Module 4: Philo Flashcards
reject earthly life and dedicate oneself towards self-denying pursuit.
right insights
regrain from indulging professions that cause harm to life
right livelihood
the realization about the truth on the meaning of life
right understanding
give through attention to all that one does
right mindfulness
cultivate enthusiasm and positive thoughts leaving behind anger and jealousy
right effort
one must guide ones action to avoid harming others and ourselves
right action
abstain or refrain from using wrong words that are abusive, decisive, idle chatter
right speech
must be careful about the ideas we allow as some are cause of suffering
right views
the centring of consciousness toward the right thing
right concentration
metta, it leads to the meditative state by being a counter to ill-will
loving kindness
upekkha, it is a pure mental state cultivated towards Nirvana
mudita, a pure joy unadulterated by self-interest
sympathetic joy
karuna, it purifies ones mind to avoid evil-induced consequences
known as “pleasure” desire for contentment
known as “duty” discovering of ones own purpose
known as “liberation”
known as “wealth”
2 wordly values
artha & kama
2 virtues
darma & moksha
everything is suffering
the path that leads away to suffering
there is a cause to suffering
there is an end to suffering
end of suffering
smth pure and simple, nothing more, less
mere being
entities that operat according to logic or reason
rational being
those that display the key characteristics of life
living being
it is the one that directs man to the truth
it should be directed to the soul itself
inward manner
a person who has the ability to discern and to be held accountable for his/her own actions
man as a moral agent
through our spirituality we have “conscience”
moral agent
to choose between good or bad
primary responsibility
the need for perfection in everything we believe in
beauty of nature