Module 1 - Intro & Course Overview Flashcards
Introduction & Course Overview
Describe the terms Stress, Crisis, and Conflict.
These terms are used to describe the natural reaction an individual experiences during times of change or disagreement with themselves, others, or the environment.
What is stress?
Stress is a response to a perceived threat, challenge, or change, and is an ordinary part of our lives.
List physical and psychological responses to stress
- increased muscle tension / increased strength
- increased respiration / elevated heart rate
- increased mental acuity / elevated thought processing
- decreased fine motor skills
What are some symptoms of stress?
- Constant fatigue
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs
- Elevated blood pressure
- Severe or persistent headaches
- Loss of sex drive
- Sleeplessness
List the detrimental effects when stress management techniques are not used.
- mental efficiency may be affected / difficulty remembering details
*becoming easily distracted / inability to focus on a particular task
*inability to trust people / becoming emotionally detached - having exaggerated responses to simple questions/actions (angry outbursts)
What are some emotional symptoms of stress?
*Increased irritability
*Crying spells
*Withdrawal from others or social situations
*Difficulty with personal relationships
What is Crisis?
An individual’s perception that the difficulty of an event or situation exceeds their resources or coping mechanisms. Most often this can be seen as noticeable fear, shock or distress and results in the person being unable to cope or function.
Crisis is comprised of 3 parts. What are they?
- The occurrence of the precipitating event (What just happened?)
- The perception of the event leads to subjective stress (Oh no, this is terrible!)
- The person’s usual coping methods fail and the person’s functioning level begin to deteriorate. (I can’t handle this!)
There are 3 ways one may react to a crisis. What are they?
- Cope effectively by one’s self and gain from the experience
- Change in a manner that allows one to survive the crisis, but blocks out awareness and hurt; remains “haunted” by the crisis
- Break down psychologically and demonstrate the need for help.
Crisis can be a danger and an opportunity. What is the definition of danger?
The crisis has the potential to overwhelm the individual and may cause them to react in pathology, even suicide or homicide in extreme cases.
Crisis can be a danger and an opportunity. What is the definition of opportunity?
The crisis encourages the individual to seek help and allows them to gain insight from the experience.
List examples of some characteristics a person may exhibit in a crisis.
*Distorted view of reality
*Personality changes
*Feelings of anger or fear
*Agitation, extreme restlessness, hyperactivity
What is Conflict?
Defined as a disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that have different attitudes, values, beliefs, and needs.
What are some positive outcomes of conflict?
*It can help raise and address problems
*Helps people to be motivated to participate
*Results in the clarification of important problems and issues
*Results in change
*Clarifies needs and positions
*Builds cooperation among people and allows them to learn more about each other.
What are some negative outcomes of conflict?
*Hampers productivity
*Lowers morale
*Causes more and continued conflicts
*Causes inappropriate behaviour
*Escalates to violence