Module 4: Global Inter-state System Flashcards
It refers to the growth of the worldwide POLITICAL SYSTEM, both in size and complexity.
Political Globalization
That system includes national GOVERNMENTS, their governmental and intergovernmental organizations as well as government- independent elements of global civil society
such as international non-governmental organizations and social movement organizations.
Political Globalization
One of the key aspects of the
_________ is the declining importance of the NATION STATE and the rise of other actors on the POLITICAL STATE
Political Globalization
is the study of the policies that states have regarding INTERACTIONS with each other.
International Relations
It involves the INTERCONNECTEDNESS of politics, economics and law on a global level.
International Relations
concerns all activities
among states—such as war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy—as well as relations with and among other international actors,
such as intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), international nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs), international legal
bodies, and multinational corporations
International Relations
It explores the DEEPENING of interactions
between states.
It encompasses a MULTITUDE OF CONNECTIONS and interactions that cannot
be reduced to the ties between governments.
Attributes of World Politics: (IDFW)
There are countries or
states that are independent and govern themselves.
These countries interact with each other through
There are international
organizations, like the United Nations (UN), that
facilitate these interactions.
International organizations also
take on lives of their
own. The UN has task-
specific agencies like
the World Health
Organization (WHO)
and the International
Labour Organization
A COMPULSORY political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain geographical territory; it refers to a country and its government.
It is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a COMMON
language, territory, economic life, ethnicity or psychological make-
up manifested in a common culture.
It denotes a region of
land defined by
Essential Attributes of State (PUTS):
- Population | Citizenry
- Territory
- Unity of Organization or Government
- Sovereignty
It refers to the WHOLE NUMBER of people or inhabitants in a country or region.
Population | Citizenry
It is a geographical area belonging to or under the JURISDICTION of a
governmental authority.
It sets and administers PUBLIC POLICY and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state.
Unity of Organization or Government
It is the FULL RIGHT AND POWER of a governing body over itself, without
any interference from outside sources or bodies; internal and
external authority.
It is a political principle which TRANSCENDS NATIONALISM and advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among nations and people.
Supporters of this principle are referred to
as internationalists, and generally believe that the PEOPLE of the world SHOULD UNITE across national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries to advance their common interests, or that the governments of the world should cooperate because their mutual long-term interests are of greater importance than their short-term disputes.
It is a foreign policy doctrine that argues that liberal states should intervene in other sovereign states in order to pursue LIBERAL OBJECTIVES. Such intervention can include both military invasion and humanitarian aid.
Liberal Internationalism
It is derived from the BELIEF that international progress is possible, where progress is defined as movement toward increasing levels of HARMONIOUS COOPERATION between political communities.
Liberal Internationalism
It is the perception of all communist revolutions as being part of a SINGLE GLOBAL CLASS struggle rather than separate localized events.
Socialist Internationalism
It is based on the theory that capitalism is an international system, and therefore the working CLASSES of all nations must ACT IN CONCERT if they are to replace it with communism.
Socialist Internationalism
Proponents of socialist internationalism often argued that the objectives of a given revolution should be global rather than local in scope; for example, triggering or
perpetuating revolutions elsewhere.
Socialist Internationalism
It holds that all STATES are defined through their RELATION to OTHER STATES or through participation in the world economy, and that divisions between states help to divide the world into a core (industrialized capitalist countries), periphery and semi-periphery.
Interstate System
It is the PRINCIPLE of international law that each nation state has EXCLUSIVE SOVEREIGNTY over its territory.
Westphalian System
The PRINCIPLE underlies the MODERN INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM of sovereign states.
Westphalian System
The ______________ CHARTER states that “NOTHING SHOULD AUTHORIZE INTERVENTION in matters essentially
within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.”
The United Nations Charter
which ended the Thirty Years’ War, in which the major continental European states – the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France, Sweden and the Dutch Republic – AGREED TO RESPECT one another’s territorial integrity.
the Peace of
It was a system of dispute resolution adopted by the major conservative powers of EUROPE to MAINTAIN their POWER, oppose revolutionary movements, weaken the forces of nationalism, and uphold the balance of power.
Concert of Europe | Congress System
This arrangement
was established AFTER THE NAPOLEONIC WARS (1803- 1815)
Concert of Europe | Congress System
key European powers: (AFBRP)
Austria, France, Britain, Russia, and Prussia
It initially comprised key European powers:
Austria, France, Britain, Russia, and Prussia (the
predecessor to modern Germany). Some of the members of the Concert of Europe maintained their alliances, such as the Holy Alliance between Prussia, Austria, and Russia.
Concert of Europe | Congress System
Goals & rewards of the
Concert: (CDPUHH)
control France after
many years of war.
develop a “balance of
power” among the
nations of Europe.
prevent another dictator
from gaining too much
power (like Napoleon).
uphold the agreements
set by the Congress of
Vienna (1814-1815).
helped end the eight-
year Egyptian control of
helped Greece and
Belgium gain
An intergovernmental organisation founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace
League of Nations
It was the FIRST INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION whose principal mission was to maintain world PEACE.
League of Nations
Its primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included PREVENTING WARS through COLLECTIVE SECURITY and disarmament and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.
League of Nations
Other issues in this and related treaties included labour conditions, just treatment of native inhabitants, human and drug trafficking, the arms trade, global
health, prisoners of war, and protection of
minorities in Europe.
League of Nations
Naming and Shaming
Allotment of Benefits
Cultural Diplomacy
is the practice of
representatives of states.
Are usually a FIRST RESORT after the failure of diplomacy, and are one
of the MAIN TOOLS used to enforce treaties. They can take the form of
diplomatic or economic sanctions and involve the CUTTING OF TIES and
imposition of barriers to
communication or trade.
the USE OF FORCE, is often thought of as the ultimate tool of international relations; It is a state of armed conflict between states, societies and informal groups, such as insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by EXTREME AGGRESSION, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.
attempting to alter states’ actions through ‘naming and shaming’ at the international level. This is mostly done by the LARGE HUMAN RIGHTS, NGOs such as Amnesty
International, or Human Rights Watch.
Naming and Shaming
The ALLOTMENT of economic and/or
diplomatic benefits such as the European Union’s enlargement policy; candidate countries are only allowed to join if they meet the Copenhagen criteria.
Allotment of Benefits
The MUTUAL EXCHANGE of ideas, information, art, music, and language among nations through
cultural diplomacy has also been recognized by governments as an
important tool in the development of international relations.
Cultural Diplomacy