Module 3 - Communication Skills Flashcards
What is the definition of Communication?
It is the process of using verbal and non-verbal messages to generate meaning. Communication is based on the process that messages are sent and received.
List some problem encountered with communication.
*Not listening
*Not understanding
*Cultural differences
*Language barriers
*Distractions (noise, etc)
List some factors that may affect a person’s ability or willingness to listen effectively.
*Relationship with the speaker
*Lack of time or Pre-occupation with other interests
*Difficulty regulating emotions
*How the message is being presented
*Level of comfort with the subject matter
*Personal experience and knowledge of the subject matter
Communication is comprised of 3 components. What are they?
Verbal, Non-verbal behaviours, Para-verbal language
Communication Component (1/3)
Define: Verbal
The specific words used to convey the message
Communication Component (2/3)
Define and provide examples: Non-verbal behaviours
The body language or physical actions that accompany communication. Can be used to replace, emphasize or contradict verbal communication. These behaviours include;
*Facial expressions
*Physical appearance
*Physical posture
*Personal space
Communication Component (3/3)
Define and provide examples: Para-verbal Language
he manner in which verbal communication is presented: volume, pitch, tone, intensity, etc. This encompasses the manner in which verbal communication is expressed – how what is said IS said.
For example:
“I didn’t SAY you were an idiot”
“I didn’t say YOU were an idiot”
“I didn’t say you were an IDIOT”
What is Active Listening?
This process promotes consistent communication and ensures that the “listener” receives the correct message, promotes empathy and acceptance, and avoids jumping to conclusions.
List Active Listening skills
*Attending behaviours (eye contact, leaning in, voice style, avoid giving advice, restrict questioning)
*Paraphrasing and Clarifying (repeat back)
*Reflection (rephrase the emotional content of the statement)
*Open Questions (gather info, allows individual to express ideas)
*Closed Questions (ask specific details)
What is the purpose of Verbal Intervention?
It is to prevent escalation of a Conflict situation into a Crisis. When providing verbal intervention, understanding the issue of Proxemics is imperative.
What is proxemics?
It is the spatial separation between people in relation to communication, most commonly known as “interpersonal distances”. Understanding and paying attention to this issue can assist in conflict situations.
What are the 4 defined distances within proxemics?
When you enter a conflict situation, what should you adhere to?
*Promote a positive atmosphere
*Be aware of your non-verbal behaviours
*Remain in control (be direct)
*Gather information
*Maintain and unbiased perspective