Module 4 - Section 2 - Diffraction Gratings Flashcards
What happens when you diffract light through more slits ?
Interference patterns get sharper when you diffract through more slits
What happens if you repeat the double slit experiment but just with more slits ?
You basically get the same shaped pattern as for 2 slits but the light fringes are more brighter and narrower and the dark fringes are more darker
When the monochromatic light ( one wavelength ) gets passed through a diffraction grating with hundreds of slits per millimetre - the interference pattern gets very sharp - because there are so many beams reinforcing the pattern
Why do more slits equal much sharper fringes ?
because there are so many beams reinforcing the pattern
Why should you do the double slit experiment with more slits ?
because sharper fringes mean more precise measurements as they are easier to tell apart and so are easier to measure
Whats a maxima ?
It’s the light fringe basically - it’s when there is constructive interference and the two waves displacement adds to gather to make a maximum displacement is called a maxima.
Whats the zero order line ?
It’s the line of maximum brightness at the centre
What are the lines either side of the zero order line called ?
1st order lines then either side of that are called the 2nd order lines
Why is it with monochromatic light it is easier to measure the distance between the maxima ?
Because monochromatic light makes sharp maxima lines so it’s easier to measure
What n does the first order and the third order of have ?
They have n=1 and n=3
What does shining white light through a diffraction grating produce ?
It produces Spectra ?
Why does shining white light through a diffraction grating produce a spectra ?
This is because white light is really a mixture of colours - if you diffract white light through a grating then the patterns are due to the different wavelengths within the white light being spread out by different amounts
Each order becomes a spectrum with red on the outside and violet on the inside - the zero - order maximum though - stays white because al the wavelengths just pass straight through