Module 5 Flashcards
what is the cytoskseleton
network of structural proteins found in all cell types, defines cell shape and distribution of cellular content
occupies a large portion of the cytosol
permits signalling, vesicular transport and can allow cell motility
what are the classes of structural proteins
- intermediate filaments
- microtubules
- actin
what are intermediate filaments
supply mechanical strength to cells allowing them to resist changes of shape (strongest filament)
are polymers and their expression is tissue and cell specific
primary structure of intermediate filaments
polymer of amino acids link together by peptide bonds
at this stage filaments have the same strength as other proteins in the body
secondary structure of intermediate filaments
rich in alpha helices
- responsible for long, coiled structure of filaments
- hydrogen bonds stabilize structure (resist stretching and prevent collapse)
tertiary and quaternary structure of intermediate filaments
tertiary - coiled monomer
two coiled monomers come together to form a dimer
- monomers wrap around each other forming coiled coil (allows max hydrogen bonding between peptides) giving great strength
two dimers assemble in antiparallel staggered manner forming tetramer
- increase hydrogen bonding and strength
tetramer building block of filament
assembly of intermediate filaments
8 tetramers come together to form a unit length filament (20nm)
unit length filaments come together to form a immature filament (interact loosely end to end)
immature filaments compact to form a mature filament (10nm)
intermediate filaments post translational modifications
help control shape and function
modifcations occur in the head and tail domains of the filament subunit proteins
phosphorylation leads to dissolution of the filament into unit length filaments, when phosphates removed by phosphatases filaments reform (process important for cell division)
what is lamin (intermediate filament)
found solely in nucleus
forms nuclear matrix
dense network to protect chromatin
what is desmin (intermediate filament)
does not form long thin filamentous structure
connects different cellular structures together
important for muscle structure integrity
what is keratin (intermediate filament)
binds to desmosomes to form a complex
makes up hair skin and nails
purpose of microtubules
cellular trafficking
movement of proteins, vesicles and some cellular organelles
create specific routes for cargo, can be assembled/dissembles to create or remove routes
travel can be bi direction and cargo can attach or detach anywhere along length
where does microtubules assembly occur
does not occur spontaneously
assembly required many proteins
occurs in regions called microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs)
assembled in different locations
example of an MTCO is the centrosome (used in cell division)
protein structure of microtubules
made up of tubulins (protein)
alpha and beta tubuline both globular protein with similar shapes that can bind tightly together (head to tail) to form a dimer
both tubulin proteins bind to a GTP molecules
beta tubulin can cleave its GTP to GDP, when bound to GDP beta has a shape change
microtubule polymerization/formation of the tubes
dimers spontaneously assemble into unstable polymers that can quickly fall apart
polymer of 6+ dimers is stable, may grow laterally or longitudinally (protofilament)
protofilaments form sheet and will assemble into a tube of 13 protofilaments
nucleation site for microtubule elongation
at the end of microtubule dimers come and go
rate of assemble greater grows, disassemble greater shortens
microtubule assembly
alpha tubulin always has GTP
beta may have GTP or GDP
when GTP bound to beta, dimer polymerization is favoured and dimers attach to each other
microtubule disassembly
when beta tubulins GTP is hydrolysed to GDP, dimer undergoes conformational change that promotes depolymerization
polarity of microtubule
ends are different, one plus one minus so polar
preference for dimer binding is at plus end so rate is faster there
microtubule dynamic instability
ability to rapidly grow or shrink which is necessary for responses to changes in cellular environment
growing microtubule has a cap of GTP subunits as tip
GTP hydrolysis occasionally exposes GDP bound subunits at tip
rapid catastrophic depolymerization occurs
GTP subunits bind to recap microtubule and stop depolymerization
growth reoccurs when GTP bound dimers available until another change in environment is detected
microtubule catastrophe measures against
when there is rapid depolymerization resulting in shortening
plus ends capping proteins bind adding stability, keep them polymerized even if GDP bound form
halted or revered, occurs spontaneously is enough GTP dimers present. can occurs in the presence of some other proteins
functions of microtubule based motor proteins
control trafficking
bind to cargo thats needs to be moved then binds to microtubule and walks along it
process consumes ATP
types of microtubule motor proteins
moves towards plus end
moves towards minus end
heads contain microtubule binding domains, have two heads
tails bind to cargo
walking of motor proteins process
head 1 bound to microtubule, head 2 bound to ADP
walking initiated by ATP binding to head 1, conformational change > head 2 swings around
head 2 goes overing binding site on microtubule and binds releasing ADP
head 1 undergoes hydrolysis so ADP bound, release from microtubule
process repeats
actin and microtubules similarities
- globular proteins
- motor proteins used to initiate movement along both proteins
actin and microtubule differences
network formation
- microtubules form dynamic network
- actin forms stronger network that contributes to both structure of the cell and large scale movements (muscle contraction)
actin cytoskeleton can move the cell itself
basic building block of actin
actin monomers
cells can express several different types of actin monomers which allow the cells to match the monomers to their specific functional needs
formation of actin filmaments
actin monomers come together to form long thin actin filaments
bind longitudinally and laterally (high tensile strength can withstand pulling forces that would pull microtubules apart)