Module 5 Cannabis & Hallucinogens Flashcards
An endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter naturally produced in humans, operating in the endocannabinoid system.
bath salts
A type of (questionably legal) synthetically produced hallucinogenic stimulants.
Any of the class of chemical compounds acting on cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system (e.g., THC and CBD).
cannabinoid receptors
Part of the endocannabinoid system and located throughout the human body, they are involved in psychoactive responses to cannabinoids including appetite, mood, memory, and sensitivity to pain.
Label applied to cannabis sativa, indica, and ruderalis among the many types of plants in the cannabis family; often referred to as marijuana and typically distinguished from hemp based on its concentration of psychoactive substances (specifically, THC).
cannabis use disorder
A specific diagnosis in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 defined by a number of substance use disorder diagnostic criteria.
dextromethorphan (DXM)
A cough suppressing ingredient commonly found in over-the-counter (OTC) formulations; when consumed in large quantities, potentially has hallucinogenic effects but this comes with significant side effect risks.
dissociative substances (dissociatives)
A type of hallucinogen which, in addition to other psychoactive effects, produce a sense of detachment from one’s self/body or environment.
Cannabis-infused products containing THC consumed by eating or drinking.
endocannabinoid system
An endogenous cell-signaling system in the human body that regulates a variety of mental and physical processes through a response to cannabinoids (whether endogenously produced or exogenously introduced).
Cannabinoids produced endogenously (naturally) in the body.
flashback (drug-related)
The re-experiencing of a drug’s effects without having used it again and after the drug has been fully metabolized (no longer in the body); may occur long after the true drug effects have ceased.
hallucinogenic substances (hallucinogens)
A varied group of substances, natural or synthetic, with the potential for causing a person to experience a dramatically distorted reality (hallucination), usually in the visual or auditory sphere, but may also affect time sense, tactile sensation, and other mental functions.
Low THC content cannabis sativa used for its material properties and possible medical applications rather than psychoactive characteristics.
Synthetically produced cannabinoid produced by spraying dried plant material with psychoactive chemicals; synthetic marijuana.
Originally developed for use as an anesthetic, has significant dissociative and hallucinogenic effects; often considered one of the “club drugs.”
Derived from leaves of a specific plant, it has some effects similar to opioids and stimulants, may also have hallucinogenic effects and is potentially addictive.
(Lysergic acid diethylamide). A synthetically produced, highly concentrated hallucinogen.
A commonly used name for cannabis used for its psychoactive effects.
Synthetically produced hallucinogenic substance with stimulant effects; considered one of the “club drugs.”
(peyote cactus) Hallucinogen derived from the peyote cactus and other similar species; may also be synthetically produced.
(phencyclidine) Originally developed for anesthesia, misused for its psychoactive (hallucinogenic) effects, it also may produce amnesia.
potentiating effect
When one substance increases the potency or effectiveness of another.
(“magic mushrooms”) Hallucinogenic substance naturally occurring in specific species of mushroom; over 100 species contain psilocybin at varying degrees of potency.
Substance that, in the short-term, induces effects that mimic (imitate) a psychotic episode.
salvia divornum
A plant species with leaves that can produce hallucinogenic effects when chewed or drunk as tea.
Synthetically produced cannabinoid produced by spraying dried plant material with psychoactive chemicals; synthetic marijuana.
When one of the senses is perceived by another sense, such as sound being visual or something seen being heard; some versions associate objects with color, flavor, or scent.
Refers to accelerated rate of progression of substance use disorder symptoms/criteria often seen in women compared to men.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). The primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.
trip (tripping)
An altered state-of-consciousness episode induced by use of a hallucinogenic substance.