module 5 Flashcards
what are the sites of drug excretion?
breast milk
what is the role of the kidney in drug excretion?
-majority of drug excretion
-serve to limit the duration and intensity of drug effects
how does decreased kidney function affect excretion?
decreased kidney function prolongs the duration of action and intensity of drug effects
what is the nephron and what is its function?
-functional and structural unit of the kidney
-regulates water, electrolyte and drug excretion
-controls blood volume, blood pressure, blood pH and solute excretion
what happens during glomerular filtration?
-drug enters the kidney from renal artery
-hydrostatic pressure forces low-weight drugs into
renal tubule
-GFR is 20% of total renal plasma flow
what types of drugs are filtered at the glomerulus?
-low weight
-NON protein bound
-lipid solubility and pH do not affect filtration
what happens to drugs during tubular secretion?
- drugs that were not filtered at the glomerulus can be secreted into the lumen at the proximal tubule
what are the characteristics of secretion in the kidney?
-primarly occurs by two transport mechanisms (one for weak acids and one for weak bases )
-secretion is rapid high capcity process
what are the characteristics of tubular resabsorption?
-occurs in DCT (allowed to happen because LOH creates a drug concrentration that is higher than the blood in the DCT
what drugs are able to be reabsorbed in the DCT?
-lipid soluble
what is the effect of aging on renal function
- newborn infants have very little renal function
-renal function reduces with age
what types of drugs are excreted in the bile?
- large molecular weight
- amphipathic molecules (polar + lipid groups)
how do drugs reach the bile?
-pgp transports a variety of amphipathic drugs into bile
-MRP2 transports glucuronidated metabolites into bile
-transporters on the canicular membrane of hepatocytes transport drugs and metabolites from liver - bile
what is enterohepatic recycling?
-drugs/drugs conjugates excreted in the bile enter
intestine lumen
-intestinal bacteria can cleave the conjugate metabolites leaving the original drug
-drugs that undergo enterhepatic recycling persist in the body longer
is pulmonary excretion reliant on drug metabolism