Module 5 Flashcards
Who was Queen Liliuokalani?
The leader of Hawaii who was forced to yield authority to the American government upon annexation.
Sanford Dole? How did he contribute to the annexation of Hawaii? Which party did Dole seek out to help him with the issue of annexation?
first president of the Republic of Hawaii, and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii after it was annexed by the United States. Stanford arrested Queen Liliuokaiani and used the military as personal police. He contributed to the annexation of Hawaii by forcing the Hawaiian king to accept a new const. He reachead out to the republican party
Which American president was more open to annexing Hawaii
President William McKinley
What did Grover Cleveland’s investigation into the Hawaiian takeover uncover?
found that the Hawaiian monarchy’s overthrow was illegal and unjust.
Grover Cleveland recommend upon receiving the conclusions of his investigation?
recommended restoring Queen Liliuokalani to the throne after his investigation.
How did President William McKinley resolve the Hawaii issue?
Mckinley resolved it by pushing for Hawaii’s annexation, which occurred in 1898
Explain how Hawaiian annexation is the tipping point for the change in American expansion/imperialism?
Hawaii’s annexation marked a shift in U.S. policy, from continental expansion to overseas imperialism.
What was the motivation behind the annexation of Hawaii? Was it about gathering territory?
Yes, the US wanted teritory so they could dominate military presence in pacific. We were able to annex bc of the precieved threat of the japanese invasion
What issues/beliefs/problems could have hindered the United States’ ability to become a world power?
Issues: economic instability, political division, and lack of resources could have hindered U.S. global power growth.
Beliefs: Isolationist beliefs, anti-imperialism, and reluctance to engage in foreign affairs could have been hindrances
Problems: conflict within the country, lack of infrastructure, and economic struggles could have been barries
William Seward? How did he envision the American empire? What was he able to accomplish? Why? Why not?
U.S secretary under lincoln and joshson. He bought Alaska. Saw a future where US expanded globaly.
Why did Seward’s vision re-emerge in the 1890s?
1890s saw a surge in U.S. industrial power and global influence, aligning with Seward’s vision.
Who was Charles Darwin? What political theory came about as a result of his research?
Founder of evolution theroy. Idea of natural selection. Darwin’s work influenced Social Darwinism, a theory applying natural selection to society and politics.
Alfred Thayer Mahan? What was his famous publication?
Naval strategist, famous for “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History,” a pivotal naval strategy book.
Why did Mahan advocate for “coaling stations?” According to the lecture, what purpose did these coaling stations actually serve?
to refuel ships, extending naval reach globally. Coaling stations served as strategic points for refueling and maintaining naval dominance.
What was Mahan’s main argument? How did this influence other major powers around the world?
argued that naval power was key to national greatness and global influence
What was the idea of the “White Man’s Burden
Idea that europeans had a duty to civilize non-european people. justification for imperialism, suggesting it was a moral obligation
What was President William McKinley’s stance on the crisis in Cuba?
initially sought a peaceful resolution to the Cuban crisis, but he was wary of dragging US into war. After a while he asked congress if he could invade cuba leading to the Spanish american was
According to the lecture, who made the war unavoidable?
President McKinley’s decision to intervene made the war unavoidable. Public opinion and worsening conditions in Cuba influenced this.
What happened to the USS Maine? What did Hearst claim happen to the Maine?
The USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor, Cuba, in 1898. Publisher William Randolph Hearst claimed that Spain deliberately destroyed it, fueling war sentiments.
What was the Teller Amendment?
a promise by the U.S. in 1898. It stated that once Cuba was free from Spain, control would be left to the Cuban people, not the U.S.
How did the United States justify moving into Cuba
McKinley justified U.S. intervention in Cuba as a humanitarian effort to end Spanish abuses. In his speech, he emphasized the need to restore peace and protect American interests.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
It was a significant expansion of U.S. foreign policy. Roosevelt declared that not only would the U.S. prevent European intervention in the Americas, but it would also intervene in neighboring countries’ affairs if they engaged in actions that threated the US security or economy.