Module 2 Flashcards
Why was the populist party so radical
- Because the government owned railroads etc, governments control of currency, and and the support of the union
What was the cross of gold speech and who gave it?
Speech given by william Jennings Bryan
He wanted silver to be buliton standard not gold
Winner of 1986 Election
William Mckinley
Canadates of 1986 election and what partys they represented
William Mckinley (Republican)
William Jennings Bryan (Democratic)
Platform for Populist party
-Gov owns all public utilities
-Better public schools
Who was Mary Lease
Worked for the populist party, and advocated for suffrage and women’s rights
Who was C.W macune
Leader of Southern Farmers Alliance
Who was Sam Hose, Jesse Washington, ED johnson and what happend to them
They were all lynched for fighting aginst seggregation
What was lynching
The burning, hanging, torture, or shooting for African Americans.
Causes of Lynching
- High Tariffs
- New financial order
-Corporate trusts - Racism
What legal tactics post reconstruction restricted African Americans form voting
- All criminals were barred from voting
-Australian Ballot
-Time Limit
-Violece - Literacy tests
Comstock Act and how it affected society
Prohibited and shipment of mail that could be offencive (books, Art, Birth Chontol are all examples.0
What did the womens christian temperance union stand for
Wantes to ban sale of alcohol everywhere
What does the plauge of drugs refer to in post civil war era, how does it parralel to today
Its opposite of today, because back then they thought drugs had no side effects.
Define Blue Laws.
What was the Compromise of 1877? What were the causes behind the compromise and what lasting impact did it have on Reconstruction?
What were some of the consequences of the Compromise of 1877?
Explain: the South was a colonial economy of the North.
Who composed the Southern Farmer’s Alliance? What contributions did they make? What was their platform? Were they successful?
What was William McKinley’s catchphrase during the 1896 election? What did it mean?
What was so radical about the Populist Party?