Module 3: Embryology Flashcards
Define the embryological period
Stage of development from fertilization (sperm meeting egg @ around week 3) until around the 8th week of pregnancy
Outline the process of gastrulation
Gastrulation is the formation of a trilaminar disc from the bilaminar embryonic disc. The three cell layers that make up the trilaminar disc are called the primary germ layers and will give rise to all structures of the tinana.
What are the two layers of the bilaminar embryonic disc?
Epiblast: upper layer. Hypoblast: lower layer.
The bilaminar disc is a two-layered structure derived from what?
The inner cell mass, which is part of the blastocyst.
What are the layers of the trilaminar disc?
Ectoderm, Mesoderm & Endoderm
What is the Endoderm?
The first cells to invade the hypoblast and replace it with the definitive endoderm. This is the inner most germ layer which forms the digestive tract, and much of the respiratory system: respiratory glands, & mucosal lining of tracts.
What is the Mesoderm?
middle germ layer; develops into muscles, gonads, dermis of skin, skeleton (except cranial bones), heart + blood vessels, kidneys, serous membranes
What is the Ectoderm?
Outermost germ layer which is formed from the remaining epiblast cells; produces cranial bones, brain and spinal cord, epidermis + glands of skin
What is a teratogen?
Any agent such as a food, drug or chemical that causes malformation/abnormality by damaging fetal growth.
What are the effects of smoking on the embryo?
can cause irreparable damage and congenital malformations during the embryological period (cleft lip, congenital heart defects) and can induce fetal hypoxia and growth retardation
What is the overall critical period for a pepi is the embryological period which is:
3-8 embryological weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - CNS
3 - 32 weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - Heart
3 - 6 weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - upper limbs + lower limbs
4 - 6 weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - Upper lip
5 - 7 weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - Ears + Eyes
4 - 9 ish weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - Teeth + Palate
6 - 9 weeks
What is the critical period for embryo - External genitalia
7 - 10 weeks
What are the effects of alcohol on the embryo?
alcohol can cross the placental barrier and can lead to different Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): causes structural deformities + neurological impacts
What are the effects of chemicals on the embryo?
radiation (mental retardation, childhood leukemia), Lead (premature/low birth weight), Cadmium (effects kidneys/lungs), Mercury (disrupts nervous system/slows growth/cerebral palsy)
Outline the embryonic development of: NS
First organ system to begin developing after gastrulation and it begins with neurulation. At the end of neurulation we have the formation of the brain and spinal cord (CNS+PNS)
Outline the embryonic development of: Head + Neck
Involves all three primary germ layers. By the 4th embryological week
Outline the embryonic development of: Cardiovascular system
Outline the embryonic development of: Respiratory system
Outline the embryonic development of: GI system
Outline the embryonic development of: Renal system
Outline the embryonic development of: Reproductive system
Outline the embryonic development of: Musculoskeletal system
Outline the embryonic development of: Integumentary system
What is the primitive streak?
Before gastrulation, in the amnion where the epiblast & hypoblast come together (bilaminar disc) the epiblast cells migrate to the primitive streak; which forms around day 15 at the CAUDAL end of the bilaminar disc. This defines the major body axes - cranial, caudal, L/R.
What is neurulation?
Formation of the neutral tube & involves the growth, movement and differentiation of cells the ectoderm.
What is the first event of neurulation?
Formation of the neural plate: which forms at the cranial end of the embryo & grows in a cranial to caudal direction. Cranial end becomes brain and caudal end becomes spinal cord.
What is the second event of neurulation after the formation of the neural plate (end of week 3)?
Lateral edges of the neural plate become elevated and move together to form the neural folds.
What is the third event of neurulation after the formation of the neural folds?
Neural folds fuse together and the neural plate then transforms to form the neural tube: which is the precursor to the central nervous system (CNS). The neural tube begins forming in the middle + moves outwards to ends. Once closed forms brain + spinal cord.
What are the neural crests and when are they formed?
Neural crests are formed and neural tube closed by the end of the third embryological week (~day 21).
The neural crests will develop into the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) as well as the bones and blood vessels of the head
By the end of the fifth embryological week, the brain will have formed three distinct regions:
forebrain (cerebrum + diencephalon)
midbrain (midbrain of brainstem)
hindbrain: pons and medulla of brainstem and cerebellum