Module 4, Sex, Gender, Sexuality & Physical Culture Flashcards
a classificatory scheme that is intended to divide humans into groups on the basis of their reproduction capacities
- dividing bodies into their primary sex characteristics into either male or female (v)
the cultural expectations about behaviour, attitudes and appearance that are imposed on people in relation to their physical sex
- idea that male bodies should perform masculinity and female bodies should perform femininity
(sex is the biology and gender is socially constructed ideas)
Sex/gender system
process by which sex is turned into gender
- only works to serve gender people (those who fit the typical male and female profile)
- gender is socially constructed, meaning that gender ideas are norms are invented and reinvented over the course of time in particular social and cultural contexts
is an unequal hierarchical social system in which men have more power than women
- in patriarcal sex/gender system, domination of men and subordination of men is reproduced by a whole range of insititutional practices and structures
Sex segregation in sport (3 ways)
- separate events for men and women
- sex-testing make sure ‘female’ athletes are ‘female’
(no ‘sex-testing’ for male)
- race plays a role in ‘sex-testing’
- the main issue with trans-athletes is the ability to participate in the category with which they identify - some sports for exclusively male (eg. CFL, NFL)
- sports have different rules for women and men
people who identify with the sex that they were not assigned at birth
a person in whom sexual differentiation is ambiguous or incomplete
a umbrella term that refers to people who gender identity does not line up with the sex assigned to them at birth
Sport typing
assumption that some sports are better suited for girls and women and others are better suited for boys and men (more power, aggressive sports -> men - delicate, sophisticated sports -> women)
Biological determinism
- a framework that explains social behaviour as a product of human biology
explains complex human behaviour, such as athletic performance as a product of human biology (ex. boys have more testosterone make them more likely to engage in power, muscle based sports because of their biological bodies)
the social and cultural privileging of heterosexuality over other forms of sexual identity or expression
the assumption that it is not just more common, but it is also normal ex. media (movie, news, tv) are heteronormative, represent it as normal
the fear of homosexuals
- product of a heteronormative culture
Heterosexual matrix
the interlocking relationships between body, identities and desires (very problematic because it normalizes certain gender identities)
- born female so express yourself as feminine (vice versa) - applied to sports as well
Cisgender (t)
a term that refers to people who gender identity lines with with the sex assigned at birth
Binary categories of sex and gender (t)
the classification of humans into two distinct groups (female/male)
Feminism (t)
a social, political and cultural movement that has a primary goal; the resolution of inequities related to sex and gender and the elimination of oppression and discrimination experienced by women and girls
Hegemonic masculinity (t)
a dominant and “idealized form of masculinity” that has achieved broad public acceptance and operates as “common sense,” serving to define what men should be like
- the hegemonic ideal subordinates femininity and other ways of being a man
Intersectionality (t)
a theoretical approach that tries to understand how different categories of identity and different structures of power, such as ableism, racism, sexism and class are intertwined
Social constructionism (t)
a preferred social scientific framework that explains social behaviour as an outcome of social and historical forces