Module 3 Genetics, Neurobiology, & Psychopharmacology Flashcards
A chemical/substance that activates a specific type of receptor site in the brain or body (opposite of antagonist).
The alternative forms of a gene found at a specific chromosomal location.
Location in the brain associated with emotion.
Inability to experience pleasure/happiness.
Substances that block or reduce responses by blocking receptors (opposite of agonist).
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Portions of the nervous system responsible for controlling bodily functions outside of conscious control (e.g., digestion, heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure).
central nervous system (CNS)
The brain and spinal cord.
Sites where genes are located; humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes present in every cell, except egg and sperm cells which have 23 single chromosomes.
chromosomal regions
Sections of a chromosome.
The degree of similarity or agreement in what is being compared (e.g., a pair of twins).
dizygotic twins
Twins developing from two different fertilized eggs.
The hereditary material (deoxyribonucleic acid) passed from parents to offspring.
A primary neurotransmitter (and precursor to producing other molecules, like epinephrine).
Reducing or suppressing a response or sensitivity to a substance (opposite of upregulation).
Experience of unease or dissatisfaction with life which can be intense.
endorphins & enkaphalins
Peptides in the body with brain and nervous system effects, especially with regard to opiate receptors and pain control.
Also known as adrenaline, a stimulant/arousing hormone released in the body that influences autonomic nervous system functions (heart rate, respiration, and muscle preparation for action), acts in opposition to norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
excitatory neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters that have an activating effect on postsynaptic neurons.
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
A neurotransmitter pervasive throughout the brain which inhibits neuron responses.
Sections of DNA sequences that direct how/whether biological processes occur.
The complete set of genes present in a cell/organism; humans share 99.9% of their genome, with individual difference attributed to that very small remaining percent (NHGRI, 2018).
The set of genes responsible for a certain trait/characteristic.
glial cells
A type of cell in the CNS that support neurons.
An excitatory neurotransmitter.
The period of time it takes for the body to metabolize a drug by half its concentration.
Estimate or measure of the contribution of genes (versus environment) to a phenotypic outcome based on a proportion of observed variance in the trait studied.
Area of the brain responsible for emotion, memory, and control of the autonomic nervous system.
The tendency in systems to establish and maintain a relatively stable, balanced state; many physiological processes have opposites so they can work in tandem to create this balance.
inhibitory neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters that have a suppressing effect on postsynaptic neurons.
limbic system
A networked system of brain regions that control basic emotions and drives.
Substances formed in the process of breaking down (metabolizing) other substances.
monozygotic twins
Twins developing out of the same egg fertilized by a single sperm.
Study of the anatomy (structures) of the nervous system.
Study of the biochemical processes occurring in the nervous system.
Type of cell in the CNS (nerve cells).
Types of molecules involved in communication between neurons.
Also known as noradrenaline, a suppressing/inhibitory hormone released in the body that influences autonomic nervous system functions (heart rate, respiration, and muscle preparation for action), acts in opposition to epinephrine (adrenaline).
nucleus accumbens
Also called the accumbens nucleus, an area of the brain involved in the reward circuit, primarily using dopamine to stimulate desire and serotonin to establish satiation.
Branch of pharmacology concerned with how drugs move and are metabolized in the body.
Providing treatment by the use of medications/drugs.
An observable/expressed characteristic, trait, behavior, or disease outcome influenced by some combination of genotype and environment.
A trait, characteristic, or disease attributable to variation in multiple genes.
postsynaptic neuron
A neuron receiving communication from another neuron.
prefrontal cortex
Area of the brain playing a significant role in regulating cognitive processes and higher-order thought, emotion, and behavior.
presynaptic neuron
A neuron sending communication to another neuron.
The study and use of psychoactive/psychotropic medications, drugs, or other substances to create brain changes.
Sites on (nerve) cells where neurotransmitters have their influence if there is a match between type of neurotransmitter and receptor site.
A neurotransmitter involved in balancing emotion and mood, with a role in social behavior, sleep, memory, appetite, and sexual function.
synapse/synaptic cleft
The space between two neurons where communication by neurotransmitters takes place.
The increase in strength or duration of an effect by combining two substances with similar actions.
The route by which neurotransmitter molecules are returned to the presynaptic neuron vesicles.
Enhancing or increasing a response or sensitivity to a substance (opposite of downregulation).