Module 1 : Introduction to Globalization Flashcards
is a comprehensive process which can be articulated as social system composing of coordinating relationship working together as one.
There are three domains of globalization namely: (PEC)
political, economic and cultural.
delves from its historical perspective to the challenges of the state or a country.
What are the four elements of a state? (PTGS)
people, territory, government and sovereignty.
which says that, no one is an island is applicable on the very existence of the state as such that it must interact with other states.
old adage
are geographically separated by mountains and oceans
involved Western Europe and the United States and was fought in the Atlantic.
World War I
involved Allied and Axis. It is considered to be the bloodiest and the most terrifying war in history because atomic bomb was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
World War II
and globalization
are the keys to
the future.”
Fujio Mitarai
“Too often we
participate in the
globalization of
indifference. May we
strive instead to live
global solidarity.”
Pope Francis
It usually pertains to the integration of national markets to a wider global market signified by an increase in free trade.
They refer to the act of opposing trade deals among countries facilitated and promoted by international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO)
refers to the expansion
and intensification of social relations
and consciousness across world-time
and world-space. It is a multi-
dimensional phenomenon involving
economics, politics, culture, ideology,
environment, and technology.
Globalization by Manfred B. Steger
Major areas of Globalization (ECPE)
Economic globalization
Cultural globalization
Political globalization
Ecological globalization
It is the increasing economic interdependence of
national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross- border movement of goods, services, technology, and capital.
Economic globalization
It is the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
Cultural globalization
It is the growth of the worldwide political system, and its institutions in size and complexity.
Political globalization
It accounts for the idea of considering planet Earth as a single global entity – a common good all societies should protect since the weather affects everyone and we are all protected by the same atmosphere.
Ecological globalization
Basic Features of Globalization (TCMD)
Trade and Transactions
Capital and Investment Movements
Migration and Movement of People
Dissemination of Knowledge
Forces of Globalization (HARI)
Advancement of Technologies
Reduction in Cross-trade Barriers
Increase in Consumer Demand
High Competition
It is an ideology based on the belief that people, information, and goods should be able to cross national borders unrestricted.
The ideological component of globalization
It is the spread of technology, products, information, and jobs across nations.
It involves increasing interconnection between people and regions throughout the world.
Strengths of Globalization (5) (SCIBB)
- Broadens access to more goods and services at lower prices.
- Scaled up Businesses.
- Innovation.
- Better quality and variety.
- Cross-cultural exchange
Flaws of Globalization (5)
- Growing inequality and exploitation
- Increased unemployment/job displacement rate
- Disproportional wealth.
- Trade and imbalance and weak regulations.
- Cultural homogenization
It works to stabilize the system and help countries facing balance of payment and debt crises. 190 member countries
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Seeks to prevent conflict with global security norms and assistance for humanitarian crises. 193 member countries
United Nations (UN)
Founded to help reconstruct postwar Europe, It now provides loans and policy advice to developing countries. 189 member countries
World Bank
Sets rules for international trade and adjudicates trade disputes. 164 member countries
World Trade Organizations (WTO)