Module 3 Unit 3: Programming and App Development Flashcards
The process where apps, of whatever type, are created by programmers
Software Development
a sequence of instructions for your computer to perform
A type of programming language where you must transform the code to an executable binary before it can run (convert source code to machine code) and generally runs quicker compared to interpreted code.
However, this program type tends to be platform (CPU) specific; to run on other platforms, you must recompile the source code for the new platform. (C++, C#, COBOL, PASCAL)
Compiled Programming Languages
A type of programming language that runs within the context of an interpreter, which converts the code into machine code at runtime.
The program runs more slowly but also means it is likely that you can run the program on any platform for which you have an interpreter (Python, JavaScript, Perl, Python)
Interpreted Programming Languages
A type of programming language that is designed to retrieve specific records from a dataset. The code does not need to be compiled. (SQL)
Query Language
A type of programming language that represents machine code in human-readable text. Typically specific to a particular hardware architecture.
It is very difficult to follow and is only really used by specialists trying to solve a very particular problem with an application
Assembly Language
This language is not a programming language but a means of making data in a document accessible to a program.
It defines a series of nested tags that describe the structure and/or meaning of the tag contents. (HTML, XML)
Markup language
a label for something within your program. If it stores data, then it will be either a variable or a constant.
used in a program to access a program element, such as a stored value, class, method, or interface.
can be used as a term for a special type of identifier that can reference multiple values (or elements). (Ex: a simple array)
an instruction to your computer to execute a different sequence of instructions and is used to control the flow within your program
What is the key difference between a procedure and a function?
A function can return a value to whatever called it, whereas a procedure cannot.
A part of a program that is ignored by the compiler or interpreter and is indicated by a special delimiter, such as double forward slash (//), hash (#), or apostrophe (‘).
Comments/Comment Line
A way of designing code that has the idea of creating recognizable things within the code and making them interact through defined methods that makes the code easier to maintain and update.
An object in this type of programming can have inner workings that other parts of the program cannot affect and outer or public values and things that the object can do that other parts of the program can read or ask the object to change or do
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Objects in OOP can have three things:
Attributes, Methods, Properties
Are values and data types that define the object. These are stored within the object as fields or private variables. Other programs cannot access or change the fields directly.
Defines what you can do to an object.
In Python, these are functions that are associated with an object, and they are used to perform operations on the object.
Represent an alternative way of accessing a field. It allows external code to ask the object to show or change the value of one of its fields.
A smaller piece of code than a program that is generally targeted at completing a specific task (i.e., a task based within a web-based application, or a repetitive administrative task).
What is the difference between a program and a script?
A program usually provides some sort of unique functionality, while anything a script does could usually be performed manually by a user.
a collection of command-line instructions that you store in a .CMD file, which you can run by calling its name from the command-line or double-clicking the file in File Explorer.
Generally run from end to end and are limited in terms of branching and user input.
Batch files
enables you to perform management and administrative tasks in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 (and some earlier versions).
Windows PowerShell
a scripting language based on Microsoft’s Visual Basic programming language. It provides similar functionality to JavaScript and is often used by network administrators to perform repetitive administrative tasks.
Software applications that are written to run under a particular operating system (and sometimes a particular version or set of versions of an OS). The software is written using a development environment suitable for that OS.
Single-platform software
Software written for PCs and laptops (“desktop” applications) is being supplemented with software written for touch-based mobile devices and operating systems
Cross-platform Software
Three application delivery methods
Local install/installed locally
Network install/installed to a network server
Cloud hosted model