Module 4 NTK definitions Flashcards
What is homologous series?
A series of organic compounds having the same functional group, but with each successive member differing by CH2
What is a functional group?
An atom/group responsible for the characteristic reactions of a compound
What are structural isomers?
Compounds with the same molecular formula, but with a different structural formula
What is heterolytic fission?
The breaking of a covalent bond, where both electrons from the bonding pair go to the same atom to form 2 ions
What is homolytic fission?
The breaking of a covalent bond, where one electron from the bonding pair goes to each atom to form 2 radicals
What is a radical?
A species with an unpaired electron
What does a curly arrow show?
the movement of an electron pair
What are stereoisomers?
Compounds with the same structural formula, but with a different arrangement in space
What is an electrophile?
An electron pair acceptor
What is a nucleophile?
An electron pair donor