parents describe them as normal and well adjusted. - Attacks occur at least twice a year
This criterion is included to ensure that attacks are genuinely recurrent. There are certainly children with abdominal migraine whose attacks are less frequent, but they are unlikely to be referred to hospital clinics. - The diagnosis is excluded if any of the following is present:
+ Mild symptoms not interfering significantly with daily activities
+ Burning pain
+ Non-midline abdominal pain
+ Symptoms suggestive of food intolerance, malabsorption, or other gastrointestinal disease, e.g. diarrhoea or weight loss
+ Attacks of less than one hour duration
+ Persistence of symptoms between attacks
Abdominal migraine in children
Clinical presentation
- Symptoms are reported in all age groups with spikes at 5 and 10 years, similar to Childhood Migraine 2
- More common in girls than boys2.
- Some(14%) al symptoms children experience non-specific prodromal symptoms such as behavior and mood changes, and anorexia2.
- Attacks of abdominal pain occurred on average 14 times a year, with each attack lasting a average of 17 hours2.
Gut mucosa became less permeable as patients became symptomatically better3 - 34% of sufferers had a first degree relative with migraine.
this compares to 47% in children with migraine, and only 10% in control 2 - Prevalence rate of 4.1% in 5-15 yo2.
* Majority of cases disappear within 2 years3.
* Recurrent abdominal pain should be viewed as a prodrome for migraine4, 5
* 70% of children with abdominal migraine go on to suffer migraine headaches in adolescent or adult life 5
* A CT scan or MRI is indicated if the headache is associated with an unusual constellation of symptoms or signs (see earlier) or when increased ICP is suspected
Abnormal neurologic signs
Recent school failure, behavioral change, fall-off in linear growth
Headache awakens child during sleep; early morning headache, with increase in frequency and severity
Periodic headaches and seizures coincide, especially if seizure has a focal onset
Migraine and seizure occur in the same episode, and vascular symptoms precede the seizure(20–50% risk of tumor or arteriovenous malformation)
Cluster headaches in child; any child <5 or 6 yr whose principal complaint is a headache
Focal neurologic symptoms or signs developing during a headache (i.e., complicated migraine)
Focal neurologic symptoms or signs (except classic visual symptoms of migraine) develop during the aura, with fixed laterality; focal signs of the aura persisting or recurring in the headache phase
Visual graying out occurring at the peak of a headache instead of the aura
Brief cough headache in a child or adolescent
- Migraine may be prevented or ameliorated by avoiding certain initiating stimuli.
- A few children can identify specific factors that uniformly result in a headache.
- The most common precipitators of migraine headaches are stress, fatigue, and anxiety.
- Some studies implicate certain foods as a cause of migraine, particularly
1. nuts,
2. chocolate,
3. cola drinks,
4. hot dogs,
5. spicy meats,
6. kippers, and
7. Chinese food (monosodium glutamate).
WHAT IS an medication overuse headache?
MOH prognosis
- Analgesic headache does occur in children and is not restricted to adults. It should be suspected in any child with a history of headache on four or more days a week.
- A history of analgesic use should be sought in all such children.
- Initial treatment in all children consisted of an abrupt
- Drug withdrawal produced complete resolution of all headache symptoms in six patients (50%).
In a further two patients the daily headache resolved but the children continued to have intermittent episodic migraine headaches that were not sufficiently frequent to justify regular prophylactic treatment.
The remaining four patients all showed some reduction in the frequency of headaches but continued to have recurrent troublesome symptoms. - Many papers have reported substantial improvement in the frequency or severity of headaches after daily analgesics are stopped.
Eleven (9.3%) of our patients presented MOH
In the group with chronic daily headache, the prevalence raised to 20.8%.
* Anacceptedendpointforgoodresponsetotherapyis a ≥ 50% reduction from baseline headache frequency and/or headache index.
* Successfulwithdrawalhasbeenfoundinaround50– 70% of MOH patients after 1 year
* Strategiestoaddressmedicationoveruse
1. A course of naproxen sodium
2. Greater occipital nerve injection
3. A course of intravenous dihydroergotamine
CAUSES OF organic Headaches
An organically caused headache is not a disease itself; rather it is a symptom of another disease or disorder. Organically caused headaches are evidence of tumors, infection, high blood pressure, diseases of the brain, eye, ear and nose, blood clots, and aneurysms to name a few.
Causes of organic headaches in children include
1. brain tumors, particularly those located in the posterior fossa,
2. hydrocephalus,
3. meningitis and encephalitis,
4. cerebral abscess,
5. subdural hematoma,
6. chronic lead poisoning, and
7. pseudotumor cerebri.
- Additional causes of organic headaches in children that may not be associated with increased ICP include
1. arteriovenous malformations,
2. berry aneurysm,
3. collagen vascular diseases affecting the CNS,
4. hypertensive encephalopathy,
5. acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, and
6. stroke
Subluxation assessment of the cervical spine
What are the 10 principles to subluxation assessment in pads
- The subluxation always occurs in a predictable pattern of kinesiopathology, neuropathology and compensation
- Vertebral Subluxation Complex in “yet to ambulate” children is mainly of the dural tension type and is therefore found at the points of dural attachment (upper cervical complex & lumbopelvic)
3.Accurate diagnosis of occiput, atlas & axis subluxation is absolutely dependent upon precise identification of kinesiopathology in lateral flexion at the upper cervical complex
- The upper cervical subluxation is usually a single segment phenomenon, but occasionally involves reverse rotation within a motion segment
- When the occiput is subluxated, kinesiopathology is most noticeable along the long axis of the condyle
- When the atlas is subluxated there will be loss of gross cervical rotation to a much greater extent than is the case with either occiput or axis subluxation
- When the atlas is subluxated, the dominant factor (laterality or rotation) will be evidenced by the side of short leg with the patient supine
- When the axis is subluxated, due diligence must be exercised to determine if the listing is typical or atypical. There are more atypical listings at axis than anywhere else in the spine
- The upper cervical subluxation in children is invariably associated with a demonstrable scapulohumeral reflex
Upper cervical motion palpation restriction without a positive SHR indicates there is not an upper cervical subluxation but that the restriction is compensatory
10.The scapulohumeral reflex must not be considered absent until the clinician has attempted to elicit it with the patient’s head in a position which exacerbates the upper cervical subluxation vectors
What are the sclerotomes for these nerve roots?EXAM
- C2 and C3 nerve root
- C5 nerve root
- C6 nerve root
- C7 nerve root
What are the vagal nerve signs that are often associated with an Anterior occiput?
Vagal nerve signs are often associated with this subluxation:
1. Increased gag reflex
2. Difficulty swallowing
1. Choking
2. Regurgitation
3. Vomiting
What are the predictable compensation patterns for an AS occiput
- Reduced cervical lordosis
- Craned neck posture
- Hypermobility at axis/C3 in flexion
- Short leg in the supine position on the same side as the subluxation
- Head tilt away from the side of subluxation
What are the frequent history findings for an AS occiput infant
1. Preference for head extension (improved head extensors)
2. Preference for turning head to the opposite side with head tilt to the same side
3. Dislikes lying supine
4. Dislikes clothing put over head
5. Flat occiput on opposite side
6. Increased Moro reflex
7. Increased Perez reflex
8. Increased Galant’s reflex
9. Delayed development of head control (weak neck flexors
Recurrent right AS C0 is often due to food allergies
Immune response to the allergen appears to primarily affect the developing and more sensitive right cortex resulting in increased right flexor tone (Increased right SCM tone) resulting in a Right ASLI C0
Posterior Occiput
predictable compensation patterns
Also what are the common history and exam findings
- Increasedcervicallordosis
- Hypermobilityataxis/C3inflexion
- Shortleginthesupinepositiononthe same side as the subluxation
- Headtiltawayfromthesideof subluxation
Preference for head flexion
Difficult to dry under chin
Increased, often very pronounced, drooling
Head tilt away from side of subluxation
Poor head lift when prone
What are the Atlas subluxation
predictable compensations
- Decreased cervical lordosis with AS
- Increased cervical lordosis with AI
- Ipsilateral short leg when laterality is the dominant factor
- Contralateral short leg when rotation is the dominant factor
- Head tilt away from the side of anterior rotation
What are the Axis subluxation
predictable compensations
Hypermobility at C0/C1 along the long axis of the occipital condyle
* Head tilt away from the side of the open wedge
What is the 9 step process for examination of the Cervical spine
Step 1:
Identify kinesiopathology at the upper cervical complex in lateral flexion
Loss of lateral flexion unilaterally implies a subluxation on that side
except for the occiput in infants and toddlers where the involved condyle is typically on the side opposite decreased lateral flexion
Loss of lateral flexion bilaterally implies an atypical upper cervical subluxation or a compensation response
Step 2:
Examine long axis condylar movement in both flexion & extension
When flexion is lost: AS occiput When extension is lost: PS occiput
The most common pattern found is restricted UCS lateral flexion opposite side to restricted occipital flexion
Step 3:
Examine the axis/C3 motion segment in flexion (X-axis)
Flexion will be decreased when the axis is subluxated and yields the posterior (P) component of the listing.
The S/-I component is determined by Step 1.
Step 4:
If flexion is impaired at axis/C3, examine the motion segment in rotation (Y-axis)
Impaired movement with right head rotation implies a spinous right fixation and with left head rotation a spinous left fixation
Easiest to assess spinous rotation whilst laterally flexing the cervical spine
Step 5:
Determine the degree of gross cervical rotation
The atlas will be deemed to be anterior on the side to which rotation is lost or posterior on the opposite side
Anterior atlas subluxations are unusual and are often misdiagnosed AS CO on same side.
Step 6:
Determine the side of the short leg in the supine position
The short side corresponds to the side of occiput subluxation, axis wedging and atlas subluxation provided laterality is the dominant kinesiopathological factor.
The short side will be contralateral to the side of atlas subluxation when rotation is the dominant kinesiopathological factor
Step 7:
Examine the head posture in the erect position
The head will tilt away from the side of subluxation in all listings
except the posterior atlas subluxation in which rotation is the dominant kinesiopathological factor and the AS occiput in infants
Step 8:
Examine the point specific connective tissue and muscle locations related to the vectors of kinesiopathology identified in steps 1-7.
Pain is indicated by an involuntary extensor response, spontaneous pupillary constriction, facial wincing, crying or a change in the pitch of the cry.
Step 9:
Elicit the scapulohumeral reflex and examine the muscle stretch reflexes at C5, C6, C7, L4 and S1
Test the sclerotomal response
Measure skin temperature over greater wing of sphenoid and above supraorbital notch bilaterally